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Our Alternate Encounter

Sollux Captor

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Here comes another Soul Eater RP, starring the couple of SoulxKid with me and Crimson-chan~


[info=]An alternate storyline from the original plot of Soul Eater, where we change two things about it, while leaving everything the way it is.


Meister Maka ends up being the owner of the twin pistols, Liz and Patty Thompson while fuled by her hatred for men for their cheating ways.


Death the Kid, in the meantime ends up being the one who meets Soul 'Evans' Eater while following the sound of the piano being played from the upper floor while visiting the Evans family while traveling with his father, Shinigami-sama.


Once they become partners, his name becomes Soul Eater since the name of Evans means nothing to him. In the hands of the symmetry crazed teen, will these two be able to influence each other in a way no one else could? Even if it causes a special thorned flower called love to bloom[/info]


Let's being, shall we...~?




"Come along, son, the sooner we get this little task over with, we'll continue helping you find a partner with weapon's blood."


Shinigami-sama coaxed to the younger death God, Death the Kid, who looked less than interested in following his father to a meeting with a noble family of some kind to discuss budgets and other superficial things like that. Ooh, the joys of being a reaper, huh?

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"This is stupid! I don't want to play this thing!" A voice was hissing bitterly, as his grandmother dragged him downstairs.


The elderly woman managed to get him all the way downstairs to the music room, before she turned around, and threw her hand across the face of her youngest grandson's face, Soul Evans.


"Bite your tongue boy. Your parents would roll over in their graves to hear the youngest of their children talk that way! Your brother has no problem practicing and performing in front of Shinigami-sama."


"I'm not like Wes, granny..." Soul grumbled angrily, putting his hands in his pockets.


The old lady gave a little sigh, and laid a hand on the boy's shoulder.


"If you really don't want to attend this dinner, at least practice for your grandmother. Can you be a good boy and do that for me?"


"...Yes, Granny." He sighed, obviously defeated.


A tiny smile appeared as she kissed the boy's forehead, before giving her goodbyes til later and headed upstairs to give greetings and start the meeting with Shinigami-sama.


Soul slowly sat down, and lightly ran his finger across the keys of the piano, making a long winded noise that went from high pitched to low.


"Stupid thing... you want me to play a song for you? Take this then!"


Almost randomly, and yet seeming to make a melody, he began to push down on the keys, creating a song that echoed against the room's walls.

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Shinigami-sama seemed to rub his chin, as he seemed to feel like there was someone living in this house that possessed the blood of a weapon... maybe that was what was causing Kid to lose his focus like that. Ah, an idea has come to mind.


"Oh my, son! It might be a good idea for you to go to the washroom. It seems the stripes on the right are starting to fade. I know you hate it when that happens."

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Kid slowed down as soon as he caught his reflection in a mirror. 'The stripes are perfectly fine!' He thought, eyes narrowing. 'He tricked me!' But before he could express his frustration, he paused when he felt something. 'It's that feeling again...it's stronger though...' Forgetting about going back, he followed the sense, quietly noting that as the pull got stronger, he started to hear...piano music? How strange...

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Soul's music had become a little less violent as he continued to play, but it didn't sound as upbeat and pleasant as any song that Wes would perform for crowds of adoring music lovers. Those kinds of songs just weren't for him.


These are the kinds of songs that Wes and Granny doesn't like... but this is how I like it... this is my song!


Outside the door that lead to the downstairs music room, it seemed the pull that was so strong had led the young death in front of the door, where the music he heard had been coming from.

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Kid glanced around, making sure no one was around before he slowly opened the door and looked inside. A white haired teen, possibly slightly younger than him, was playing the piano. The song was nothing like the golden-eyed had ever heard before, but it intrigued him greatly. Silently, he walked into the room and shut the door behind him, continuing to listen to the melody.

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Soul soon pushed his fingers down on the keys in the middle of the board, leaving a slowly fading final note hanging in the air, before slowly bringing his fingers away, giving a sigh. He felt a little better about doing that as long as he was at least able to play something that wasn't classical...


"Better than sleep enducing music upstairs..." He said to no one in particular, tugging at the black hair band on his head... he really wished his granny would stop taking his Soul headband he really liked.

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A flinch seemed to run through the white haired as he the sound of clapping suddenly heard in the room with him.


Oh dear god, please let me turn around and not find someone there that I'm related to...!


Soul laid his hand on the edge of the keyboard so he didn't set off any of the keys, as he turned around, finding a boy who was shorter but had a older feel about him, his outfit and his hair was consisting of black and white, his fingers bearing skull shaped rings on each of his middle fingers, and his eyes were golden, like a cats... he felt like he had seen him... or least heard about him before.

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Soul seemed to lift an eyebrow... someone... complimented him on his rage inflicted playing?


That was a first.


"Um... thanks... I really don't like playing this thing. Least not anything you go to a fancy music hall for."


He stuck his tongue out a bit, showing his distaste for it a bit more.

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"Death the Kid..."


Soul let the name slip off his tongue. Ah, this must be Shinigami-sama's kid, the one his Granny said would be accompanying him to the meeting. Got him curious about what brought him down here rather than being with his dad and listening to Wes' stuck up playing.


"I'm Soul. One of the Evans family."


He seperated his first name from his last. That part just seemed like a bother to him.


"It's nice to meet you, first person who didn't run away from my playing."

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Soul turned back to the keyboard, staring at his reflection in the shine of it, as he carefully reached and played a few of the low notes on the keyboard.


"I don't like the kind of fancy and well bred music that my family gets paid to play at banquets, concert halls, all that fancy mumbo jumbo... I played a song very similar in front of a crowd before, and they didn't even stay long enough to hear me complete it... Granny was rather angry at me for it, but she tries to be nice to see if I can find my way back onto the path that she expects me to be on, like my parents did or my brother..."


He grumbled a bit, and pressed his hand down hard, the loud high tone screeching from the instrument.


"I don't want to get back on that road though... I don't play that way... I don't really like playing at all... I want to do something different... cooler than this..."

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