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Your Dream Zelda Dungeon Roster


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I'm curious. Imagine you are in charge of developing the dungeons for a new Zelda game. There is no limit to thematics, naming, connections between, or the quantity thereof.


If you need some structure, try listing 7-10 dungeons. If you need more structure, limit each dungeon to represent at most three dungeon elements (forest, fire, water, shadow, sand, wind, light, ice, etc.).


Have fun!

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My roster would be:

  1. Wind
  2. Forest
  3. Water
  4. Thunder
  5. Fire
  6. Ice
  7. Spirit
  8. Paradise
  9. Dark World
  10. The Mind F***

I think #1 and # 3-7 would be classic and not really worth being mentioned how they would be structured.


# 2 and the last three would be somewhat new, especially the paradise styled dungeon. The Paradise would look, well... like a paradise. It'd be an astonishing place, where the player gets easily distracted, and then suddenly realisess that a lot of those nice things in that dungeon would be just traps and camouflaged monsters.


The Forest Dungeon would be an actual forest filled with human eating plants and wolfs. It would also have Spirit like enemies.


The Dark World would of course have many monsters hiding in the shadows and could only be beaten if the player had a light source with him.


The Mind F*** Dungeon would make you go mad with it's moving textures, and weird walls that are sometimes not actual collisions, or moving grounds that suddenly take you to another place than you had planned. It would be filled with Puzzles that are worse than an actual 1000 piece puzzle with really weird pieces and rooms that are weirdly structured. The player would also feel like he's getting stalked, because there's always something hinting into that direction, like stuff breaking right behind him. 

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My roster would be:

  1. Wind
  2. Forest
  3. Water
  4. Thunder
  5. Fire
  6. Ice
  7. Spirit
  8. Paradise
  9. Dark World
  10. The Mind F***

I think #1 and # 3-7 would be classic and not really worth being mentioned how they would be structured.


# 2 and the last three would be somewhat new, especially the paradise styled dungeon. The Paradise would look, well... like a paradise. It'd be an astonishing place, where the player gets easily distracted, and then suddenly realisess that a lot of those nice things in that dungeon would be just traps and camouflaged monsters.


The Forest Dungeon would be an actual forest filled with human eating plants and wolfs. It would also have Spirit like enemies.


The Dark World would of course have many monsters hiding in the shadows and could only be beaten if the player had a light source with him.


The Mind F*** Dungeon would make you go mad with it's moving textures, and weird walls that are sometimes not actual collisions, or moving grounds that suddenly take you to another place than you had planned. It would be filled with Puzzles that are worse than an actual 1000 piece puzzle with really weird pieces and rooms that are weirdly structured. The player would also feel like he's getting stalked, because there's always something hinting into that direction, like stuff breaking right behind him. 

For some reason I really like the idea of the "Paradise" temple. I can just imagine how I'd feel if in Skyward Sword I ran up to a heart flower and it started trying to eat my face. Or maybe a chest that would suck you inside and you'd have to fight your way out....

Though I do feel like it may get old quickly, just like how the Mind F*** Dungeon would get old (in a different, controller out the window, way)....


So then I thought it'd be brilliant if the first bit of a dungeon was the Paradise, and then slowly changes to the Mind F***, all in an "Insanity" dungeon, where your sense of morals, space, and time will slowly be distorted.


EDIT: Wait, did I just describe the Moon Stage in Majora's Mask?

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  • Wind
  • Forest
  • Water
  • Thunder
  • Fire
  • Ice
  • Spirit
  • Paradise
  • Dark World
  • The Mind F***
I am quite surprised that there was no mention of a more generic temple. I myself always look forward to a Hyrule Castle styled dungeon. Kind of like in A Link to the Past.

It doesn't really belong to a specific theme in itself, it is quite generic, but still very enjoyable and has a great feel.

I guess you could say pretty much the same about the Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess, but I can't really say, since it was so long ago I played through it I barely recall that dungeon.

This is my favorite kind of dungeon, and as long as this is delivered, I will most likely have an enjoyable experience.

I'd consider things like Forsaken Fortress in Wind Waker to be quite generic as well. I also enjoyed that a lot, but I still prefer the castle styled ones by a lot.

Basically I enjoy dungeons where they're enjoyable and unique without the need of abusing a specific theme a lot, because in those dungeons you really do not know what to expect until it happens. If it's a themed dungeon you have a much better picture of what to expect.

Otherwise I'd most likely go for some generic themes such as Forest, Fire or Lava, Water, Ice, Sand or Earth, Shadow or Spirit, Light. I don't really know a complete roster though.

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I am quite surprised that there was no mention of a more generic temple. I myself always look forward to a Hyrule Castle styled dungeon. Kind of like in A Link to the Past.

It doesn't really belong to a specific theme in itself, it is quite generic, but still very enjoyable and has a great feel.

I guess you could say pretty much the same about the Hyrule Castle in Twilight Princess, but I can't really say, since it was so long ago I played through it I barely recall that dungeon.

This is my favorite kind of dungeon, and as long as this is delivered, I will most likely have an enjoyable experience.

I'd consider things like Forsaken Fortress in Wind Waker to be quite generic as well. I also enjoyed that a lot, but I still prefer the castle styled ones by a lot.

Basically I enjoy dungeons where they're enjoyable and unique without the need of abusing a specific theme a lot, because in those dungeons you really do not know what to expect until it happens. If it's a themed dungeon you have a much better picture of what to expect.

Otherwise I'd most likely go for some generic themes such as Forest, Fire or Lava, Water, Ice, Sand or Earth, Shadow or Spirit, Light. I don't really know a complete roster though.

I mainly chose all those classy themes since they're very fitting for LoZ. I mean, all the areas you visit and human-like creatures have a very specific theme, which is also contained within the dungeons. If it wasn't like that, I would maybe mix up lots of things within the dungeons. Or I'd just make one heck of a gigantic dungeon that slowly changes as you progress...

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