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Xbox is done for, courtesy of MS themselves.


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Everyones talking about new gen while I'm contemplating PS2 with HDD, and new Nes Everdrive.

When the Wii U gets some new games I'll be getting it for sure. I don't really know what other system I'll get after that.. I'm still buying old school games while most of them are cheap

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Shit confirms that the rumor is false. Proof. Christ, we're slow. It took us 13 days to report this.


I'm sorry, but they never were rumors. It was the cold, hard truth; the leaks proved it, Adam Orth proved it. It was going to be online only, Microsoft just wised the fuck up, surprisingly listened to fan backlash, and got rid of the always online BS.


Why do I sound so certain of this? Because, it's the most blatantly obvious thing EVER.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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There was a time when consoles didn't have an internet connection, period. I honestly miss those days. I have my Wii on the internet but I used it for years without one and it worked just fine. I don't see the big deal of having internet on it except for the sole purpose of multiplayer gaming or in the Wii's case, Virtual Console (don't know about other consoles except the DS as well). Other than that, totally unnecessary.

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I don't see the big deal of having internet on it except for the sole purpose of multiplayer gaming or in the Wii's case, Virtual Console (don't know about other consoles except the DS as well). Other than that, totally unnecessary.

Okay. What about updating your console? (that's the only thing I can think of at the moment)

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Well well if this rumors is true or not is up to discuss. The thing is i don´t really bother caring about this  stuff


Just as an aside, you really ought to. If these rumors are to be believed (and from the looks of the article, this seems to stem from a fairly reliable source), then Microsoft is about to be guilty of one of the hugest invasions of privacy the world has ever seen before, with the potential to instantly see whatever happens to be in front of every Kinect device that's hooked up to a console with an internet connection. I don't know about you, but I absolutely don't want a camera in my house--never mind my own room--that has the potential to spy on me at any time without me being aware of it.



Um.. You know Facebook already does that? They spy on you through webcams and your cell phone's camera. It's written in one of their agreements that they can access your camera at any time and record what you're doing. And they claim that they only do it to hear and see the things you like, so that they can more easily choose what ads will be shown to you while you are on Facebook.

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...that's not true. I can't even find a single source on the internet that backs up what you said, either. Not only that, if they truly were peering through my webcam every time I was on their website, its light would be on. It never is.


And as an FYI, if your webcam's light turns on by itself one day, it's not facebook doing it. You've got bigger problems at that point.

(If none of you got what I meant: hackers. Miserable little pricks spying on you through your webcam; always put tape over it, like I do.)


Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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Let me point to the last hour or two of tweets on my account: https://twitter.com/xdanieldzd


For example...


"Sports, television, cloud, Kinect, Smartglass, EA Sports... Someone call me when there's something interesting? #xboxreveal"

"If E3 doesn't bring anything interesting, I'll drop out of console gaming after current gen. #xboxreveal #jumpout"


Not to mention what they didn't mention during the reveal, see http://www.wired.com/gamelife/2013/05/xbox-one-analysis/


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It is true. I couldn't find it myself, but my mom found it and showed it to me. I read it and it did say that under one of the user agreements.


But my webcam never turns on to spy on me when I use facebook, and neither does it for anyone I know.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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So yeah lolguesswhat, it seems that for real it won't be always online, but Microsoft HOPES developers will make their games always online by using their stupid cloud computing shit. Aaaand, what does that mean for 1st party Xbox games(Halo, Gears of War)? Put two and two together.

Also, charging people a fee to play used games. Jesus Christ, you've got to be kidding me...

I'm definitely going PS4 and Wii U this generation.

Oh, by the way, who is the moron that came up with the name Xbox One? Are they aware that implies it's the first Xbox to even exist? The only Xbox "One" is the original damn Xbox.

Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.
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Screw Microsoft. Screw them in the ear, I rarely, RARELY ever buy new video games. I mean I always make sure the ones I do get are in good condition.. I am a collector after all.

My interentet went out for a few hours yesterday, it wasn't my router, or anything. I had to wait hours to get back online, and you know what I did? I played video games.

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So... its not always online, but if its not connected at least once a day it'll refuse to work...



Between this, the so-called optional (to developers) cloud processing and the used game fee, the worst part is this console will probably be completely unplayable within 5-10 years of its replacement. Those servers wont be running forever.


Dead on arrival.

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Well it looks like I'm getting a PS3 for the sole purpose of Madden, because there is no way I'm buying an XBox nor will I allow my family to. I'd be all set if I could play Madden on my Wii U, but EA is too cool for Nintendo. (And god please no puns with my name </3)

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Doesn't it feel good to be a Rare fan right now?




Nah, not really. I assume it will be one of the following:


1. Conker's Bad Fur Day sequel

2. A new Banjo Kazooie game

3. Another Perfect Dark

4. Possibly a Jet Force Gemeni sequel?


And what will it be on? A console that, despite conflicting rumors, was eventually confirmed to require an internet connection to function. It also blocks used games, charging you a fee to use them. It also has an always-on Kinect, which is another requirement for the console to function.


Rare would be better off if they were owned by Nintendo, or Sony. Nah, fuck that, they should be a third party, multi-platform developer. Oh well, a man can dream.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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