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A+B Test Dungeon recreation


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Hey guys, I'm currently making a recreation of the A+B test dungeon from Zelda 64 confused.gif Only the first room is finished though, but I'm currently doing the room with the Keese and the Small Key next.


WIP screenies:








UPDATE: New small key room ahoy(The doorway is like that for a more natural effect :P)!





UPDATE 11: I'm happy to announce that the map design is finished :( But the actual dungeon is still in the very early testing stages, so you might expect some more texture changes and added actors in the near future. The link's right here.


Credit goes to:

-Spintout182 "For making his porter."

-Kargaroc "For providing some textures that will be used in this recreation."

-You "Cuz' "I said so :("

Edited by Octorok17
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So will we finally be able to get the Triforce?

Well, I didn't say it was going to be an exact recreation :P But there will be a warp where the Triforce's supposed to be in the end though. Anyways, I think that cutscene was just a test anyway, just like the original purpose of this entire dungeon during the beginning of Zelda64's development.

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Hey guys, I'm currently making a recreation of the A+B test dungeon from Zelda 64 :P Only the first room is finished though, but I'm currently doing the room with the Keese and the Small Key next.


GG! I suck at making simple areas, lol. You just need to make the wall textures better and give that bad boy a roof!

*I bumped you up to three. :(*

Edited by Naxylldritt
Please do not needlessly quote image-heavy posts.
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GG! I suck at making simple areas, lol. You just need to make the wall textures better and give that bad boy a roof!

*I bumped you up to three. :P*

Thanks lol. Also, I'll replace the textures with a better one, since I've been thinking about using one of those wall textures from Room 120 since it looked fitting for the dungeon. Also, don't worry, I've added a ceiling(I'm thinking about making those textures a bit better too though) :(

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ANOTHER UPDATE: Don't worry guys, this isn't dead yet :P I've made a few new rooms here and there, but here's some screenies of a room I've made days ago:







Note: Some textures were replaced since then with more fitting ones.


UPDATE: It's almost complete. I made the maze section and the map's half complete. All I need to do is to make the Warp room and add actors in there and I'll be done :(

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