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Favorite Game of Each Genre?


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So basically, what is your favorite game of each genre?


Mine goes like this:


FPS: Time Splitters 3. It's by the same developers as Goldeneye, and it's extremely unique. More gameplay driven then story, Time Splitters has given me hours of fun with its multiple ways to play. From challenges to missions, story to multiplayer modes, Time Splitters 3 has easily become one of my favorite games, as well as its prequels. I look forward to a 4th installment.


TPS: Mafia. No not Mafia II, the original. Mafia II is horrible compared to this legendary title. Though not popular, it has easily become one of my favorite games for its indepth story. Sure, it had its entirely pointless modes (I'm looking at YOU, racing mode!) but its open world was fun to traverse. I have a lot of memories with this game, and hold it close to my heart,


RPG: The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind. Screw the other Elder Scrolls games, they all suck compared to Morrowind. Morrowind is vastly superior for MULTIPLE reasons: better wildlife, better atmosphere, better feeling, better dialogue, better everything. Instead of the typical wolfs and bears and stuff you see in Skyrim/Oblivion, you see these flying jellyfish-like things called Netches. Wolfs are replaced by a green bug looking thing called a Nix-Hounds. Morrowind is just amazing in that respect. Not to mention, Morrowind had a much better reputation system then past titles. When the game stars, you are a prisoner. And the villagers aren't afraid of calling you that. But at the end, you are recognized as a hero, no, a God, for saving the lives of everyone. You play politics, heroics, all that good jazz. Overall, its a terrific game and I highly recommand playing this before other Elder Scrolls.


Action/Adventure: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. What can I say? A better story than Ocarina of Time, mixed with the gameplay that made Ocarina of Time a great = a better game. Majora's Mask, though the story was short, the dungeons were tougher, and more miniquests. It took me longer to 100% MM than OoT.



So, those are my favorites. What are your favorites?

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FPS: GoldenEye 007 N64


TPS: Resident Evil 4


RPG: Poke'mon Red


Action/Adventure: Don't know what game to choose


2D Fighter: SSF2


3D fighter: Don't really have one


Survival Horror: Resident Evil 2


Puzzle game: Don't know what to pick


Favorite game where you play as a spiky-hair lawyer: Phoeinx Wright: Ace Attorney



There are a lot of other generas I could think of to.

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FPS: Perfect Dark (N64)


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Goldeneye 007 made completely perfect with freakin' awesome weapons and a bad-ass woman protagonist.


TPS: Resident Evil 4


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The only flaw that I found with this game was having to take care of the damn president's daughter... don't game developers know by now that us gamers DON'T like taking care of the weak and helpless in videogames?


RPG: Augh.. a tie between Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dragon Age Origins, Strange Journey and Chrono Trigger



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What can I say? Dragon Age Origins has the awesome story and characters, SMT Strange Journey and Chrono have that classic RPG gameplay plus also an awesome story, Fallout 3 has great gameplay, and an amazing world to explore, and so does Oblivion, well, minus the combat in Oblivion, the combat is kinda bleh.


Action Adventure: Skyward Sword


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Skyward Sword took everything from every past Zelda game and improved upon it. That's all I need to say.

It does have some flaws, though, but overall, it's undeniably one of the best games I have ever played.


2D Game: Metroid Zero Misson and Metroid Fusion


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If only I could fuse the both of them together to create the perfect Metroid game...


Brawler: Super Smash Bros Melee





Smash Bros Melee was amazing when it first came out, it was a huge improvement to it's predecessor, which is why I think it had even more of an impact than Brawl did. To this day, I still play Melee, because not only because I feel that it is a more balanced experience than Brawl, but because it's a classic.


Survival Horror: Dementium 2




Easily the most overlooked gem on the DS. Yes, the DS. It isn't as scary as Dead Space, or as other survival horror games, but it makes this list of my favorite games because it still did a good job, and it gets even more praise due to the fact that it's on the DS, a system that doesn't really look scary...


Racing Game: Mario Kart 64




Why Mario Kart 64 when the later installments are better? Well, because this game is a classic, plus, I grew up with it.


Platforming: New Super Mario bros Wii




I don't play a lot of Mario games, the only Mario games I've played are: Super Mario World, Super Mario bros 3, and Super Mario bros 2 and this one. And after playing those games, I'd have to give it to Super Mario bros Wii, it's really fun, especially when playing with a friend.


Anime based game: DBZ Ultimate Butouden




I was going to give this one to Naruto Clash of Ninja 2, but after trying out DBZ Ultimate Butouden, the winner became clear to me.


Tactical grid based game: Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon




I've only played about a couple of games that are like this, and since this is the one I remember most, then that means it must've been fun enough to make it on this list.


Beat em up: Battletoads (SNES)




I used to have a lot of SNES roms, and most of them were Beat em ups. Battletoads has taken the cake.


Puzzle game: Tetris




This one was a no-brainer..



