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I swear when I try to draw with a led pencil all the lines come out all sketchy, and not straight or curved the way I want them to be. Ink pen, and regular pencils are a whole different story. This was my first attempt to draw in a very long time.

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What size pencil are you using, Heavy? You may want to switch to a larger lead size like .09 or something

I have no idea, I wll see about it. I had started to think I had lost my touch, then I was requested to draw something for someone, and after crumbling a few pages drawn on using the same led pencil I switched to ink pen. Needless to say I still got it

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What size pencil are you using, Heavy? You may want to switch to a larger lead size like .09 or something

I have no idea, I wll see about it. I had started to think I had lost my touch, then I was requested to draw something for someone, and after crumbling a few pages drawn on using the same led pencil I switched to ink pen. Needless to say I still got it

I can assume the style you're going for is pretty clean and precise and line-oriented, yeah? You'll want to stick to ink pen then, reserve your pencil for initial sketches and concept art (and realism if you're into that sort of thing :b )




So I tried a new coloring style. I failed hard at the face anatomy on the first picture, so I tried again on the second one and did better.


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Those look real nice! A little tip for some instant improvement: darken your shadows. A little more contrast would really make these pop :) Sorry, hope you don't mind a little constructive criticism :0

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What size pencil are you using, Heavy? You may want to switch to a larger lead size like .09 or something

I have no idea, I wll see about it. I had started to think I had lost my touch, then I was requested to draw something for someone, and after crumbling a few pages drawn on using the same led pencil I switched to ink pen. Needless to say I still got it

I can assume the style you're going for is pretty clean and precise and line-oriented, yeah? You'll want to stick to ink pen then, reserve your pencil for initial sketches and concept art (and realism if you're into that sort of thing :b )




So I tried a new coloring style. I failed hard at the face anatomy on the first picture, so I tried again on the second one and did better.


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Those look real nice! A little tip for some instant improvement: darken your shadows. A little more contrast would really make these pop :) Sorry, hope you don't mind a little constructive criticism :0


I like the look ink pen does, but I also like to work with pencils for pictures involving a lot of different tones of shading, and I've never drawn rough draftish versions of pics, or used guidelines or anything I just draw whatever I'm going for. Thanks for the advice though! I just need to practice, and whatever problems I'm having won't be that bad after a while. Honestly I'm not half as good as I used to be, that drawing I did was something I could have sketched up in 5th grade... I just haven't drawn in years and now it's like I forgot all the little things I would do to make the job easier

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Hm, well I don't want to tell you to change your process if it's what you enjoy doing, but you should try to get into the habit of starting your drawings as rough concept sketches, as I (and most people, I guess) believe that will get you the best final results. But! if you like what you do, go for it :b Guidelines help as well, and they can become pretty second nature to you if you do some studies and stuff. Again, however, you're free to do what you want. That's why it's called art after all, right? :b 

Also I understand the whole thing about not being as good as you used to be. I've drawn all my life, but for about a year in high school, I pretty much stopped altogether. Then, senior year, I got into the AP art class thinking I was still hot shit, and I ended up getting a measly 2 on the exam ;_; It's taken me about a year and a half of constant practice to finally get back the skill I lost and actually make some progress, but I regret stopping for that little time I did. I would be leagues ahead if I didn't. I blame public school :b

Sorry, kinda ranting there, haha.

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Hm, well I don't want to tell you to change your process if it's what you enjoy doing, but you should try to get into the habit of starting your drawings as rough concept sketches, as I (and most people, I guess) believe that will get you the best final results. But! if you like what you do, go for it :b Guidelines help as well, and they can become pretty second nature to you if you do some studies and stuff. Again, however, you're free to do what you want. That's why it's called art after all, right? :b 

Also I understand the whole thing about not being as good as you used to be. I've drawn all my life, but for about a year in high school, I pretty much stopped altogether. Then, senior year, I got into the AP art class thinking I was still hot shit, and I ended up getting a measly 2 on the exam ;_; It's taken me about a year and a half of constant practice to finally get back the skill I lost and actually make some progress, but I regret stopping for that little time I did. I would be leagues ahead if I didn't. I blame public school :b

Sorry, kinda ranting there, haha.

Rant on haha

I haven't drawn in four years other than that one picture and another for someone, I like drawing, though it got to be one of the things I didn't want to do a lot. I'll see if I can draw another one soon, and maybe blow that last pic I drew out of the water. I just never had any real use for any of that other stuff, I wish I had all my high school drawings.... someone stole my binder with all of them during gym class in 10th grade :/

I've scoured my old Xanga, and Myspace to see if I had any on them, and all I could find was this from middle school

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