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I found YouTube's most idiotic ranter


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Hey, folks. Yes, that's right! I found the biggest idiot on YouTube who takes it upon himself to rant about a lot of things in a very, very poorly thought-up fashion.

Seriously, just browsing through his videos, I figured out how he got so much subscribers: people, whom I figure are just as moronic and dumb as him, find and flock to his videos, subscribe because they agree with his outrageous views, all so they can be fed his next rant of stupidity whenever he may upload it.

Browsing through his videos, I find the usual stuff: GameStop rants, rants about how fat people are horrible excuses of human beings, and so on. But, one thing really set me off the most here:



That video I just linked in the spoiler, is the most fucking ignorant thing I've watched in a while. He goes off on how we're creeps, and so on, for watching a show for kids. Well, I can guarantee you this guy watches kid shows, himself. I bet you, somewhere in his watching habits, is a bit of Spongebob, Dexter's Laboratory, Adventure Time, or maybe some other shows intended for kids. Of course, not those specifically, they're just examples that come off the top of my head that tend to be popular, and many forget are actually kid's shows.

Also, something I find hilarious, is how in a lot of his videos, he mentions how he'd kick someone's ass if their opinion differs from his own. Well, news flash, you scrawny wimp: you're not tough shit, and you bear a striking resemblance to something along the lines of a twig. If I had a way of communicating with him in a more convenient way, and he did not live too far away, I would kindly extend an invitation to him for me to head my ass over to his house to break his spinal cord into four pieces, or he could head to my place; whichever works.

Another thing worth mentioning, is how obviously egotistical he is. Looking through his comments, he seems to have a just-as-dumb fan base, which does nothing but to help fuel the unwelcome fire that is his ego. Pathetic.

Anyways, just thought I'd share what a laughable joke of a YouTuber, and human being this man is.

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I'm not even gonna start watching that video, the title's already enough of a clue as to what kind of person that guy is. Being "creeps" for watching a show for kids? Well, fuck you. No one's forcing you to watch it? Or did a brony (that is what you guys are called, right?), I dunno, kill your dog or steal your girlfriend or something? Making you build up some dumb agenda against them? Bet he's also one of those people - to go off on a sorta related tangent - who thinks that anime is just for kids as well, and all those guys going to ex. Otakon are creeps, too? No matter if a show's actually not at all aimed at kids, by airing at 2:30 AM or somesuch, for example?


Man, I... I just can't understand people like this... This is probably the one thing I really dislike about the internet - the fact that it gives ignorant morons like this a platform to disseminate their prejudiced opinions.

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I'm not even gonna start watching that video, the title's already enough of a clue as to what kind of person that guy is. Being "creeps" for watching a show for kids? Well, fuck you. No one's forcing you to watch it? Or did a brony (that is what you guys are called, right?), I dunno, kill your dog or steal your girlfriend or something? Making you build up some dumb agenda against them? Bet he's also one of those people - to go off on a sorta related tangent - who thinks that anime is just for kids as well, and all those guys going to ex. Otakon are creeps, too? No matter if a show's actually not at all aimed at kids, by airing at 2:30 AM or somesuch, for example?


Man, I... I just can't understand people like this... This is probably the one thing I really dislike about the internet - the fact that it gives ignorant morons like this a platform to disseminate their prejudiced opinions.


And this is where I wish they would make it a global law to castrate the stupid. I understand completely where you are coming from, he had a rant about fat people in another video and other stuff. This guy is the most ignorant hypocritical ass I've seen to date. I feel bad for the Zelda shirt that has to be on him D:
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Guest sakura

And this is where I wish they would make it a global law to castrate the stupid. I understand completely where you are coming from, he had a rant about fat people in another video and other stuff. This guy is the most ignorant hypocritical ass I've seen to date. I feel bad for the Zelda shirt that has to be on him D:


I totally noticed the Zelda shirt too :/


He even has a sequel


This guy... I just don't even know where to start. It saddens me to see how much support he's getting, and I guess I'll leave it at that.

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i dislike gamestop but I say "I dislike them so I take my business elsewhere and I personally wouldn't recommend them" and that's it. I don't go to the store and be an asshole to the clerks or be an asshole to people who like them because honestly their the same as a half price books or any resale chain so complaining is pointless. and with bronies I feel the issue with haters is that they tend to feel left out or not get the attraction so they attack what they don't understand

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