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Everything posted by CM30

  1. Well, may as well post a few more pics of custom enemies and mechanics coded for the game! More familiar bosses I need to start work on. A demon enemy based on Mario Fusion. Falling humanoids that explode when they hit the ground. Metal Slug style aliens. Bullet Bills that target Mario with dropped sprites. A rocket/vertical rocket barrel mechanic. Free flight levels with straight fireballs. Zingers from the Donkey Kong Country series (other patterns in development)
  2. Damn, I haven't posted any updates in here for a while! Still, have a few level updates first! Red Switch Palace Getting 10 or more coins will kill you. Avoid the money like the plague! Yellow Switch Palace Those purple blocks send Mario in the directions indicated on them when enemies touch them. Be careful! Map Pics A few WIP map screens Plus the most interesting thing... stuff I'm coding myself in assembly language. Yeah, I've gotten into ASM programming a while back, and have coded many of the enemies, bosses and mechanics used in this game. For instance, the two switch palace gimmicks mentioned above were coded by me. Still, how about some new enemies? A boss I started on, but didn't add attacks for yet. Can be defeated by thrown items, and will explode when the hit counter reaches 0. A very basic enemy from Super Mario Land 2 which I coded as a test. Doesn't move, but hey, it didn't in the original game either. One of 4 familiar Zelda bosses I'm recreating in SMW's engine/ This guy jumps when you jump. Originated in Super Mario 3D World. A large shark enemy for underwater levels. Based on Super Mario 64's version. Biddybuds from Super Mario 3D Land/World. Needs death frame, finished wall detection, but otherwise nearly done. Not shown: Mini boss based on 3 Pigs from Super Mario Land 2 (rolls and gets faster if extra bit clear, rolls and jumps faster if extra bit set), thunder cloud which tries to chase the player, Mecha Cheep Cheep that explodes on hitting a wall, and a Sheikah Monk inspired by Breath of the Wild's shrine monks functionality/design wise.
  3. Thanks! Glad you like the project. Also glad you keep this place running too. It may not be active anymore, but it's got a lot of history, and it's nice to pop back in and see things that happened here before too. Would be neat if it could be revived, but I'm not sure if that's possible right now.
  4. And yeah, have a few more pictures hah: Beach Level Vanish Cap Vessel Macro Zone World 2 Fortress The above net moves, and you can press L and R to switch side. Boom Boom is in many towers and fortresses, with a different attack pattern each time (walks, jumps, flies, throws or drops bombs, shoots fire, summons clones, etc). Minecart Madness Hit switches to create paths. Bits of the track will crumble behind you. Circus Level Yes there will be a circus level at one point, similar to the ones in 3D World.
  5. Have a few more pictures I guess!
  6. And some more I couldn't upload there...
  7. And another quick update, for the exactly zero people checking.
  8. Damn this place is quiet. Still, for the few people who do visit, have some updates from my ROMHacking.net topic about this game: Plus a GFX test or two:
  9. A few more screens I forgot to post here:
  10. Well, the updates for this are mostly found on ROM Hacking.net and on Discord now, but hey, for those who still visit this place for some reason:
  11. And another late update. Don't worry, I don't only post them on this forum:
  12. Enemy GFX are being made world specific, thanks to a fantastic new sprite sheet No Body posted on MFGG. Here are some pictures of the new enemies in the GFX test levels for the game. So yeah, thoughts?
  13. This is still in development, albeit very slowly. Currently importing in resources to prepare for rebuilding many levels. Still Missing Assets for: Metro Kingdom/New Donk City level Pirate ship rocket barrel level Lost Kingdom/Forgotten Isle level Ice castle level (technically ripped them, but the resources got lost) Wooded Kingdom/Steam Gardens level Casino level Lightning Lake level Plus all of the final two worlds
  14. Well, that and how the current game's design makes lives, points, etc kind of useless. I mean, even the original game had a save feature that trivialised both of them, and getting a game over is nothing more thana pointless little annoyance that does nothing other than waste about two seconds of the player's time. Well, and it simplifies the status bar, which is neat. Either way, I'm now figuring out how to move everything into one game, so work can restart on porting over and improving the level design.
  15. Quick mechanics update. As I mentioned before (somewhere, not sure where), this game is being modernised in terms of mechanics and what not. As a result, the following are all now gone from the game: Lives (like in Odyssey, you have infinite lives) Points (no score system is present at all) Bonus Stars (you could never reach the bonus game anyway, since Super Mario Bros 3 style goals don't give you them) Time (there's no timer at all) And the coin counter is going to be adjusted to give players more than 99 at a time, for spending purposes.
  16. It's a fan tileset based on Paper Mario Color Splash. it's not the easiest to fit into a SNES title, but it looks nice, so I thought a level based on that concept could work well. It can also have the paint mechanics from said title, albeit done in a more interesting way.
  17. Oh sod it, some more stuff: Not actual levels, just GFX tests. Finally need to start work on level building again.
  18. Current progress: Forest tileset replaced again, this time should be final Pokey graphics replaced, look much better Desert tileset replaced, looks much better too And ripped a few random tilesets meant for indie projects from sites like Open Game Art, and they look fantastic as well. Actually need to get around to making levels at some point.
  19. They originally couldn't interact with platforms. But when Mario Maker came out, people in the SMW hacking community realised that coding a patch for that sort of interaction was a great idea and would help a lot with interesting level designs.
  20. Well, some good news. The latest version of the power up patch is finally compatible with SA-1, and is installed on this game. This means it now has the following power ups: Hammer Suit Super Leaf Tanooki Suit Frog Suit Superball Flower Ice Flower Mini Mushroom Rocket Boots Propeller Mushroom Bubble Flower Penguin Suit Blue Shell With the Cat Suit possibly coming in future. Pretty cool eh? I've also now got blocks that shatter when hit with a hammer, boomerang, Mario in his shell form, a superball and statue Mario falling on them, as well as ones only passable as Mini Mario and water the latter can run on. The Superball flower can also be used to collect coins from afar. Additionally, I've also added a great patch that adds platform collision for sprites, meaning sprites like enemies now interact with moving platforms, springs, etc. This has some... funny results: (the grey platform falls if you stand on it directly, taking the Chuck and spring down with it) It's absolutely insane, and it makes you almost question whether this is still Super Mario World you're playing. Then again, the levels and mechanics and sprites and effects and what not in general will probably make you question the same thing, since this is... basically a new game built on the same engine with only vague mechanical similarities left. There's also a new map design in progress, various new levels (to even out the count) and a new game design expert on the testing team. So yeah, expect to hear more (and perhaps see another demo) soon.
  21. Okay, seems like the level design issues with this game are a bit worse than I thought. Will probably have to redesign about 80% of the stages to make them the quality I want them to be, especially now I actually know something about game design and have swatted up on things like Mark Brown's Game Maker's Toolkit videos. Too many levels in this just don't really go anywhere or introduce/use their mechanics in interesting ways, which will be hopefully fixed soon. Next demo will have redesigned levels up to the end of the desert themed world. Then I'll figure out how to proceed from there.
  22. Okay, this is a bit morbid: It's a level set inside of the body of... honestly I don't know what. Some sort of demon monster? Either way, the FG is from a guy called PROX on SMBX.org, the BG is from a game called Incantation (seriously, the 'hellscape' level there looks ridiculously out of place in said otherwise kid friendly game) and the creepy eyeballs actually blink. Will I work on this tomorrow or Gaming Reinvented tomorrow? Who knows.
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