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Everything posted by SirZandro

  1. I saw the Ocarina Value Editor in the downloads hoping that would help me, but I don't know anything about hex values and my general coding knowledge is very minimal and basic. This was the only video I could find on the program which didn't really help me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4edhpbalo6M&t=1s. My goal was to create a very simple change to enemy stats, mostly health and damage to create a harder overall experience throughout the game as well as re-balance a few things (such as the white wolfos being way too easy, especially for a "miniboss"), but I don't understand how you know which codes relates to what enemy / item and which ones relates to the correct value I'm trying to manipulate, or if this program will even help me for what I'm trying to achieve for that matter, I don't know anything!
  2. I know your progress has been slow but just wanted to say it's looking awesome! Keep it up and still looking forward to it finished
  3. SirZandro


    Those screenshots are looking awesome man!
  4. I realize this is super old, I pretty much ran into this by complete accident, but I liked your model of a Lupian
  5. The game really is a gem, music and all! It's too bad it didn't sell as well as some of Rare's other titles or else who knows we may have seen a sequel.
  6. These are awesome! It makes me want to play it all over again, I still have the cartridge! 3:08 hand standing Lupus!
  7. So I came across this project not long ago, it has a relatively small following but it looks like it has potential and they need help with funding so I thought that maybe sharing on here would help it get a little more publicity. It is a Halo Fan Film which is going to revolve around a different spartan's story known as Linda. I shall link a video below with a teaser and information about it as well as a link to the indiegogo page which has many possible rewards for donations. They have a facebook page as well if you wish to keep up that way too. YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y55ndaPnX-Q P.S: In the video, he mentions that he has a kickstarter campaign, this did not reach funding and that is why the project is now trying again on indiegogo. The indiegogo page has a second video within it which gives more information.
  8. The Earth Idea and Stalagmite Cavern are my favorite that you have composed thus far James, although I feel that 3:20-3:50 and the last two minutes of stalagmite comes off a little too strong and may be a bit too much in my personal opinion, still a wonderful track though bud and it does grasp the idea well I think.
  9. This animation is perfect for this song. I agree with sairugoth, I like that most of the animation moves with the beat throughout the video.
  10. I was about to say Jade Empire and Knights of the Old Republic but then I remembered those are for the original Xbox and not the 360 .-. unless they have backwards compatibility. Darksiders / Darksiders 2 although 2 has more RPG feel to it than the first. Edit: Not really similar to FF or anything but still good RPGs.
  11. Crunchy Chunky, it satisfies both cravings! Travel by Plane or Ship?
  12. "I wouldn't mind sticking my floppy into your disk drives." "You want to go lollygaggin'? I'll bring the lolly and you do the gaggin'." "You make my Snake solid." "Girl, I go down like PSN." "I think something is wrong with my auto-aim. I can't take my eyes off of you."
  13. Well for those who are interested, after digging around the web I found out there are steam workshop mods that are remaking a lot of the old Custom WC3 Maps for Dota 2. This includes but is not limited to Hero Line Wars, Run Kitty Run, Footmen Frenzy, Angel Arena, different variations of Tower Defense, and more. From what I understand most of these are still in early development, nor do I currently know the populace of these custom game types, but if someone needs an old WC3 fix then maybe you could load up your own lobby with friends and try them out.
  14. Does anyone know where I can play Hero Line Wars or Run Kitty Run? I used to play these on WarCraft 3 but it's pretty much dead now so I'm looking for alternatives. I know SC2 has runling run but does it have a HLWish game type? Any other places where I can play these? (Honestly someone should just make their own stand alone games with these genres.)
  15. https://soundcloud.com/city17/demake-hades-of-spades-remix Demake - Hades of Spades Remix
  16. Looking good with everything guys ^-^ keep it up.
  17. I want to explore this RIGHT NOW .-. everything looks good man!
  18. Ima big boi nao.

  19. Life can be hard sometimes. I wish i knew what was best in every stiuation, but i just can't.

  20. Ima have to try this >.> personally okay with small amounts of blood, although I do agree that too much could easily cut the Zelda feeling. Although some of the games could pull off more than others.
  21. Most people haven't played it, due to the fact that it came around at the end of the N64's life span. I think it was a great game! Yes it had its flaws, but overall I found it to be quite enjoyable, and it was definitely original for its time. I think it's sad that most people didn't get to experience it like I did.
  22. So I actually came across this project a while ago. I am a huge fan of Jet Force Gemini for the N64, and was surprised when I came across this. I actually have been following it for a while now and I don't know if any of you have either, but it seems like its coming along nicely. The graphic style is different, and the movement animation could be a little better (although I think they are going to improve upon it) but overall I find it still quite creative and nostalgic. They are adding their own ideas that fit the universe well. So any JFG fans might appreciate this if you haven't already heard of it. Here is a link to the blog... --> http://jetforcegeminiresurrection.blogspot.com/ They have footage on YouTube and a facebook page if you want to keep up with it further.
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