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Very much on a whim rewatched the first two episodes of A-Channel, a rather low-key, slow-paced comedy/slice-of-life from two years ago. It's not really outstanding in any regard, I guess, but it's a very fun show to just relax with.


General information: http://myanimelist.net/anime/9776/A-Channel

Episode 1 screenshots & RC blog post: http://randomc.net/2011/04/08/a-channel-01/


(Also: I <3 Tooru, she's just so freaking adorable! ^^)


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Oh for fuck's sake... I just rewatched the ending, just the ending, of Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo's last episode. And you know what? Now I kinda want to watch the whole show once more. Even though it's 24 episodes, even though it'll take a long time, there's other shows I should be watching and want to watch, there's episodes in there like #21 that I don't want to see again... but damnit, it's Sakurasou! Doesn't help that I've been listening to Days of Dash ever since, too, like almost once a day at least! I'm really kinda conflicted right now, as stupid as that may sound...

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Railgun S episode 16:



Not many thoughts about the episode I can put in words... so just a few things:


Despite those glimpses into Accelerator's past - awful childhood, being tricked by scientists (just like Mikoto, but on a much worse level I assume), etc. - Touma's punch to his face was sooo satisfying.


"Pfft", says MISAKA as she pretends to laugh. - the whole bit between Mikoto and MISAKA at that playground, about being sisters, big sister, little sister... that was great. And gave us some wonderful lines, from MISAKA in particular...


"...but she's my big sister, who'd even give her life for me."


"But even so... At this very moment, I am still alive."


"So... please stay with me... and help me find a reason to exist", requests MISAKA, mustering all her selfishness.


And finally, what I kinda think gives even more closure to the arc... MISAKA #10032(?) getting a Gekota badge from a capsule machine... MISAKA #9982, your death was not in vain. It was the beginning of the end of the experiment.



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I believe DBZ has been dubbed in German. I don't know how well the voice acting is, or if the translation script writting came out as good since it was done so long ago, and back then I would guess Anime wasn't taken very seriously.. I mean during the first few seasons of DBZ. I don't know how serious they take it there now with all honestly, like if it's as big a deal as it is here in the US, or some other place where anime has huge popularity

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Yeah, DBZ was dubbed into German, I don't remember it very well, tho. It was fine, I guess, but... not very memorable to me personally? I think the best to come out of the German dub were the German versions of Cha-La-Head-Cha-La and We Gotta Power :P


There's a bunch of shows I have never actually seen in Japanese with subs, only dubbed, ex. most of what aired on RTL2 (excluding ex. Digimon Frontier and Savers, which I've seen in both languages) or the few series that VOX broadcast during their "anime nights". I thus can't compare the dubs to the original voice acting, but I gotta say that I really liked some of them, just from how the acting felt and such - Detective Conan and One Piece are two positive examples of dubs, I think, as well as Samurai Champloo.


Others I have seen in Japanese and German, such as Madoka Magica and K-ON! season 1, both of which I liked as well - Madoka's dub in particular. And I still can't get over the fact that Kyouko was voiced by the same VA who voiced Takeru / T.K. in Digimon Adventure! That's so weird in my mind; plus I think the work of Kyouko's German VA might be my favorite in the show! Then again, Digimon was over 10 years ago, so...


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since the most Anime of the last season ended, i decided to start a few of the latest ones.


Watamote : well, no matter how you look at it...that show is crazy, strange and funny as hell xD Kuroki Tomoko is a girl who would be described as "mojo" (unpopular woman)  in Japan. she kinda lived in her own world and never realized how much she is isolated from the normal social life. She has years of dating sim expereance...but in the real world she´s extremely shy and never talked to a boy. 

I think i´ll keep watching the series.


Kami-sama no Inai Nichiyoubi : God abandoned the world on the 7th day of Creation. Nobody in the world can die or reproduce anymore. only the gravekeepers can kill the humans once and for all.

I only watched 2 episodes yet so i can´t really tell whats going on but it looks interesting for sure^^


Danganronpa - The Animation : That show actually surprised me. it is a little bit like a mix of mirai nikki and Case Closed.

description by myanimelist.net:

A group of 15 elite high school students are gathered at a very special, high class high school. To graduate from this high school essentially means you'll succeed in life, but graduating is very difficult. The school is presided over by a bear called Monokuma, and he explains to them that their graduation hinges around committing a murder. The only way to graduate is to kill one of your classmates and get away with it. If the other classmates discover the identity of the killer, the killer is the only one executed. However, if they fail to catch the killer, only the killer graduates and the others are annihilated. Which of the 15 will survive the bloodbath to come?

looks interesting and i´ll keep on watching it


The first 2 seasons of kami nomi zo shiru sekai weren´t bad at all but nothng special. The 3rd season actually looks amazing. I will definitely check it out asap^^


I also started with the first episodes of "blood lad" "Futari wa Milky Holmes" and "Stella Jogakuin Koutouka C3-bu" but didn´t liked them very much.

