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Everything posted by zaneebaslave

  1. I just watched a marathon of "Here comes Honey Boo-boo" for my new year and no one is gonna tell me I done wrong!
  2. Aye, Merry Christmas to all! I have had a rather sad Christmas so far. Had to put one of my ferrets to sleep due to kidney failure. But I'm not gonna lose my Christmas spirit, and wish you all a great one all the same!
  3. Bought some dominoes. That's a REAL man's game.
  4. I'm not really the best person to take advise from, considering I've never ever had any form of art schooling. But here's what I would recommend to start out: start with the eyes. The eyes are the gateway to the soul, after all. If you can't draw convincing eyes, things tend to look a bit lifeless.
  5. Sell the huge-ass beetles you get at midnight from the island. You'll be more pleased.
  6. ... How the hell did I get vibrating beds out of this?
  7. Isn't that what Nintendo used to make before video games? I think I heard that somewhere.
  8. Like a grand illusionist, I disappear without a trace and reappear when no one expects it! I've returned to apologize for leaving so abruptly and to once again try to help the projects I left behind. My reasons for leaving? Well... I suppose I have no reasons. I suppose it's in my nature to simply leave when I no longer feel I have anything worth-while to say, or that I no longer seem to be privy to the topics of the forum. Thats how I felt at the time. So not only did I leave, I tried my best to completely erase myself from the community. I'm just fickle like that. I've also done this with other forums and projects. Hell, I've even done this with friends and family members. Damn it, I'm anti-social to the point of mania, people! What I did was wrong, though, despite it just being the way I am. I'm sure that this forum didn't miss me much, and Project Antiqua is not lacking in the art department. But I'm here to re-administer my art services to anyone who needs me.
  9. If it weren't for you, Nintendo would still be making vibrating beds.
  10. I left forever. Now I'm back. Did you miss me? Be honest.
  11. Being a man who gets extremely motion sick very easily, I'm none too fond of the idea of the development of virtual reality. This brings back horrible, gut-wrenching memories of the time I went to Virtual Disney in Chicago when I was a kid, and the three days of vomiting afterwards. If they can somehow do it in such a way that it doesn't trigger motion-sickness, then I'd be okay with it.
  12. Super mario fox suit! You get to ride in a space ship!
  13. ... They throw in an animation lesson? ... If only I had 10,000 bucks.
  14. Well, it looks a right bit more like Gerudo valley then what they did aesthetically with the Super Mario brother's reimagining of levels one and two. I never once thought this level was a lifeless desert in the original version. The first level had rolling green hills and big green bushes that made me believe otherwise. I mean, yeah, the ground is dirt, but I thought that was just to make sure it popped out from the hills and the bushes, not that it was a lifeless, sad desert. As for the Gerudo valley, it's too short of a clip of video to speculate too hard, but from what I can see, it looks and sounds pretty much how I would imagine it: Like Gerudo Valley.
  15. Shaolin Grandma. A movie based around a feeble old japanese woman who happens to be good at Kung Fu, and her quest for love and fashion. If you like Japan for their action-packed animation and their exotic culture, this movie will probably change your mind about everything. Just... Look for it on Netflix. That's all I can say. Also from our friends to the east, is the glorious visionary marvel, Big Man Japan. It's a mockumentary about the life and struggles of a super hero who battles giant japanese monsters. I reiterate... If you like Japan for their action-packed animation and their exotic culture, this movie will probably alter that Final Fantasy style Japan you probably used to dream about. This movie is weird to the point of nasty, and yet... You can't... Look.... AWAY.
  16. A strange, unnatural hole all the way to the bone appeared on my big toe. It was covered over with a few layers of skin, so it wasn't bleeding or anything, but you could see through it like a window to the bone. It was lovely!
  17. But that's how dwarves are anyways!
  18. Let's see... Third party candidate... Well, we could see Okami. It came out on both playstation and the Wii. Everyone has seen this game, even if they don't really know anything about it. It also has that stylized look that Nintendo loves to put into Smash games. I can see it happening.
  19. You know what would suck ass? https://www.google.com/search?q=wreck+it+ralph&client=safari&hl=en&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=wyC6UdfYH7TKyQH3w4CIBg&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAQ&biw=320&bih=356#biv=i%7C4%3Bd%7CV4UvG2orNCsnnM%3A
  20. None of those characters are in Smash. Expect to see Dixie Kong. Which doesn't upset me in the least.
  21. I'm sure a lot of pervy texture hackers are gonna LOVE the new Wii Fit trainer!
  22. Why must games bring so much hate? *sad violin music*
  23. ... Everything spire and mallos said WAS on topic. As for the games, I'm not much of an expert on hand-helds. But nothing there seemed like something I would rush out to get a Vita for.
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