Typing game: Typing of the Dead




What better way to teach people how to type than by threatening to chop their heads off?


Rail Shooter: Sin and Punishment




After a dilemma of choosing between this game and Star Fox 64, the winner finally came through. Sin and Punishment is one hell of a crazy game, it doesn't have the many routes of Star Fox, but the craziness, the "WTF" factor and the action makes the game an extremely memorable experience.


And well, those are my favorite games! Might add more to the list if I remember.

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FPS: Perfect Dark

Brilliant game but it took me a while to get into it properly. Had an interesting story.


TPS: Star Fox 64

I think that counts as TPS anyway. Random animals in spaceships destroying each other, what's not to love?


RPG: Pokémon Red/Blue

I can play these all day long.


Action/Adventure: Majora's Mask

The best game ever in my opinion. I think Super Mario Galaxy deserves a mention for this genre too though.


2D: Donkey Kong Country 2

Whenever I'm home I will set up my SNES and play this game.


Racing: Mario Kart Double Dash

Just about tops the N64 version. The Mario Karts since this one have been pretty poor in my opinion.


Puzzle: Tetris

Who doesn't love Tetris?

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A really under-appreciated game, in my opinion. It's the most action-packed FPS I've played so far, and the story, gameplay, music, humor and characters were just down-right awesome. Graphics and multiplayer are awesome, too.

Honorable mentions;

Crysis 1 & 2, Metroid Prime 1 - 3, Coded Arms 1, ect.



Mass Effect 1 & 2;

This series has been phenomenal so far, and I LOOOOVE it. Amazing story, characters, history, universe, gameplay, music, graphics and so on. I cannot even describe how much I love this series.

Honorable mentions;

Star Fox: Assault, Vanquish, Battalion Wars 2, Metal Gear: Peace Walker, ect.



Drakan: The Ancients' Gates;

This game, it just... wow. This was my most favorite game as a kid, hands down. And it's STILL my most favorite game, EVER. Hands down. Amazing story, characters, music, gameplay, setting, graphics, and so on. I am in love with this game, and it's the most nostalgic experience to go back to... ah, memories. :)

Honorable mentions;

Can't think of any...



The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword;

Best Zelda yet. Amazing story, characters, music, gameplay, setting, graphics, controls, and so on. This game is an amazing experience.

Honorable mentions;

Twilight Princess, Majora's Mask, Star Fox: Adventures, Read Dead Redemption, GTA IV, ect.


I am too lazy to finish this list.


This was a distress beacon from a probe on Talon IV.
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A really under-appreciated game, in my opinion. It's the most action-packed FPS I've played so far, and the story, gameplay, music, humor and characters were just down-right awesome. Graphics and multiplayer are awesome, too.


Sounds VERY much like the Time Splitters Series, though I doubt it has a Gingerbread Man, a Man-Duck, and a bunch of other weird ass characters (though those characters are only availible via multiplayer or challenges) :).


And from what I have read, everyone seems to really like Free Radical Designs (Now Crytek UK) for its FPS's. They developed Time Splitters, Perfect Dark, and Goldeneye :)

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Sounds VERY much like the Time Splitters Series, though I doubt it has a Gingerbread Man, a Man-Duck, and a bunch of other weird ass characters (though those characters are only availible via multiplayer or challenges) .


And from what I have read, everyone seems to really like Free Radical Designs (Now Crytek UK) for its FPS's. They developed Time Splitters, Perfect Dark, and Goldeneye


Cool. Though honestly, Time Splitters was always boring to me, and not to mention it comes nowhere close at all to Bulletstorm in terms of gameplay and action.

Honestly, hardly any other shooter comes close. :)


This was a distress beacon from a probe on Talon IV.
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FPS - Half Life 2 (Halo 2, Goldeneye, Crysis 1 honorable mentions)

TPS - Gears of War 2

Action Adventure - Skyward Sword (God of War 2, Ocarina of Time very honorable mentions)

RPG - Dark Chronicle

Fighting - Soul Calibur 2 ((Dragonball Z Budokai 3 extremely close second)

Racing - Mario Kart 64

Casual - Wii Sports

Tower Defence - Final Fantasy Crystal Defenders

Side Scrolling - Super Mario Bros 1 (I used to speed run the shit out of this game years ago, got it down to like 8 minutes at one point!)

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Platformer: Super Mario 3D land

RPG - Tie between Pokemon Emerald and Fire Emblem (the one with Roy, forgot its name)

MMORPG - Runescape. Only one I've played.

FPS - Tie between Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 3 - Corruption.

Puzzle - Portal 2, because it challenged all my knowledge while busting my belly with laughter.

Racing: Meh, don't like racing games, but I think all Mario Kart games are the exception.

Physics Simulation: Well, don't own GMOD, so I think I'll go with Physics Phole from ROBLOX.

Zombies: Half Life Classic. I haven't gotten near the end, but the zombies in it... fuck, they scare me more than any other zombies.

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