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C3-bu started out pretty normal - well, for a show centered around airsoft guns and survival games - but took a turn for the weird in episode 4... no exact spoilers, just some keywords:



...a supernatural ability, time travel, changing history? WTF?!



I do not know if this is just a ruse of some kind or if this really happened (and it's, kinda, heavily implied that it did), so I have no idea where they're going with this show. Regardless, it's been mindless fun before, and now it's also quite intriguing to boot... Here's hoping it'll stay as interesting as it just became!

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I'm going to be checking out a lot of anime's you guys have posted Xdan, and alphaheiti. I love anime, but again, it's been so long since I've been able to watch a lot.

Anyways I seen this on my Facebook news feed, and thought it was post worthy.


Looks like the Akira live action movie is back on... did they drop the whole Cowboy Beebop movie? I thought Bruce Willis would have made an excellent Jecht. Idk about Keanu being Spike, but eh' it didn't seem like a horrible decision.


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  • 2 weeks later...

K-ON! - Its a show about band of  5 moe girls. nothing special at all...so i can´t understand why i love it so much ;D i loved every single episode, the OVAs and especially the movie. Maybe its because of Azu-nyan´s awesomeness? Yui´s cuteness? Mio´s Coolness? or just because of KyoAni´s wonderful animations..I really don´t know^^ All i can say is that it was more than just enjoyable for me and i was pretty sad at the ended ( not becauseit was sad but because it ended^^).


anyway´s, The final of Oreimo is comming I this sonday and i´m very exited for it^^ BUT

if they´ll let the anime end just like the novel did, they´ll make a huge mistake. I was soooo disappointed of the ending...it was one of the worst possible endings...and i think the most people see it just like me. I mean..incest?!?..really?!? Couldn't they just make Kuroneko happy??



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The way in which Oreimo is gonna end really soured the whole show for me. It's also why I haven't yet watched S2 episode 13...



First we get the episodes that really hammer it into the viewers' heads, that neither Kuroneko, nor Ayase, nor anyone else that's not Kirino, have any chance to (permanently) land with Kyousuke, and then the ending, which everything's gonna come down to, is the incest end of all things! If I may say so, what the fuck is wrong with this author? I mean, it's not like I'm offended by incest - well, in anime anyway, real life is a whole different story - but the matter in which the story progressed towards this end, how the characters acted and reacted, all that is just so incredibly stupid, it's not even funny.


I am not looking forward to Oreimo's conclusion and I will be glad when it's finally over.


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AnoHana - First of all i want to say that this was the best anime i´ve watched since months! it only has 11 episodes; it is even the shortest i´ve ever watched; but it really touched my heart in a way that only one other anime did - Clannad Afterstory. Of curse the Characters weren´t that good ( you can´t really compare an anime with 50 episodes with an anime with an ~10 episodes) but it was at least as sad as Clannad, if not even sadder. It wasn´t sad in a depressive way, like clannad, Kanon and air was(i mean nothing bad happens to the characters), it was a happy-melt-your-heart kind of sad and the story is very beautiful. I want to mention that Clannad is still overall the better anime but AnoHana is at any rate the best short anime( yes even better than Madoka Magica and Elfen Lied :P)

The last episode was hard for me. I think i never cried more in a single episode.i felt really hurt inside my manliness; i could just not stop...but it totally worth watching it.


What else to say...the soundtrack was beautiful and perfectly fitting. The Animations were great. and meaning behind the series is very precious. (of curse i´m not gonna tell you what it is, watch it yourself!!) if you can  ^_^

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Oreimo Episode 14-16



I´ve expected that it wont be very good but at least enjoyable...well, it wasn´t.. not even a bit! that were 3 of the worst episodes of anime i´ve ever watched! it ruined everything. Everything good in that anime has been brutally destroyed, and what remains is just a pile of crap!

That fucking kyousuke broke everyones heart to have a nice little incest-time with his fucking sister!


And the worst part of that shitty story is that they not even stayed together.... WTF?!? That asshole made Kuroneko, Manami, and ayase cry just to spend a few days with his damn sister. They Even "married" secretly and took wedding pictures but after they kissed, they´re "just siblings" again. everything went back to normal all of a sudden...I mean seriously?!? That was one of the worst endings in anime history!!

I HATE Kyousuke and that guy who wrote the Novel is even worse! how can someone crush a nice anime in such a horrible way?


The first scene was actually very nice; Kyousuke and Kuroneko having fun together, just like the most fans would like to see..but than he broke her heart in a million pieces. It was soo painful to see her break down in tears. 

The only good part of that ending was the bitch fight between Kirino and Manami..finally Kirino gets beaten up a little bit.



