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Does Graphic's Matter


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A little disclaimer:

I am not trying to flame anyone here by any means, I am just getting REALLY FRUSTRATED by how some people look at this subject. Yeah, I know: Opinions, Dashie! Well, some opinions are wrong.



Disprove my point then.


Ever play OoT, or MM? Graphics are bad, yet the games are not "shit". You need to lose the mindset of caring so much about graphics, because your post looked like you thought them being good almost always makes the game, and them being bad breaks it. You're wrong. So damn wrong, and no matter how many tines you try to say you're right, you're wrong.


I mean, honestly. How ignorant is it to tell me to try and find a game with bad graphics that's good? Like they never existed? Especially when we've had them for DECADES? I swear to God, there's way more to games.


(also, I do not even THINK games of old look bad, it's just something I like to call "kid standards" of today that label their graphics as bad)



Looky looky, little younglinkx is trying to shove his opinion down people's throats again. I thought every part of Skyward Sword looked amazing, especially the lava areas. Also, just so you know, the game looks the same in the final battle as it did anywhere else, all they did was add a distorted reflection to the ground. Honestly, I thought you'd be smart enough to notice that.


I am awaiting an argument that is no doubt going to have me or another staff member add to your warning level, or you try to "change" your image again, so hey: feel free to prove me wrong about that, kiddo. Sometimes you're wrong, and you have to accept it.


You're wrong, in the sense, that you cannot even make a proper argument. You think the final battle looks like a scene from a PS3 game, but the rest of the game bad to you. Hmm... that is odd, because like I said once, the WHOLE game looks the same, pretty much. Well, thank you for saying the whole game looks SO good, it rivals with a great looking PS3 game. You either secretly wanted to say it this WHOLE TIME, or you love contradicting yourself. Bravo.


Also, Skyward looks miles more amazing than a game like Battlefield 3, which I no doubt bet you praise for its graphics.


Like xdan said, it's the gameplay that counts. But that seems to have been forgotten nowadays. Shame.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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A little disclaimer:

I am not trying to flame anyone here by any means, I am just getting REALLY FRUSTRATED by how some people look at this subject. Yeah, I know: Opinions, Dashie! Well, some opinions are wrong.




Ever play OoT, or MM? Graphics are bad, yet the games are not "shit". You need to lose the mindset of caring so much about graphics, because your post looked like you thought them being good almost always makes the game, and them being bad breaks it. You're wrong. So damn wrong, and no matter how many tines you try to say you're right, you're wrong.


I mean, honestly. How ignorant is it to tell me to try and find a game with bad graphics that's good? Like they never existed? Especially when we've had them for DECADES? I swear to God, there's way more to games.


(also, I do not even THINK games of old look bad, it's just something I like to call "kid standards" of today that label their graphics as bad)



Looky looky, little younglinkx is trying to shove his opinion down people's throats again. I thought every part of Skyward Sword looked amazing, especially the lava areas. Also, just so you know, the game looks the same in the final battle as it did anywhere else, all they did was add a distorted reflection to the ground. Honestly, I thought you'd be smart enough to notice that.


I am awaiting an argument that is no doubt going to have me or another staff member add to your warning level, or you try to "change" your image again, so hey: feel free to prove me wrong about that, kiddo. Sometimes you're wrong, and you have to accept it.


You're wrong, in the sense, that you cannot even make a proper argument. You think the final battle looks like a scene from a PS3 game, but the rest of the game bad to you. Hmm... that is odd, because like I said once, the WHOLE game looks the same, pretty much. Well, thank you for saying the whole game looks SO good, it rivals with a great looking PS3 game. You either secretly wanted to say it this WHOLE TIME, or you love contradicting yourself. Bravo.


Also, Skyward looks miles more amazing than a game like Battlefield 3, which I no doubt bet you praise for its graphics.


Like xdan said, it's the gameplay that counts. But that seems to have been forgotten nowadays. Shame.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


Remember Dashie, to each their own, everyone seems each difference, their opinions aren't exactly wrong as its how they feel and what works for them. And that is ok, what works for a certain group doesn't work for everyone. C:
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A little disclaimer:

I am not trying to flame anyone here by any means, I am just getting REALLY FRUSTRATED by how some people look at this subject. Yeah, I know: Opinions, Dashie! Well, some opinions are wrong.




Ever play OoT, or MM? Graphics are bad, yet the games are not "shit". You need to lose the mindset of caring so much about graphics, because your post looked like you thought them being good almost always makes the game, and them being bad breaks it. You're wrong. So damn wrong, and no matter how many tines you try to say you're right, you're wrong.


