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Everything posted by Forecast

  1. It's been like what 4 years since I've last ventured onto here? But man does this place look as swell as ever. After being caught up with a messed up version of a certain emulator and having to deal with many other things in life, I've finally decided to stop with the occasional lurking and make a comeback! I do know the activity here as of late has been a little sparse but it's nothing much.
  2. Wow! I gotta agree, your work is pretty damn fantastic dude.
  3. He'll be present in a future DLC.
  4. Ya know, I do like some of the newcomers.
  5. You really are? Then, for the more obscure series, I recommend watching After War Gundam X. Cool MC, some nice looking MS designs (IMO), and one of the most interesting takes on the concept of Newtypes (despite not being an entry in the UC timeline).
  6. Turn A Gundam, a pretty underrated Gundam series (at least IMO). I find it interesting that they got Syd Mead to design some of the mobile suits (including the lead Gundam of this show).
  7. Well, time to bring this back thread frum hibornation:
  8. Forecast

    This or That?

    Playstation, just because it has more memorable games IMO(not saying Xbox doesn't have any though). Battlezone or Centipede?
  9. Forecast

    This or That?

    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, a good prequel to an equally good entry. Mamoru Nagano or Kunio Okawara?
  10. Forecast

    This or That?

    Cake. Neuromancer or Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
  11. This! So much this! Also yeah, the new starter designs aren't exactly my favorites as usual, but at least the new visuals look decent IMO.
  12. Hmmm, here's what I got: Two Game Informer magazines A copy of NSMB 2 $ 5.00 Yeah, that's about it :3
  13. What about Ai Senshi Nicol for the FDS?
  14. Yeah, Happy Birthday Zethy! Hope it'll be a great one for u :3
  15. Damn, that's one helluva loogie....
  16. You're not alone on that one. I also really like the new design for Dante, as I find it more kickass like you said (in a different context of course ).
  17. Forecast

    This or That?

    32X, because Knuckles' Chaotix. A Turtle, or a Snake? EDIT: crap, got ninja'd >.< Fine, automatic transmission.
  18. Yeah, if you decide to leave, then I'll miss ya broski. I had a great time chatting with you and your witty humor.
  19. Eh, I like both the URA Team's logo and your logo as well Errorjack :3
  20. I got a chuckle at that vid as well dude
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