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Omnai Blackwind

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Everything posted by Omnai Blackwind

  1. I drew things and made a horrible pun. You're welcome.(jkjk Hope you enjoy xD)
  2. Don't worry, a lot of people have that issue. That and it's turned into a "Kusai is BASICALLY A DUDE ANYWAY" But that's a story I'll touch on in this. Yo, I'm Kusai/Omnai/Laura. I'm a 23 year old biological female, but I'm more on the genderfluid/genderqueer side of the spectrum. Basically I'm perfectly happy with my body being female, but I'm more mentally a male. I don't know how to describe it really, but now you know! I live in BC, Canada, and have spent a lot of time travelling...Though not to very exotic places LOL:. I really enjoy drawing, video games, roleplaying. Yeah I'm pretty boring 8u;; I originally met Takuhi and Shadowfire on the Social networking game called Secondlife through the Zelda community there. At first I didn't have a whole lot of interest in the URA project, but I did know that Riggy(who I know Takuhi/Zethn64 as) Was really good at modeling and textures. Course they pushed me(not really) to join the community. I was pretty quiet and in the background for a while, but then Shadowfire asked if I wanted to be staff, because he could trust me and knew I was good at such a thing. That's what happens when you're staff in the Zelda SL community for a while! I accepted and stayed mostly in the background, and only really stepped forward when I was needed, but that was all fine and dandy. Then Ura fell, and there was a lot of drama and anger surrounding it.But after a while, a lot of the things said made me thing. "This doesn't sound like Riggy." I mean, a few things at the time I felt suspicious about, and I did my share of saying some pretty awful things. But I was also being spoken to behind my shoulder, of the different things he apparently pulled. So, one day, I messaged him. I sent him a picture to start a conversation, and we discussed the whole thing. Then it all made sense. Sooner or later, he was brought back into the community, and he often thanks me for that. Riggy and I became admins under Shadowfire, and are now actually part of a pretty successful Zelda Roleplay community on Secondlife. A lot of ups and downs in the past four years but all and all it's been pretty awesome. As for other things, well, I want to go to school for Early Childhood development, because I actually adore kids. I also want to go somewhere with my art, which the farthest I've gone is a concept artist for a couple of projects on here. One fell through, and another I don't have time for, but the one I'm arting for now I'm hoping takes off really well! Uh....Other then that I can't really think of anything. SO~
  3. Yes Spire is a good mapper. Yes he is a good artist. Yes he had some awesome Ideas. But I have seen him work to control a project with my own eyes. When the project all ended and everyone was putting the blame on Zeth? Guess who was the only person to go to his side and be like "Hey, what happened?" Me. No, perhaps it wasn't a collective work of just Spire alone, and that's fine for you to think! Everyone could have handled the situation far more maturely! But, honestly, this is not the place to throw out fits on who's opinion is bigger. If you have an issue on what was said, perhaps it would be better to take it to IMs, yeah?
  4. Sorry for the long post, but I'm really proud of all of these LOL;
  5. Cut and dyed my hair, better time then any to post this xD;
  6. VANILLA COCA COLA Holla Water color paint or acrylic?
  7. I love them both, but the postman is generally less annoying XD Coffee or tea?
  8. Derp Oh the random things that happen during RP
  9. Sour Cream and Onion, I can just never enjoy the taste of Regular chips anymore. Digital art or traditional?
  10. I confirm my slot, but I'm going to need a reminder on what I was supposed to do 8D; Things have been hectic with RL lately so I've honestly forgotten Also yes, I forgive. I forgave you before you even said sorry :> I can understand how my comment could have been taken the wrong way xD
  11. Pie and cheesecake are delicious, but two very different deserty goodness. I see what you're saying, and I agree. xD
  12. No I haven't, considering I don't have the system to play it on. When I am able to get my hands on one again, I'll be sure to play it again,
  13. I should draw people other them Oom BUT I DID A SPEED PAINT https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0y4dTs_biD0&feature=youtu.be
  14. You guys need to post more XD; Gore warning: Lazy Chibis xD Angsty Duo A picture that broke my pen <.>
  15. Double Omnai Post, Double Omnai fun 8D Have a chibi~
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