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Nintendo's Copyright ID Claims Issue


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Meh, wouldn't the easiest solution here just to be get your own video hosting or find a different video host without the same type of monetisation?  That's what the Angry Video Game Nerd and the staff over on That Guy with the Glasses did to get away from Youtube's systems.


Or use Youtube and have your videos accessible on a website like raocow's one or the like.  Add adverts to the side of it, and voila!


Personally, I think the whole idea of this is patently ridiculous, simply because video games are not like other media.  Watching someone play them is no substitute for playing them (and if it is, you weren't the kind of person to have bought the game to begin with), and I consider it right to be able to do anything I like with anything I buy, end of.  Screw licenses or other crap, I prefer the old way where you buy something, company never sees you again and you do whatever with it.

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Ethically, no I don't think Nintendo has any right to that money. Games are art, which means at the end of the day, Nintendo is a corporation of artists. 


I hate to break it to ya, but no matter how hard you want videogames to be art and Nintendo to be a corporation of artists(which to a certain degree they are),

videogames ARE a consumers product and Nintendo (whether you like it or not), like every other company in this bussiness, is in it for the money

so it's in their best interest to do as they please with their products.

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All I can say is, the more money they have, the more they can put into games. Because we know Nintendo doesn't cheap out on their games. So I'm cool with them doing whatever. Hell, they're not sending us CaD letters left and right for all of our modding (like square enix, or sony) and they just let us do what we want. Honestly, Nintendo is pretty badass, and deserves they money they need. 

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