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Voyager of Time [COMPLETE]


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I am also very proud of you Giadrosich, since the moment you joined this community you have been pushing towards this goal and I am very glad to see that it is all about to pay off. Keep up the fantastic work and hopefully with school coming to a close for this semester I can actually play it. (Again, sorry about not being a reliable beta tester)

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I am also very proud of you Giadrosich, since the moment you joined this community you have been pushing towards this goal and I am very glad to see that it is all about to pay off. Keep up the fantastic work and hopefully with school coming to a close for this semester I can actually play it. (Again, sorry about not being a reliable beta tester)

Hey, you were the first person to teach me how to do anything with modding! You taught me how to decompress a rom! That was big stuff back then, I was so proud of that (still am, too!).


And you made ZAP2 click for me, which really made the mod take off.

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I'm actually going through the text and fixing up any grammar and punctuation errors I find, as well as making some slight modifications to what is said.


I will also be going through again and "translating" it to European English, i.e. "armour" "defence" "organise" in contrast to the US "armor" "defense" "organize". Why? I'm just picky. :P

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I wanted to give a midnight release for early birds, but not sure how that's gonna turn out. I don't have a specific time-frame right now, just when everything gets together--I'm really just waiting on my music team at this point, and hopefully we'll do the last-minute-panic-dance and get everything done. XD


But it WILL be out tomorrow, imported music or not.

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Just wanted to let folks know that I'm going to release the Setting Up guide later tonight for the mod which will go over how to patch, and what emulator settings to use, that way if you want to set things up a little early.


Based on the feedback I get from the website in my email, I have a lot of interest from folks who haven't heard of emulators or roms, so the how-to will assume you know nothing. Apologies to those who do know.


Sneak preview: One of my testers does a lot of TASing in his spare time, so he's going to be making a TAS video for me just to sort of bring interest to the speedrun community for the mod. This video will be shown off in the guide.


On a side note, I'm in GA right now at my grandma's house. I don't have access to wireless, so I'm pretty much switching which computer is hardwired into the internet. She pitches a big fit when any settings on her computer is changed, so I'm gonna be trying to get stuff done on a limited internet for the first part of the day. x.x


So yep, VoT will be released from my grandma's house. XD I always think it's a little funny when I say that.

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;) Confirmed and complete! Just waiting on music confirmation now.



After learning to text edit I could translate it into German (no promises, due to the fact that I am unable to use my laptpp atm).


It uses Deathbasket's text tool, and I just edit it in notepad to keep it simple. Very easy and efficient program--I've had no issues with it at all. The only thing about translating is you have to make sure to keep it within the text boxes. Text boxes can only take up to four lines, so depending on the difference in length, it could be an issue with translating the story. If in the future you do want to take a crack at it though, let me know!

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Okay, unfortunate news. We won't be able to have custom music in the mod due to some issues with parts of the music not being compatible with the Zelda instruments.


BUT! We will be releasing a patch when the music is fixed, that way if people would like to hear the awesome songs my composers created, you'll be able to do that.


I will also be releasing the songs to listen to that way you can appreciate their hard work. I apologize to everyone who did expect custom songs, but we need a bit more time on that. I refuse to push the whole thing back though, so I'll be releasing the main mod May 1st as I've said.

You guys need something to play to get your minds off recent events, and I think this mod will deliver.


I hope everyone understands.

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Eehhh....I'm just gonna say I hope that the nemu issues clear up. I've heard there's a lot of lag on PJ64, but I think with PJ and glide plugin...it MIGHT work. I haven't tested it myself, but I know someone who had it running on that setup. So...I'm gonna say a hopeful yes.

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