I mean, honestly. How ignorant is it to tell me to try and find a game with bad graphics that's good? Like they never existed? Especially when we've had them for DECADES? I swear to God, there's way more to games.


(also, I do not even THINK games of old look bad, it's just something I like to call "kid standards" of today that label their graphics as bad)



Exactly what I was talking about. Since when were the graphics in OoT or MM bad? You might think they are, but I don't. For one they are N64 games, compared to any other games at the time they were best looking around, if they weren't they would not get near perfect scores. The graphics in MM even surpass those in OoT and in my opinion still look great today. What your doing is looking for gaes that may have aged and possibly not aged well.


Starfox - Good game - Good Graphics

Mischief Makers - Good game - Good Graphics

Perfect Dark - Good game - Good Graphics

Conkers Bad Fur Day - Good game - Good Graphics

Tomb Raider - Good game - Good Graphics

Bomberman - Good game - Good Graphics

Links Awakening DX - Good game - Good Graphics

Zone of the Enders - Good game - Good Graphics

Metal Gear Solid - Good game - Good Graphics

Resident Evil - Good game - Good Graphics


Most of the new generation Sonic games - bad games - Good Graphics

Conduit 1 and 2 - bad games - Good Graphics for the Wii

3D MK games before the relaunch Bad games - Good graphics


Now I can't think of any games that are great and have shit graphics.


Look at the contenders for game of the year, Portal 2, Arkham Asylum, Skyward Sword, Uncharted 3 and Skyrim, all great look games, I mean they are really up there.


Theres something you so did not get from my post, which was... Graphics don't matter. Great games will nearly always have great graphics. Shit games have good graphics. What I'm saying is you can't tell just by looking at it, you actually have to play it, because lets face it, nowadays most games look good and if they don't most of the time they are shit like.


The great thing about the Wii and to an extent DLC is that it given developers a challenge, to make something look good with the limitations they were given and people have been really pulling it out of the bag. Games like Braid and Bit Trip look amazing.



Also I'd just like to point out, Battlefield 3 is one of the best looking games ever made along with Crysis. You might say the artists style of SS is better and you prefer it, but the graphics are no way better and if you do think that your being blinded by Zelda vision.

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Here's my opinion:


1) Story (This comes first cause it's the most important to me when it comes to gaming)

2) Logic (I put this as number two cause it's just as important as the story)

3) Objective of the game (This is number three cause every game should have a goal for the player work towards but the story and logic matters more)

4) Gamplay (this is placed as number 4 cause all it is meant for is to make the game actually playable and fun)

5) Graphics ( This is last cause graphics doesn't really matter except the fact that it is what gives the game its look. For me when it comes to graphics, I follow Nintendo's idea and that is to use what suits the game best)


There you have it. That's my opinion. What do you guys think of it?

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Here's my opinion:


1) Story (This comes first cause it's the most important to me when it comes to gaming)

2) Logic (I put this as number two cause it's just as important as the story)

3) Objective of the game (This is number three cause every game should have a goal for the player work towards but the story and logic matters more)

4) Gamplay (this is placed as number 4 cause all it is meant for is to make the game actually playable and fun)

5) Graphics ( This is last cause graphics doesn't really matter except the fact that it is what gives the game its look. For me when it comes to graphics, I follow Nintendo's idea and that is to use what suits the game best)


There you have it. That's my opinion. What do you guys think of it?


I think its pretty nice and well rounded up (my opinion of course).

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(also, I do not even THINK games of old look bad, it's just something I like to call "kid standards" of today that label their graphics as bad)


Oh, so I guess you missed this then, Jabba? As I clearly said here, I DO NOT think old games look bad(naturally, this includes OoT and MM). Also, your wording, whether you choose to believe or not, made it sound like good graphics make a good game. So sorry you couldn't have done that better.


Also, LOLWUT? What is this "blinded by Zelda vision" thing you just came up with? So I am blind just because I love Skyward Sword's graphics more than another game's? Do you realize how much sense that does not make?



What proof do I need to provide? Skyward Sword looks the same throughout the entire game, how can you not see that? Also, learn to talk to staff with respect; your attitude is very poor, honestly.


Now, about the matter of you forcing opinions down or people's throats:

Read how you insist on saying how bad Skyward Sword looks, but If someone says it looks amazing, you do your classic routine of "No, it looks bad and this is fact." Honestly? Something is wrong with that.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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Oh, so I guess you missed this then, Jabba? As I clearly said here, I DO NOT think old games look bad(naturally, this includes OoT and MM). Also, your wording, whether you choose to believe or not, made it sound like good graphics make a good game. So sorry you couldn't have done that better.


