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Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword Released Date!


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And I knew this too, except I actually expected it to release on that date for months. Since even before E3.

I remember E3, when I saw the birds, I was like "Now if they release this on November 20th, I will [expunged]"


November 20th is a special day for me, when it comes to birds...

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Graphics doesn't really matter, its the gameplay that matters, theres always people saying 'why cartoon this is going to suck' i mean the game isn't even out it's stupid. for me i don't really care what the style is only the gameplay that matters to me.

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Yeah, Skyward Sword looks really good, if it would look like Twilight Princess it would be boring if we get the same graphics and style, that would be only a new story and new items in the game.The cool thing on Zelda games is that every Zelda game is very different to other Zelda games, the only expection is OOT and MM. And i think the new style fits better to Zelda than all the others before. I'm sure it's the same thing like Wind Waker, at first many are talking bad about the game and when it comes out everybody loves it.

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ONTOPIC: Personally i think Skyward sword is a bit too cartoony if it had twilight princess graphics it would be a win win!

Um, dude, I don't know if it would be better with the TP graphics, I like the style this game is going with better. Also, graphics can lie, even though it can look bright and colorful, the story can actually be pretty dark. We don't know if that's the case yet though.

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Also, graphics can lie, even though it can look bright and colorful, the story can actually be pretty dark.

This. Judging by the bit of speech from Ghirahim, who appears to be the main antagonist, we could be looking at someone with fits of insanity hovering somewhere between Zant and Majora. I am fond of this.


Also, while art may be almost entirely subjective, so many base a game's quality entirely on graphics when that is only a third of the entire picture. Games as a medium for art have three aspects: visuals, gameplay, and presentation. Two of these can only be recognized when the game is played at least to some degree (and not fully appreciated until completing it at least once). Moral of the story: don't judge a game before playing it.

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Personally i think Skyward sword is a bit too cartoony if it had twilight princess graphics it would be a win win!


Personally i think Skyward sword is not cartoony and if it had twilight princess graphics it would be too much of the same same!


In my own words:

No. A million times no to your post. Sure, Twilight Princess is a beautiful game, but I like the fine mix between TP and WW Skyward Sword has going on.

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I don't like any of them. :3

LONG LIVE VALVE AND HALF-LIFE! *tosses a molotov and runs*


Yeah, they both suck. I'm just saying since he likes both of them, he might as well go with Battlefield.


Also, Half Life is alright; not nearly as fun as it used to be. I tend to lean towards Crysis 1 & 2, with 1 being one of the most sadly underrated first person shooters in a long time.

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LOL, and yeah, there are a few cartoony games I like. The style of this game bothered me at first, but after seeing Ghirahim and Princess Zelda I don't mind much.

Now, TP's graphics I absolutely loved, but I didn't mind WW's except for the weird proportions.

And my favorite graphics of any game would be Klonoa 2 and Eternal Sonata, both cartoony.

Still, I see what Hellraiser's saying. It looks like a painting come to life, not a crossbreed.

Anyway, I'm curios, what games are cartoony and Drak, other than Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon?

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