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Xbox is done for, courtesy of MS themselves.


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I sure ain't getting One. *ba-dum-tissh*


But seriously: I think this thing needs to die a quick, humiliating death. Also, I'm betting that the always-online functionality was actually present in test builds until recently; with that being said, I bet (i.e. hope) they'll have to scramble like mad to be able to finish the initial retail model, ending up in a rushed, hacked-together mess where most units will fail in a short period of time (hmmm, sounds familiar...).

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That's it. I'm so sick of Micro$soft, they haven't done one good thing in the last 5-10 years, as much as I hate apple, as greedy manipulative assholes as they are, at least they're not that stupid. They ruined Rare, took advantage of the gaming market and made people think it was all about graphics, windows 8(Windows 7 touch) was an ugly piece of sh*t, and now Xbox One. I hope they die, soon.

Now that Valve is moving support over to Linux, Nintendo has big plans, Sony is doing stuff(?), Apple is clearly losing support, Microsoft is killing itself, this decade of computing may be great. 


Linux, Nintendo, Sony, sounds good to me. :P

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Now that the console is set in stone, I'd appreciate it if a moderator can lock this. I'd like all discussion to be continued in the official Xbox One thread, now that we know for sure what we're dealing with.



Sent from my cell phone, because ancient satellites from across the cosmic web are lame.

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