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Everything posted by Mellow

  1. Better to have everything somewhere in existence. Just because Ura is over and Zeth is gone doesn't mean Ura should just fade away completely.
  2. When I was about five, I hit myself in the eye with an old croquet mallet. Went to the eye doctor and had 17 splinters in my cornea. They said had I shown up any later, I would have gone blind in that eye. And that's why I am basically blind in my right eye.
  3. In regard to Microsoft and their many, many exclusives.
  4. Similarly, if Pac-Man gets in over Lloyd Motherfucking Irving, I will cry myself to the point of dehydration, and suffer a horrible death.
  5. My current girlfriend and I just talked one day and suddenly we were in a relationship. The only real advice that can be given is to just be yourself, like it has been said many times already. If she doesn't like you for who you are, ask yourself; do you really want to be in that kind of relationship? Be yourself, and someone will take notice. Or conversely, you can take notice of someone else. Being yourself works both ways.
  6. If Ghirahim doesn't make an appearance, I will probably cry.
  7. At this point, I am fairly certain it is a fact that we are.
  8. Happy birthday, Brynna! I hope it is ridiculously cool and other forms of awesome and whatnot.
  9. Writing music, eh? I haven't had access to a computer, and subsequently to the team, for a while. Glad to hear you guys getting things done in my absence.
  10. I was actually backing up your statement, Colonel.
  11. Namco is a third party, so they can make their games for whatever system they want.
  12. If this turns out to be more than a port, I will cry tears of unrivaled joy
  13. Going to have to work harder to spread technology and magic throughout the kingdom, your Grace.(I'll subscribe when I have access to a computer).
  14. Things are already starting to come together awesomely. Great work!
  15. I also played on hard. It's exhilarating.
  16. Works wonders, even in these situations.
  17. Hahaha, we'll just have to see when all this is over and done with. Fairly certain I have you beaten.
  18. Yes, it should be very playable on a flash cart.
  19. >We reject the limitations imposed by gaming manufacturers upon us! Why is that plural. Lol, it's just Micro$oft.
  20. You should still contend, regardless of if you can beat the computer's score. I mean, there's one contender. Just one.
  21. Tales of Graces f is a must have for the PS3. And Tales of Xillia is also coming out in English, but that's not a requirement for you at all, so you could just get yourself the Japanese version. On the sane note, Tales of Xillia 2 is great, too. And "The Last of Us" is a very promising one slated for early June. The Killzone series is also a great FPS franchise. And never forget Sly Cooper.
  22. I hope to show some stuff soon, too. But that really all depends on when we get the stuff ready to show. But surely you'll see things soon!
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