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Everything posted by !Tommy

  1. I have a decompressed MM ROM, but I can't tell you if it's version 1.0 or not.
  2. When you extract from the MIDI file and get text files, you need to open each of them with notepad and change the Inst number before you recompile your track into a zseq file. By default, they're usually 0 and in some rare cases it'll be something else, but usually 0. So if you set it to Hyrule Field's set, if you want the trumpet, change the Inst from 0 to 5. If you want strings, change it from 0 to 10 or 11. Use this guide for more information on instrument numbers and sets: https://sites.google.com/site/deathbasketslair/zelda/ocarina-of-time/instrument-sets-and-sequences Also, the 15 header is just to change the track number, it has nothing to do with the sets themselves. You can actually change what set a track uses with Insted. I can't remember offhand which option you choose, but it's pretty self explanatory.
  3. That would be awesome. I'm thinking about using one of my very many test computers and installing either Zorin OS or possibly Ubuntu since I would like to become thoroughly familiar with Linux in general. I absolutely despise the direction Windows itself is going in and no matter how much unofficial mods we create, I'm sure I won't be able to use Windows 2000 forever and expect decent compatibility.
  4. Which antivirus do you use? Some of them give you the option to add file exceptions so that the program will ignore the file altogether. AVG does this but I'm not sure if what you does will allow you to.
  5. I have mixed feelings about it being on the 3DS. Even though I don't own one, I'm not sure I like having a game that was on a big console shoved onto a little one. That's a bit how I felt with Ocarina of Time as well. But on the other hand, I'm glad the classics are still rocking the new generation of kids. I have very fond memories playing Ocarina and Majora both. But I'd have to say I like Majora just a bit more than Ocarina, even though they've both great games! So all in all, this is great news. But is it just me or does the moon look even freakier now?
  6. Hehe, I still use Windows 98 too because of KernelEx! It's not my main machine but my bedroom machine is running it and it's one of the least pain in the butt OSs I've dealt with in a long time. As long as you treat it good, it will be good to you in return! I bet you and I could swap stories on old computer experiences. That's my main passion now anyway. I'd even work with some very old Pentium or even pre-Pentium machines if I got my hands on them.
  7. Woah!! This is AWESOME!!!! I'd love to see a patch like this released. The skyboxes in OoT are just so boring and this would really spice it up.
  8. I run Windows 2000 as my main operating system. Never have any issues with it at all using the Kernel and Core extensions by Blackwingcat. Thanks for sharing this! Windows Me was indeed released after Windows 2000 so your choices were either 2000 or 98. Updating the service packs did make more games compatible with Windows 2000 as the Gold release and possibly SP1/2 ran a bit more like Windows NT 4.0 where it was basically business oriented and not for other home uses. And thanks to the unofficial updates, it's still possible to run programs designed for Net Framework 4 so I can still run SharpOcarina and whatever the other tool was called, I can't remember offhand. So either way, nice video and at least it grabbed my attention.
  9. Very cool! I wish you the best of luck! Sounds like a very exciting career choice for sure.
  10. Very sweet find, Dan! Could you remove the cover and take a picture of the internal components? Very curious to see what it looks like!
  11. Will do! My girlfriend and I love our fish toys and they're particularly fond of Froot Loops, because they have O faces so the Froot Loops help keep them nice and round. LOL
  12. !Tommy

    This or That?

    Mario people in Zelda's world. Being indoors our being outdoors?
  13. Welcome to The GCN, Princess Eevee. Incidently, my girlfriend loves Eevee and goes by Eevee on another board. Too bad she isn't into Legend of Zelda though. Even funnier, I love Froot Loops and we have a big inside joke on them but it would take too long to explain it. Either way, welcome to the boards!
  14. I personally prefer older 8 and 16 bit video games. 3D is fun sometimes but I think it's just gone overboard with it. I miss good old fashion games like Super Mario Bros/World or even original Gameboy games.
  15. Did the original Ocarina of Time on the MQ disk also have the modded HUD as well along with the date change? I never played it so I don't know.
  16. What gets me is the video shown on the page looks like it would be the original LOZ: Ocarina of Time. It says nothing about Master Quest. The date is 2003 though, which would be the master quest. And the HUD is still the colors of the Gamecube controller. So what raises a red flag with me is why would it be an original OoT game but the other points I mentioned point to Master Quest? Also, the person never showed anything but that one room. Had we seen a temple or dungeon, we could've easily seen if it was original or MQ. My bets are it's just a MQ debug ROM with the logo changed to look like the original game instead. As xdan said, why would a debug prototype of the original OoT have a copyright date of 2003 and the Gamecube HUD? That just doesn't make sense to me. I personally think they're trying to sucker someone in to paying a ridiculous amount for that game. Also, why leave the best offer feature open? Even if someone where to offer $50,000 for it, I bet they would take it since it probably cost next to nothing to make.
  17. Vocalization has been a huge problem and takes a lot of trial and error for me. What sounds decent in game sounds like crap outside it. If I lowered the vocals track to where it sounded good outside the game, inside the game it would almost resemble a police siren in slowmo. lol But really, it does take trial and error and I just used the soundfont as a rough guide on how it'll sound in the game which is actually very helpful indeed.
  18. That's what I usually do. Most of the time even though it's a pain, I separate all instruments into separate MIDI files so that way I can easily go into one and edit it without having to redo all the other instruments. So for example, I'll have flutes, trumpets, drums, strings, etc all in different files. In the long run, it works a lot better.
  19. Just a word of warning, Airikita. I've run into a few times where the instruments sound much higher in the game as opposed to it when testing with the soundfont. Something that I had sounding good in SynthFont sounded HORRIBLE in the game so just a word of caution if you decide to venture in with it.
  20. Cool story! I never really thought of where the name actually came from, but it's awesome to hear the origin nonetheless.
  21. So sorry for the loss, it's hard when you lose someone that's really close to you. At least you were able to learn and grow from him.
  22. I tried this but it didn't go completely right. However, I did get a garbled up image in the sky so I know I'm getting somewhere with it but I still need to practice with it a bit more. Is there anyplace special anyone is getting their skyboxes for this project? I wouldn't mind porting over Majora's Mask's skybox but I don't know if it's a simple port over or if you'd have to go through it doing this method.
  23. What addresses are the skybox textures located in the debug rom? This is one huge thing I've been wanting to do with my mod as well. The generic blue sky is just kinda blah.
  24. That kind of helped me out! I'm doing the unusual method when it comes to double chords in a track, I'm basically pulling apart the midi file and grouping all the instruments together. For some reason though, the wait command in the text files get longer for some reason than when I did it as an entire thing. So what I did was found a pattern in the one that worked correct when done all together and whatever file was larger than that number, I changed it to that number. That helped it out. So in the header if it says wait 0x00000500 and the longest it is suppose to be is wait 0x00000450, that would cause the track to play nothing for a few seconds. Changing the affected instruments helped. Thanks Death!
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