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Voyager of Time [COMPLETE]


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I'm very tired, but I'm looking forward to trying this out tomorrow! (Hopefully by then someone will find some answers to the issues that most people seem to be having.) Also, I love the trailer. Its great, but I kinda lol'd at the end with the clip of the sword spinning that just cuts to the project logo. It looks a bit... off. But other than that, great looking trailer and an even better looking hack! Congratulations on completion as well (seeing as how most other great looking projects never see the light of day...)! Anyway, like I said, I'm really excited about giving this a try.

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I got it to work on Everdrive 64! I used GZRT to fix the CRC checksum. It wouldn't work on Project 64 but I think it would have if I set my settings on it.

It's awesome to finally have a complete Zelda hack running on my ED64. I don't know if it will turn out like Zelda's birthday and freeze as soon as I try to go to a certain spot or anything, but hopefully that's not the case

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Dear lord, never have I ran into this many problems. I have the program, yet everytime I try to open it, the black box pops up and immediately closes before I can even see anything. This used to happen all the time when I would try to access ipconfig.

It's a command-line tool :P Here's what you do...


Open up NotePad, and write this in there:

rn64crc.exe -u [ROM Name]pause
Fill in [ROM Name] with the filename of your ROM. For example...

rn64crc.exe -u ZELOOTMA.Z64
Anyways, save this file as "rn64crc.bat" (file extension is important) and place it within the same folder as rn64crc.exe. Place your ROM within the same folder as well. Once everything is prepped, simply double click on rn64crc.bat (yup, rn64crc.bat) to make it execute.


For those who want to use 1964, make sure your ROM CRC is correct and then use the settings found in this thread: http://glitchkill.proboards.com/index.cgi?board=88uuuftak&action=display&thread=5406

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For those having trouble, and think it might be the clean rom problem, I'm gonna try and upload a patched rom later today. My gramma's internet isn't the fastest, so it might take a while to upload.


Apologies for all the troubles. x.x

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Not working for me either. I first patched to a debug addition of MQ, but Nemu just crashes for me. I then tried a non debug version and it gave me a black screen as if it started to load  but stayed stuck on the black screen.


Do you think version or release area of the rom may have something to do with it? o.o

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Don't Mac users get any love? I can't finding a patching tool for ppf's to save my life...


Btw just realized this is my first post. Hi all.


EDIT: Scratch that, just discovered that the Playstation PPF-o-matic works, and wasn't my problem. Oh well, newbie problems. But that means that the black screen on MupenPlus is still a mystery... @.@

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While using Nemu64, the ROM plays sound, but loads no video, and I receive the message Error: too many commands executed. Stopping dlist processing at the bottom of the emulator. I can get video to run by using the outdated PJ64 plugin, but this causes the textures to look funky.


EDIT: Seems to work fine in Mupen.

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Google translate:

I continue the project for some time (including URA, which has been canceled), but I've checked to see how it goes. Sorry I speak just enough English, so I write in Spanish.
Will I be able to upload videos to my Youtube account? Greetings and thanks. Very good work.
In spanish:

Sigo el proyecto desde hace tiempo (incluido URA, que ha sido cancelado), pero me he registrado para ver como va. Lo siento, se hablar ingles lo justo, por eso lo escribo en español.


Podre subir videos en mi cuenta de Youtube¿? Saludos y gracias. Muy bien trabajo.

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Google translate:


I continue the project for some time (including URA, which has been canceled), but I've checked to see how it goes. Sorry I speak just enough English, so I write in Spanish.
Will I be able to upload videos to my Youtube account? Greetings and thanks. Very good work.
In spanish:

Sigo el proyecto desde hace tiempo (incluido URA, que ha sido cancelado), pero me he registrado para ver como va. Lo siento, se hablar ingles lo justo, por eso lo escribo en español.


Podre subir videos en mi cuenta de Youtube¿? Saludos y gracias. Muy bien trabajo.

Yep, you can upload videos for it on youtube, just be sure to give credit of course. You are free to play the game and show it off however you want. Have fun!


Se puede subir videos para que en youtube, sólo asegúrese de dar crédito por supuesto. Usted es libre de jugar el juego y demostrar que fuera lo que le apetezca. Que se diviertan!

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Hilarious. Right when I finally fix the CRC on my own, that gets released. I am honestly laughing right now! At least I learned how to do something. Yes, I am on the title screen right now, using PJ64 and getting ready to play. I must thank everyone again for taking your time to help me out. It's reasons like these that I love this community.

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Hilarious. Right when I finally fix the CRC on my own, that gets released. I am honestly laughing right now! At least I learned how to do something. Yes, I am on the title screen right now, using PJ64 and getting ready to play. I must thank everyone again for taking your time to help me out. It's reasons like these that I love this community.



Yeah, it seems everyone is having a little bit of a different issue--when one solution works for something, another one comes out. XD We'll get it nailed down, it'll be like this for a while though, probably. Glad you were able to get it working, let me know how you like it!

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Google translate:

I continue the project for some time (including URA, which has been canceled), but I've checked to see how it goes. Sorry I speak just enough English, so I write in Spanish.
Will I be able to upload videos to my Youtube account? Greetings and thanks. Very good work.
In spanish:

Sigo el proyecto desde hace tiempo (incluido URA, que ha sido cancelado), pero me he registrado para ver como va. Lo siento, se hablar ingles lo justo, por eso lo escribo en español.


Podre subir videos en mi cuenta de Youtube¿? Saludos y gracias. Muy bien trabajo.

Yep, you can upload videos for it on youtube, just be sure to give credit of course. You are free to play the game and show it off however you want. Have fun!


Se puede subir videos para que en youtube, sólo asegúrese de dar crédito por supuesto. Usted es libre de jugar el juego y demostrar que fuera lo que le apetezca. Que se diviertan!



Okey thanks. The work is really impressive. I will put in the description, all the information I can from you. I hope this free play soon!


Okey gracias. El trabajo realmente es impresionante. Pondre en la descripcion, toda la informacion que pueda de ustedes. Espero que este el juego libre pronto!

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I know jack diddly about all this moddin' and hackin' biznis.But I downloaded the fixed CRC (whatever that is).  I had an old version of zelootma.z64 lying around.  And I downloaded ppf-o-matic.I followed the instructions, loaded up zelootma.z64 in the iso file, but when I went to load the patch, it's not letting me load the fixed CRC file because it shows up as Voyager.z64, when i'm sure it's supposed to be referred to as a ppf.I know, probably simple.  Help?

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