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Gone with the Wind


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'As for the ZREO website, it will remain online until June 12, 2013 so you have some time to say goodbye. After that time, it will go dark indefinitely.'

Looks like it, but how will people access the music.

Also, this was posted the day after april fools, so, um, ?

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It's the 4th. Kinda late to be pranking. 


To me, ZREO was nothing special. There is not a single song they've made that I've ever liked, and I've dug around their site a few times.

Just waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Granted not all of their work is super epic, but I personally found quite a few songs I really did like.  This just kind of surprises me. o__O

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I don't hate Zelda music, I just don't find ZREO's "reskins" interesting. A lot of their older stuff simply doesn't sound good at all because there are a few things that just don't sound right to me, whereas the newer stuff is technically better, but has nothing exciting about them that puts them on a level above the source material.

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I never really listened to ZREO, but the few songs I have heard were massively epic. Their reorchestration of the battle with Ganon in OoT was amazing, as was the one of the Royal Crypt from Minish Cap. I always thought the latter could've used a touch up, the GBA just doesn't do it justice.


It's certainly sad to see them go. Especially when they haven't reorchestrated Tarm Ruins from Oracle of Seasons yet! :c

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