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Losing faith in Nintendo


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Oh, God, please. Honestly, either one of those would be great for his career as a videogame character, as the games are going down hill.


All I want to see Mario in anytime soon is* a Mario Kart for Wii U, because that series depends on Mario and Co. and the world they inhabit. But that's really pretty much the only thing.


(*alternatively insert "retirement home" joke here)

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It's not insane at all, actually. The Wii U has only been sold in 1 country, the US. Not to mention, there was a limited supply to begin with, and was sold out across the states. Finally, my last point is that it's launch week. The XBox has titles like Halo 4 and CoD that just came out. Wii U doesn't have a lot of titles yet.


I don't think you should lose faith in them at all for selling. They still have sold more Wii U's than the XBox 360 did in its opening week. 400,000 Wii U's > 360,000 XBox 360's.

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I still have faith in Nintendo and the Wii U, regardless of the Wii Mini and all that. I grew up with them, they saved the video game industry back in the 80's, so on and so forth, and I don't think a few bad decisions, Mario and Wii milking, and not so good Wii U sells are going to turn me off of them. I think they've still got it, and there are still several other countries the Wii U has yet to grace. And the Wii U has a lot of potential. They are taking their sweet time getting games on the 3DS, though, I hope they're a little more prompt with Wii U games. I am particularly hyped for Zelda Wii U for whatever reason, even more so that I was for Zelda Wii way back when. That's just what I think. I still have faith, they're just being stupid right now.

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I don't understand how you can say the Wii U is selling bad. It's only in the US right now, and 400,000 still tops both PS3 and XBox back in November of 2006. Sure, it's not the 600,000 that the original Wii was able to come up with, but still. The Wii U is actually doing fantastic right now.

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I don't understand how you can say the Wii U is selling bad. It's only in the US right now, and 400,000 still tops both PS3 and XBox back in November of 2006. Sure, it's not the 600,000 that the original Wii was able to come up with, but still. The Wii U is actually doing fantastic right now.


My point exactly. I did bring up that it was only in the US right now, right?
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it's really that all mainstream games and consoles are becoming less and less enjoyable...


it's not just nintendo, but the majority of the gaming industry!





there are many requirements, costs, and risks that get in the way with all of these companies that may eventually be their own downfall... but why only focus on nintendo?

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Hezz, lets come up with a game!


The genre: A fps action adventure puzzle rpg racing shooter! :P


It's kinda a tough decision for the gaming folks; either take the risk of changing a mainstream title or new game and risk it getting rejected, thus losing profits and popularity, or continue on with the same old same old and be safe (and even that tactic might not work...)


It's just that game companies seem kinda scared to move on; they're afraid to test new things and possible failures...

Ha, I just added my FOUR sense (cents, get it? Wordplay? Meh...)

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, so, remember that "Wii mini" thing that's been released in Canada, a Wii without GCN support - like the previous redesign the Wii received - and without online support. Edit: And without SD card slot and composite video only.


It's seeing release in Europe in March.


Amazon Germany lists it at 109.99 € and it comes with console, WiiRemote Plus, Nunchuck and the other usual cables. Who is gonna buy this if they can get a black, GCN-less but online-capable Wii with WiiRemote Plus, Nunchuck, cables, Mario Kart Wii and wheel for just 30 € more? Like with the Canadian release before, just what is Nintendo thinking, putting out another and heavily gimped Wii, when they should be pushing the freaking Wii U?

Edited by xdaniel
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I used my Wii pretty heavily until it died literally a week before WiiU released. >_> I swear, it was a plot by Nintendo.


I was a bit upset I couldn't get the black one, but I don't need a gamepad stand...I couldn't justify spending 50 bucks more just so it matched the rest of my consoles.


I use it pretty heavily for Netflix, and I'm thinking about getting The Cave--I love Double Fine stuff and the demo was awesome. I'm excited about Pikmin 3 and WWHD, though. And of course any new Zelda game is a-okay in my book.


I do find myself turning back to my old gen stuff though. Gamecube and N64 I adore. The WiiU just needs more support, not only from 3rd party, but just the media in general. I always hear about playstation this and that, but no one ever mentions Nintendo's stuff. It's kinda weird.

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I do find myself turning back to my old gen stuff though. Gamecube and N64 I adore. The WiiU just needs more support, not only from 3rd party, but just the media in general. I always hear about playstation this and that, but no one ever mentions Nintendo's stuff. It's kinda weird.

Dat's cuz PS is the best!- yup, I'm a PS fanboy....



Well, kind of. I never bought much Nintendo since the Gamecube, and only got the Wii recently....

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  • 3 months later...

Note: This'll be an angry rant, so I apologize in advance. http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/06/20/dont-get-your-hopes-up-for-f-zerohttp://www.gonintendo.com/?mode=viewstory&id=205819 

"I certainly understand that people want a new F-Zero game. I think where I struggle is that I don’t really have a good idea for what’s new that we could bring to F-Zero that would really turn it into a great game again. Certainly I can see how people looking at Mario Kart 8 could see, through the anti-gravity, a connection to F-Zero. But I don’t know, at this point, what direction we could go in with a new F-Zero."Miyamoto was asked if he felt some franchises (like F-Zero or Wave Race) were better suited to older generations of Nintendo hardware."It’s tough. We come to the show and we bring a lot of great franchises and everyone says, 'Oh, well, where’s this game that I want to play? Where’s something new?' I only have so much capacity. [laughs] Obviously in the past we’ve tried to work with other companies, where we’ve let them develop games for us in franchises like Star Fox and F-Zero, but the more we think about it, the more we prefer to be able to create those games internally, on our own. We’ve obviously, as I mentioned, been working on what we can do to increase our internal staff in a way that will allow us to have more projects going at the same time, so we can create new games and work on additional old IP and still maintain the other primary franchises that people want to see."

What the fucking hell?! I've said it before: 60 FPS, full HD, online multiplayer. You have NOT done this before, right? Also, just because you personally don't like how GX turned out - and that's exactly what he means with the "other companies" and stuff - doesn't mean it sucked! In fact, GX is probably the best F-Zero game there is! And what direction to go in with a new F-Zero? You don't need to change the direction you've had before!


Plus, really, where the hell did you change direction, did you bring new ideas in the countless Mario games? Every New Super Mario Bros. game is EXACTLY THE SAME GAMEPLAY-WISE! What's with that damn double standard here?! Mario gets away with repeatedly being the same bloody game, just with new levels and one or two minor ideas, while you proclaim that F-Zero needs new ideas?! Just fucking say that Mario sells better, and that you don't care about franchises that struggled before. No, make that that you don't care about your history, your legacy.


I very much respect Miyamoto as a person as well as his work, but sometimes he comes across as either really, really out of touch, or completely ignorant, or lazy, or I don't know. God, I'm honestly quite mad right now, at him personally and at Nintendo in general...

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I'm not personally attached to the F-Zero series have only played the one for N64 and not being the biggest fan of racing games, but I have to agree with you, xdaniel, this is absolutely a double standard that Miyamoto is imposing on this franchise, and it's disappointing at best and shameful at worst. Especially with New Super Mario Bros. 2, I was disappointed with where the series is going, there's nothing new about basically releasing Super Mario Bros. 3 for the 3DS with coins raining everywhere and time trials--that's shovelware, not an actual game. There's more than a fair bit of hypocrisy in his words by claiming he wants a new installment in a series to be original and fresh.

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I'm going to start playing arcade games again, they got some really badass arcade games these days. Anyone with me?




I will be cheaper too, I will be spending less to play an arcade game than to buy a new game (besides I have plenty of old games now).

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