Also, LOLWUT? What is this "blinded by Zelda vision" thing you just came up with? So I am blind just because I love Skyward Sword's graphics more than another game's? Do you realize how much sense that does not make?



What proof do I need to provide? Skyward Sword looks the same throughout the entire game, how can you not see that? Also, learn to talk to staff with respect; your attitude is very poor, honestly.


Now, about the matter of you forcing opinions down or people's throats:

Read how you insist on saying how bad Skyward Sword looks, but If someone says it looks amazing, you do your classic routine of "No, it looks bad and this is fact." Honestly? Something is wrong with that.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


I said it looked blury not bad and if you think blury is good, whatever man. Respect, oh man thats a good one "Looky looky, little younglinkx is trying to shove his opinion down people's throats again. I thought every part of Skyward Sword looked amazing, especially the lava areas. Also, just so you know, the game looks the same in the final battle as it did anywhere else, all they did was add a distorted reflection to the ground. Honestly, I thought you'd be smart enough to notice that." I dont care one bit who you are, but if someone disrespects me they get no symphony from me. Please read your posts again.

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Oh, so I guess you missed this then, Jabba? As I clearly said here, I DO NOT think old games look bad(naturally, this includes OoT and MM). Also, your wording, whether you choose to believe or not, made it sound like good graphics make a good game. So sorry you couldn't have done that better.


I was high, lol.




Also, LOLWUT? What is this "blinded by Zelda vision" thing you just came up with? So I am blind just because I love Skyward Sword's graphics more than another game's? Do you realize how much sense that does not make?


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


No, as I said, if you enjoy them more, then all fairness to you, but on a technical level, they do not touch Battlefield, fact!

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Your entitled you your opinion so im just going to drop it. This argument is getting unnecessarily childish.





I was high, lol.






No, as I said, if you enjoy them more, then all fairness to you, but on a technical level, they do not touch Battlefield, fact!


I think people prefer style over what has higher graphic tech. Just what I like to call a painting in skyward sword "blury", others may find it attractive.

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While there seems to be the ongoing debate, I just want to point out that graphic's if compared to today's standards doesn't really count as good or amazing on past generation consoles due to the fact their outdated. Sure they were good for their time but also at the same time, their considered "shitty graphics" since their not up to today's standards for HD. Does this mean their a bad game? Not at all, everyone has their own preferences on the matter however attacking each other about who's right and wrong isn't the mature thing to do.


@Deku - You mentioned to be proven wrong, when infact, your opinion has seemed to changed since the start of this thread, therefore you contradicted yourself.(which you do a lot)


@Everyone - Let's please respect each other's opinions, despite if we may personally not agree with it. C:

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While there seems to be the ongoing debate, I just want to point out that graphic's if compared to today's standards doesn't really count as good or amazing on past generation consoles due to the fact their outdated. Sure they were good for their time but also at the same time, their considered "shitty graphics" since their not up to today's standards for HD. Does this mean their a bad game? Not at all, everyone has their own preferences on the matter however attacking each other about who's right and wrong isn't the mature thing to do.


@Deku - You mentioned to be proven wrong, when infact, your opinion has seemed to changed since the start of this thread, therefore you contradicted yourself.(which you do a lot)


@Everyone - Let's please respect each other's opinions, despite if we may personally not agree with it. C:


And whats wrong with that? Thats the point of an argument lol.

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Zeth: Agreed.



I am talking more of an artistic style here. In that sense, and in my honest opinion:


Skyward Sword = beautiful.

Battlefield = mediocre at best.


Also, If I like the graphics of one game better than the other, that's my opinion; I could care less about any facts, honestly. I think Skyward Sword looks better than Battlefield.



Uhm, okay? Good for you? :/


Deku's most recent post:

Uhm, no. I think this is more of a debate, where you do not do that stuff.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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I hope you don't mind spoilers but I will post about what I mean of the final battle with the last boss.



If you look at the ground, demise, water, you can see that these have the most detailed, greatest lighting, and perfect water effect in the game. Demise has some good lighting and textures on him, it just seems more clear. Thats what I mean about the whole game looking like this.

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I think it looks the same as every. other. part. of. the. game.


And it does. All that is different is the distorted reflections on the water.


Ever hear of the placebo effect?