That just had to be said!

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Oreimo episodes... uh... nope, I haven't watched them yet. And between the tweets from Stilts of Random Curiosity, alphaheiti's post, and Zanibas' post on RC for episodes 14 to 16, I have no desire to watch them anytime soon. I guess I will eventually, but, like...



...does the author just fucking hate Kuroneko? Having Kyousuke break her heart yet again? I'm at a loss of words. Also because everything apparently ends with a non-ending?! It's not even really the incest route, it's just NOTHING? Back to the status quo, despite Kyousuke and Kirino having pretty much alienated everyone else with their behavior? How's that gonna work?


Honestly, Oreimo season 2 has been mostly bullshit. It had its moments here and there, but how the overarching story played out has completely ruined the series. I liked the first season - looking it up on my MAL list, an 8/10 - but this? It's the Endless Eight (5/10) of Oreimo, just way, way worse.


Ugh, last words on this for now, until I've someday watched the final episodes myself... Kuroneko for the fucking win, Kyousuke and Kirino can die in a fire.



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Quick thoughts about Railgun S episodes 17-19:



As great as the Sisters arc was, I'm glad to have the more lighthearted side of Railgun back, like that bit with Frenda vs Kuroko in episode 17, or some of Saten's good old skirt-flipping an episode later.


That said, tho, there's something brewing again in Academy City... What's up with those scientists or whatever, one of which berated Kongou for using her esper powers to stop a thief, who apparently hold some kind of grudge against espers (or that's what I gathered after the aforementioned encounter with Kongou), and who're after Febri-chan, a pretty mysterious girl - potentially a Child Error? - who seems to know Mikoto in some way. Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to seeing them getting their scientific butts kicked.


(And as a side note, Saten makes for an awesome mom! I mean, she's awesome in general, but... yeah! <3 ...although, would she be the mom? Or Uiharu? Considering episode 19, that is. Oh, I dunno, I just know they make an adorable family! :P


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  • 4 weeks later...

Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S episode 23:



Well, not really spoilers as much as just me saying that I can't wait for the next episode.


This arc might not have been on the Level (heh) of the Sisters arc - that's gonna be extremely hard to top anyway - and it's technically been filler, but it's still a fine addition to Railgun as a whole. It's been fleshing out some characters and the world a bit more, I think, or at least for those who haven't seen Index (like me).


Regardless, as I said, I can't wait to watch the next episode! Also, just like in Railgun season 1, <3 Saten and her bat!




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alphaheiti: Though I still think that...



...Mami was one of the good guys. The thing is, while she was tricked by Kyubey (or in Kyubey's mind more like she "didn't read the fine print in the contract") just like the others were, she apparently also had a more fragile mind than everyone else - case in point, her freaking out and killing Kyouko (think it was her) in one of the timelines.


She was influenced by Kyubey much easier than, say, Homura, she most likely owes her life to Kyubey - or that's what I gathered from that traffic accident -, unlike Sayaka, and in particular Madoka, she didn't have anyone else to rely on anymore, etc. She wasn't evil as such, she just wanted friends. The circumstances turned her into the broken person she was inside.



(hope that makes sense, not feeling that well right now)


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The Fall season starts right now and it doesn´t look bad  ^_^ there are many reasons why I am very excited for it, for example the OVA´s of Yahari, Watamote, KissXsis and Pokemon: The Origin. 3 Movies also looks pretty interesting : Takanashi Rikka - Kai: Chuunibyou Movie, The 3rd Madoka Movie and the AnoHana Movie. all 3 are gekijoban Movies with a little bit new contant, which is great in my opinion. Code Geass: Akito the Exiled 2 will be awesome for sure anyways...


they´re also a 2 new series i can´t wait to watch:





Studio Deen


The "life-and-death sibling" story follows Utsutsu and Yume Hasegawa, a boy and his little sister who find themselves all alone. One day, Yume sees a mysterious red butterfly and her body undergoes a strange metamorphosis—into a creature that eats humans. Utsutsu struggles to find a way to restore his sister.




Kyoukai no Kanata



Kyoto Animations


The dark fantasy follows a high school sophomore named Akihito Kanbara. Although the boy appears human, he is half youmu and invulnerable to wounds because he can heal quickly. One day, Akihito meets freshman Mirai Kuriyama when it seems she is about to jump from the school rooftop. Mirai is isolated because of her ability to manipulate blood, which is unique even among members of the spirit world. Disturbing events begin to unfold after Akihito saves Mirai.




What else to say...I´ve watched the last episodes of Danganronpa, Watamote and Shingeki no Kyojin and all 3 weren´t good at all..i knew that Danganronpa and Watamote aren´t outstanding series but i thought that Shingeki is amazing...sadly there were only like 6 good episodes...

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