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I met Charles Martinet!


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Thanks, guys! It was an awesome experience, especially what happened in the Q/A panel:


So, when I went up to ask him a question, I asked: "Sometimes, when you're home alone, do you dress up as Mario and frolic about making believe you're in the Mushroom Kingdom?"


The whole crowed laughed, and Martinet gave a pretty funny story in response. I got a decent amount of his panel filmed, too, including my question, which will be edited and posted on my channel when I get home. :)


I also got to shake his hand afterwards, too.




Sent from my iPhone, because Siri has my manhood in her purse... or something.

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Aw yeah, I'm home. Time to get this footage in Sony Vegas!



Actually, after I sleep. My body aches, lol.

So much walking and running around that large convention center, PLUS I decided to be the one and only jack-ass to run up an escalator which was going DOWN.

I got to the very end, but my legs gave out due to the force/whatever it's called. They felt like mush, and I fell on my ass, and down one or two steps before laughing it off and enjoying the ride down.


Ah, I made memories. But yeah, sleep and stuff, if I can manage it. Then video.

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Bumping this topic up, as I doubt anyone is going to check and see if the above post was edited:

But yeah, I was nervous as fuck in the beginning, I tell you h'what.

And, uh, it's also important you all listen to the explanation I included before any of the actual footage, too.

(and I forgot to mention in said explanation, that I am sorry for the shaky footage)

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YouTube is fucking pissing me off. It is now -LITERALLY- impossible for me to upload a fucking non-monetized video as a partner!

What the fuck!? I tried making it non-monetized, and it always has this "The uploader has chosen not to make this video public or whatever I'm Google and I fucking suck" bullshit!


So, I guess, apparently I am forced to face legal issues whenever I accidentally use something that's copyrighted, because I guess I HAVE TO FUCKING MAKE MONEY OFF OF EVERY VIDEO NOW.


Anyways, video works now... watch for now, I'll figure that shit out later.

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