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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. I haven't watched the allegedly terrible Hotline Miami, but I did watch them play Castle Crashers. It wasn't up to par to normal Grumps, but it was still pretty good.
  2. I adore JonTron. I personally wish that it were possible for him to strike a balance, or even do his own LP's on the JonTron Show rather than just reviews. I'm just down because we might not see Jon LPing anymore, but Game Grumps seems to be well off. I like Danny so far.
  3. While I sympathize with you, Rcp, could you two please take this private? This is a topic about the Xbox One. Just a friendly reminder, since the conversation is starting to veer off topic. Glad we're all calm now, though, but the topic should resume the discussion of the Xbox One, as per its purpose. Thanks! --Mellow
  4. There's nothing wrong with adding an addendum to his post. It's generally favored over the double post.
  5. It's a possibility, and I can have a distaste for it if I want to. Also, speaking as a member of Staff, you can present your argument without targeting everyone that has posted in this thread as petty. Blatant disregard for our Terms of Service, and just completely unnecessary, and invalidates your argument in itself. And that goes for everyone, if things escalate more, I will dish out warning points.
  6. The Kinect is confirmed to be always on.
  7. I don't hate the Xbox One because of mob mentality, I hate it because it wants to spy on your family, a situation straight out of George Orwell's 1984. So no, I don't think I am being petty at all, thank you.
  8. Just wait, they'll do another game like they did Dinosaur Planet. Miyamoto will walk in, look at the project, and then it'll hit him. "Hmmm... this need more Starfox!"
  9. Krystal seems pretty likely, in my opinion. However, the character I want to absolute most is Lloyd Irving. Completely and totally. If I got him, I would cry for days on end.
  10. When you post, for instance, a youtube video, you don't put the entire link. 9j5yNL3fT_Q rather than http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9j5yNL3fT_Q, basically.
  11. Bumping this for important announcement: They fucking did it! On their last day on Kickstarter, they busted through their 900,000$ goal, and will be funded. They haven't made their Wii U goal yet, but in the last minute, they got the money they needed to get the Kickstarter funding. Earlier today I checked, and they were a whopping 50,000$ behind their goal, and I was convinced it wasn't happening. But it's done, and this game will be made. Everyone, let us celebrate this historic moment.
  12. That's just it, the people who boycott this game are the same people who boycott the meat industry because Chick-fil-A's CEO is a bigot.
  13. Also the currently released tracks-- Not by Kirkhope, but still pretty awesome tracks.
  14. Faceless, I think you will be pleased. The kickstarter has broken $230,000 as of this post.
  15. At least it's an incredible track-- this song was literally my inspiration to learn how to play guitar, before I migrated to bass. You're also contagious. Loss of Me - Nobuo Uematsu
  16. I just want to let you all know, watching this video will give you a much better representation of what the game aims to be, and what is already in place at this early stage. It's a beautiful game, and will only get better with the impressive budget they have accumulated.
  17. It's gone from a 0$ budget game to a 200,000$ budget game. They blew their Kickstarter goal out of the water. I've also pledged 70$ to the project, because it really takes me back to the games I grew up on.
  18. Not might-- It is. He's been working with them for a bit, and they say he has been very generous.
  19. 3DS: Ultimate Monster Hunter 3 PS3: Tales of Graces f Xbox 360: Rocksmith Wii: Rune Factory: Frontier N64: Castlevania: Legacy of Darkness PS1: Crash Bandicoot: Warped PS2 (NTSC): Final Fantasy X PS2 (NTSC-J): Monster Hunter 2 SNES: Chrono Trigger NES: Zelda II
  20. The camera may always be on, but the lack of the forced always online takes away the Orwell sting a bit.
  21. There's a reason he is banned and literally can't come back, pkjoan.
  22. I am surprised that no one has brought up Battlefield Earth yet. Do I even need to say why this movie is so terrible? The acting is hammy, there is literally not one angle in the entire movie that isn't somewhat ajar, the writing is terrible and not even sort of representative of the book, and in the box office, it barely made half of its budget back, and John Travolta's crazy ass is hell bent on making a sequel, as a way to enlighten the world with Scientology. It's just a fuck fest that breaks every rule in the book.
  23. Zeth isn't coming back after what he has done on this site over the years. Yes, he may reappear on the internet one day and restart the project, but I can tell you with the utmost certainty that that will likely not be happening. But hey, anything is possible, but be ready to have your parade pissed on very quickly.
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