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The Central Realm


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Off Topic: At around this time every day, I will be asleep. I don't know, but i'm guessing most people on this website live in different time zones from myself, me being hours ahead. It is very late where I live and I notice I am on the most when nobody else is on. So if you were wondering why I am gone a lot, that is why.

Thank you, and good night.

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Red: I never thought this would happen...hehhhh...I've been waiting for this moment...

Red began to shake vigorously, his eyes bulging. His sword began to glow very slightly, his life energy being absorbed by the sword.


Red jumped towards Dark Link with a murderous look in his eyes. He swung his sword with might, but Dark Link dodged the attack. Suddenly, a large beam came out of the sword and smashed into Dark Link as he lost his guard. Red ran backwards and took out Din's Fire, his specialized item. He broke the crystal in half and took the magic out of it, then shoved it onto his sword. Red closed the crystal back up, he would need it to recharge the magic later on. Dark Link had already recovered from the attack and was charging forward with his blade facing forward. Red swung his sword, glowing red with the power of fire. As his sword clashes with Dark Link's blade, a dark red energy flew around the plains. Red jumps away from the attack and smashes the dark red energy back at Dark Link, which upon impact exploded into a large flame full of shadow.

Red: I...think I did it...

An exhausted Red fell onto the ground, leaving it up to the other team members to finish this battle

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The surprisingly bloodless battle ended. But the body just disappeared.

"You...think you can beat me..?" "You...really want to try, don't you?"

The four Links are looking around from where the voice is coming from.

"Well...alright then. Here I come!"

The team was in a perfect line, Dark Link, jumped from a corner of the ceiling with great speed and zoomed past the four Links and Mega Man.

As Dark Link flew, he sliced the shoulder of each Link with great bloody surprise...

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whoa... this topic seems to have rolled over and died... but anyways, here i post!

Green stared at Dark Link, clutching his shoulder in pain. "You. What are YOU doing here?" He said.

C'mon guys! We can take this guy! Green yelled, running forward preparing for a helm splitter.

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