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Everything posted by EXIA

  1. If it weren't for work and university getting in the way, I'd love to help out with the music. For now though, it sounds like you've already got a handful of people on it already, so I guess that's no problem! Maybe in the future when I've not got so much work to do. The Thunder Surge Temple looks pretty dope!
  2. That's a neat looking map! Punk - I couldn't listen to the music I'm afraid - my mac argues with ogg format quite often - but I'm sure it's great! I'll definitely keep following this project, it's looking good
  3. EXIA

    Music etc

    [COVER] Chrono Trigger - Corridors Of Time
  4. EXIA

    Music etc

    Thanks - much appreciated, dude!
  5. This is looking mighty impressive - I look forward to the next update!
  6. EXIA

    Music etc

    I think we briefly spoke, but not much. I used to go by "Faceless64", but I can't remember when I changed my name haha
  7. EXIA

    Some of My Music

    'Sup Punk, "Plains of Eternity" popped up on my soundcloud stream a couple of weeks ago - I really enjoyed it! Always good to hear new stuff!
  8. EXIA

    Music etc

    Can't think of a better way to get back into the groove of the GCN than by doing what I do best - shamelessly sharing my own music. https://soundcloud.com/ethan_jeffrey Project Nimbus OST - Ethan Jeffrey ethanjeffreymusic.com Any feedback is greatly appreciated! I'm looking forward to being back to the GCN regularly, haha
  9. Hey everyone, It sure has changed around here! Loving the new site style haha Anyway, thought I'd reintroduce myself rather than just randomly appearing unannounced in some other thread! EDIT: I used to go by "Faceless64" - I can't remember when I changed to EXIA haha
  10. Project Nimbus (a game I composed music for) has just gone live on kickstarter! It's already been Greenlit on Steam, but we need this kickstarter to succeed so that we can finalise the game. Even just checking it out and telling a friend would be fantastic and I'd really appreciate it. If you're feeling really nice, you could even donate http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kissltd/project-nimbus
  11. Given that Cinebrass was only released in 2011, there's no way it could have been used on Goldeneye. I vaguely remember having a conversation with Punk where he mentioned a Roland JV 1010 being used on a lot of n64 games, including Goldeneye. I can't quite remember, though. (Punk, if you see this could you clarify? ^^) There appears to be something called "n64 sound tool" which is a windows 95 MIDI sequencer that could connect to the n64 via a cartridge. http://www.assemblergames.com/forums/showthread.php?19049-N64-Sound-Tool I'm not sure it was used on OoT, but several sources I've seen after a quick google search have linked it to games by Rare, so it might be interesting to look at. One of my lecturers is well versed in old methods of music production, so I'll try to ask him what he thinks about it while I'm in today.
  12. Could you possibly make your font size/line spacing a bit smaller? It just causes lots of unnecessary scrolling, so it's hard to follow the post.
  13. Seeing as MIDI was fully available during the 80s, the music was most likely sequenced with a MIDI interface. (It's worth noting that MIDI isn't a way of producing a sound, it is actually just a set of instructions that control other parameters) Punk's OoT soundfont clearly shows the use of sample manipulation (chants and performed rhythmic instruments are clearly audible when slowed down), so they certainly recorded a lot of their own sounds and used some kind of sampler during sequencing. The best way to find the sound sets and instruments they used would be to look at which were popular during the 90s (for example, if in 15 years you were looking for sound libraries from the 2000s, you'd be sure to find things like EWQL and Cinebrass). However, I wouldn't count on finding too much. Larger companies like Nintendo and Square Enix would have team members specifically to design synth sounds (it's still a very common practice today). Composers like Masashi Hamauzu (FFXIII) started their careers with those jobs. Also, because of the use of samples, I'd be willing to bet that some of the instruments are also samples, rather than being synth based. Of course, this is just educated guess work. But I'm pretty confident that a lot of it is correct, haha.
  14. EXIA

    Piano Collection

    Thanks guys, I really appreciate the kind words!
  15. EXIA

    Piano Collection

    Cheers, man, much appreciated! I've been pretty productive lately, so here's another track https://soundcloud.com/ethan_jeffrey/finale-gazing-from-the-abyss (It's on a much larger scale than some of my other stuff, so I'm not sure if it counts as part of the piano collection, but oh well haha)
  16. EXIA

    Piano Collection

    I recently started a piano collection of my music, whether it be original songs for piano or new versions of songs I've written for games and short films. https://soundcloud.com/ethan_jeffrey/sets/piano Enjoy
  17. Good work, dude. It's great to see your work improving! If I were you, I'd try to contact as many indie developers etc as possible and try to get your work out there. Keep it up!
  18. My bad, dude. I didn't mean to come across that way. All I'm trying to do is put across what I deem to be a reasonably well formulated opinion based on what I've seen so far. I'm really not disputing that it's a good game, because it is - it's great. It's pretty hard to keep me playing a game for 10 hours on the first day, haha. All I'm saying is that I don't think it deserves the massive hype that surrounds it, because at the end of the day, it's same old, same old (as I see it.) As you said, these are just different opinions, I just thought it would be interesting to share my (possibly controversial) one.
  19. I'll agree with anyone saying it's better than IV, I absolutely can't deny that. But I've clocked about 10 hours on it and I can certainly base an opinion on that time. Like I said before, the story is interesting enough to keep me playing (and unlike IV, I actually care about the story, rather than just wanting to rack up 5 stars and steal a helicopter or something), so I'm not completely bashing it. I just don't think it warrants all the hype around it. Also, I just got killed by a Cougar. Damn.
  20. I'm gonna be that guy, but I've played it for a few hours today and well.... It was okay. It's a clear step up from IV, but it still feels like the same old "drive here, shoot this, chase that" gameplay. I know that's the point, which is cool and all, but I just don't understand the hype over this game. On a positive note, the story is interesting enough to keep me playing and the world has a lot of attention to detail. But yeah, in my opinion, it's not this huge 9/10 everyone's hyping it up to be, *it just evokes the older GTA games rather than GTAIV. (Given that IV was the first one I played, I guess the nostalgia thing isn't really doing anything.) This may be taken badly, but in this genre, a game I prefer is Sleeping Dogs. Sure it's not as large and is a little bit rusty around the edges, but it had a level of depth to it that I'm just not getting from GTA. Aaaaaand, that's my two cents. xoxo *From what all of my friends are telling me when I've expressed my opinion
  21. Cheers Spire, I'm sure I'll have some new stuff to show once I've fully settled in my new city!
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