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Satoshi's Final Fantasy VII Mods

Satoshi Kura

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All right! Link in FF7 is complete. I may make an alternate version for those of you who don't like SC2 Link. Got any suggestions for what Link to use (OoT style only, if you will)? There are a few Brawl mods of Link on Brawl Vault, which I would like to put to use, such as:





If you've got another to share, let me know! Hell, I may even try to do other shields, but no promises.


There will be a video of Link in FF7 up whenever I finish making it, which would be after I get my video editor to work right. I'll also post screens from the video, since I know that people such as myself hate having to watch through a video just to get a look at some mod.


Major thanks to Spire, as well, for both helping me out with names and what weapons to give him, and especially for the portrait.

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Don't get me wrong, I like TP Link, but OoT Link's my favorite. If you really want, though, I'll go for making TP Link.


Also, the shield in the GIF is the Hylian Shield.


My internet is also hating Youtube, it's just like when I tried to upload any other videos, it just doesn't allow me. It stops at around 33% and just sticks there.

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OoT Link originates from the same era as FF7. It's only appropriate that he be in the game.


If I were making this mod, I would retain all of the original character models, replacing Cloud with OoT Link's model. I'm not nostalgic for these PS2-ish quality character models, but I am nostalgic for all things vanilla FF7 and OoT. Oh well, the mod is shaping up really nicely so far.

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Ahh, his portrait looks so fitting in-game! It's bizarre, because it's equal parts Cloud and Link. I see it and think, "Clou-OH... Link!" It's just bizarre to me—maybe because I made it? No, it's definitely because It's a FF7-style portrait of Link with Cloud's face. To best describe it, it's a portrait of Cloud cosplaying as Link.


Great job on the mod Satoshi. I'm glad you followed through with it into completion. Your devotion to your projects is a great quality of yours. Do not falter!

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Thanks, Spire! I gotta thank you for helping a lot with this, too, I would've probably never thought of some of the weapons or Limit names if you hadn't gotten the ideas.


As for Tifa, I don't think I'll be getting anyone on her just yet, Zelda'd be more fitting for Aerith, and I'd only have access to Malon's OoT model, which isn't at the quality I'm used to. Not to mention it'd be hell trying to get her textures right, I'll have to show what I did to get all of Link's weapons textured.





That's what I had to do with Link's textures.


Anyway, here's the download for Link:



I'll put it up on the first post as well.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

These are fantastic! I would be forever indebted to you if you could port the kingdom hearts version of cloud to ff7 pc. That would be sexy.

Eh, problem with these is that they take so long to do. Also, if I did KH Cloud, he wouldn't have a moving cape at all, kinda like Ike's. He'd look pretty cool alongside Vincent, though, the two having similar designs and all that.

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Eh, problem with these is that they take so long to do. Also, if I did KH Cloud, he wouldn't have a moving cape at all, kinda like Ike's. He'd look pretty cool alongside Vincent, though, the two having similar designs and all that.

Why don't you just make two versions, one with and one without the cape. Do eet please! :)

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  • 2 months later...

Yeah, I read in an interview that they modeled clouds kingdom hearts apperance after vincent because he was supposed to be broody in kh like vincent was in ff7. We'll if you ever get the random motivation to try it that would be awesome! You're great at this.

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