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I just got done with a brief live stream of me playing SCP-087-B. For those unfamiliar with it, it's essentially an endless staircase sort of game with a randomized map part generator, so every play is a little different. The goal is to make it as far down as possible without dying--both in the game, and in real life. Anyway, you can check it out here (warning: I curse like a sailor with Tourette's). I managed to make it to floor 46, at which point I commented if I made it to floor 50 I'd quit, prompting my imminent demise. Damn. I then played Slender for a short while and, after realizing the pages have evidently been rearranged, wussed out after collecting two. Feel free to make fun of me all you like~ :D


With that said, if anyone else has any other good scary/creepy/unsettling game suggestions for me to play, toss your suggestions here, or put your own playthroughs up. I'm currently in possession of the following nightmarefests:

  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent
  • Slender: The Eight Pages
  • LIMBO (a bit of a stretch but still somewhat unsettling because it apparently takes place in Australia)
  • SCP-087
  • SCP-087-B (yes, they are two different games)
  • SCP: Containment Breach
  • Ib
  • Imscared: A Pixelated Nightmare

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