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The Central Realm


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Red: ARGH! He's gone! I was under his tricks this whole time and he just suddenly disappears! WHAT HAVE I GOT TO SHOW FOR IT?! A BURNING DUNGEON! RAWHGHHHH-


Red's anger had him reaching for his sword in seconds and slicing away at the wooden walls. His mind was furious with anger, but his body was tired and in pain. Red ignored the pain and clenched his sword tight as his energy began to form into magic and cover his sword's blade. As the blade glowed red and orange it suddenly changed to a yellow and white glow. The power grew and grew, and eventually, Red raised his sword high above his head and sliced downwards. CRASH! A large wave of energy rippled outwards from his body, blowing away the walls of the dungeon. The strong winds lasted for at least a minute before they settled down. Looking around, Red realized that all that was left around him was a large pile of rubble and the Sun's light shining down on it.

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Right as Green, Purple and Mega Man escaped the temple, it suddenly blew apart.

Whoa! They both said in unison. No! Red! Blue! Green fell on the ground, At least you made it out, Purple..

You too, Mega Man. You've helped us out alot.. Green thanked. Do you think you can go and look for Red? He MAY have survived...

Sure. I'll see if he's in there... Mega Man said, walking toward the temple.

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Blue rested his hand on his head, seeming a little confused at the topic at hand.


"I really don't know, Green... I woke up and it was dark, and everything hurt... I prayed that I could get out of here, and then... the blue light appeared, and healed a lot of my injuries and it helped me find my way out..."

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A light appeared from the dark rubble covering the ground, then suddenly, a figure jumped high into the sky and threw an object towards Green.

Red: NO! NO! Do you know how FURIOUS I AM!? My mind is infested with a hatred that CANNOT BE DESCRIBED! HARGH!

Everyone looked to see what Green had caught. A glowing Greenish Brown Gem was in Green's hands. Cradling the gem was a sparkling silver metal, which started at the bottom and ran up the right side, and when it reached the top, curved upwards and back towards the end it came from.

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Red: That Dark Link idiot had it, he forgot it I bet. That wimp wouldn't put up a real battle! HE JUST RAN AWAY! THAARGHHHHHHHHH!

A red glow developed around Red, and soon enough, each Link had a color that represented them around them. Green had Farore's powers surrounding him, Red had Din's powers surrounding him, Blue had Nayru's powers surrounding him, and Purple had Her Grace; Hylia's powers surrounding him. Green, Red, Blue, Purple. The light grew bigger, and they started to ascend into the air. Luckly, Mega Man grabbed Green's hand before they warped away...

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Mega Man's tank (stomach?) lurched as he was being lifted into the air. He didn't enjoy the feeling much, so he called for his Rush Jet.

If anyone wants to ride with me, let me know! Mega Man shouted, side carts erupting from Rush's sides.


The four links are out of the portal (or whatever it is). Green, Red, and Megaman are transported to the same gereral area, but...

Purple: What!? Where am I? Red, Blue, Green? WHERE ARE YOU ALL!!!

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Finally! Someone posted!

Green looked around and saw that everyone was safe.. Then he looked twice and saw purple was missing.

Purple! Green yelled Where are you!? Mega Man, I think we may have left Purple behind..

Oh for the love of Dr. WIly's crusty undies.. Mega Man began to say, turning around and flying back.

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Off topic: I was waiting for someone else to say something, lol. I didn't know what to say


Purple looks spots a very strange green hill up ahead. as he gets closer, it gets even stranger.


Purple: Wh-WHAT!!!! What kind of bricks don't get effected by gravity!!! Better not stand under it. What's up with the animated question mark on it? This must be a trap!


Purple takes out his arrows and shoots the bricks. To his supprise...


Purple: A MUSHROOM!!! What kind of place is this anyway?!

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Red: Woah! I guess that stone Dark Link dropped has something to do with it. Luckly he forgot it, if he had it, it would have been used the wrong way...thinking of that little pest just-anyway...so, I'm going to take a random guess: if this can destroy time, it can also restore time, right? If so, then I'd suggest we find out who has the rest of these things!

Red Link, finally showing that he's not always angry and has a logical side, suggests that the team find the rest of these time-affecting stones in order to reverse their powers and restore time. Off they fly, to find the secrets of the stones...

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