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


Jabba and I, disagree. It didnt use a painting effect once so how could it be the same?

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You do realize, not every part of Skyward Sword uses it either? The painting effect is most noticed in far off scenery, but where is that in this fight? There is none. So it's the same as every other area you wander through.


Also, I do not care If you and Jabba disagree; isn't it already painfully obvious I never have? What I am trying to tell you is a fact, just like how Jabba tries to tell me Battlefield looking better than Skyward Sword is fact.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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Deku, changing your opinion without conceding your previous points may have been in error is often seen as self-contradiction and a folly in your argument within a debate. Just saying.


The need for excessive polygons in models that often will not be visible on television screens under 80 inches, I think, is a byproduct of remarkable recent decline of average human education and intellect. The fact that a single genre of games--first-person shooters is what I will pick on in this instance--is able to sell essentially the same game over 20 times and the only major selling point is slight differences in the model types and weapon mechanics is, to me, frightfully depressing. What happened to the days when originality was all abound and stories and new gameplay features were what gamers sought in their collections and lavished their time playing? I, quite frankly, am drastically unsatisfied that the focus for many has shifted to a desire for stronger hardware solely for making polygons smaller and more numerous.


Considering video games are now often considered (at least to some extent) a form of art, then like all art, a good video game should have some story or meaning to it. When's the last time you've seen someone buy a FPS game to play the single-player campaign? Let's take a step back--when's the last time that single-player campaign has even been worth your time? I don't see many recent cases. If the only thing people buy FPS games for is the multiplayer modes, and the graphics are all essentially of the same caliber, the only selling points left are presentation style of those graphics, and the game's engine. That completely throws out the potential for story which, in the interest of video games as an art, makes it essentially a blank canvas. I can't remember seeing one of those in any art museums I've visited. Left, then, to the potential meaning put into the game, few FPS games have anything to be proud of. The only messages I can see being conveyed are the importance of the soldier mentality of destroying everything different from you that is labeled by a superior entity as an enemy, or other similar ideas.


I think it's safe to say this argument can be augmented to fit any other genre or series of video games that follow a basic cookie-cutter layout--certain fighter games which refuse to evolve in terms of gameplay, character usage, etc., some RPGs which retell a story that's literally been beaten to death and beyond. In general, video games are declining in originality and artistic credibility, and I find not only this in and of itself disappointing, but also the reaction that people have to this decline (or rather, the lack of any outcry, to be more specific) just as alarming, if not more so.


Slightly breaks the consistency of the argument dealing with Skyward Sword, but whatever, wanted to just get my opinion in here.

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You do realize, not every part of Skyward Sword uses it either? The painting effect is most noticed in far off scenery, but where is that in this fight? There is none. So it's the same as ever other area you wander through.


Also, I do not care If you and Jabba disagree; isn't it already painfully obvious I never have? What I am trying to tell you is a fact, just like how Jabba tries to tell me Battlefield looking better than Skyward Sword is fact.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


Isnt this a debate :) . Some parts of skyward sword are somewhat the same as this battle but most of it is a paining effect. Almost all the time the painting effect happens close to you, or their are extremely undetailed textures. Some parts of the game may not use a painting effect but when does one thing in the game have such lighting effects,polygons, and textures as demise? Your telling me you have always seen a sleek reflection, dark cloud, and bright lightning effects in the game? How can you not see that the ground is more detailed than before. I would like evidence.


whoops, just started reading your post naxy.


Im changing my opinions withought noticing it? Or is it that I have more opinion than the other? Look, in skyward sword the final battle with demise has the most detailed textures and such in the game, you can even go into the game itself, into the brres file to see that. The battle with demise has detailed textures and the best effects. It is not using the painting effect. Almost all of the entire game uses the painting effects with errors of things being up to close and such. Therefor the very few times were you don't have the painting effect is the best details in the game. Now its up to if you like details or blurs. Your choice. So the battle with demise IS different in the terms of graphic presentation and the most detailed part of the game. Maybe im just switching my opinions from time to time. I apologize for my messy grammar.

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Dude, Demise is probably only slightly more detailed than other characters in the game. What are you smoking? He isn't that much more detailed at all. Also, applying a reflection to the ground and adding distortion effects doesn't make it the best damn looking thing in the game. And yeah, the lighting in the first lava dungeon? I find it better than Demise's arena, by far. Also, as for awesome dark clouds? Remember when you go after the fire dragon? I saw some nice ones coming out of the volcano. The only thing in Demise's arena that is unique is the ground, and it is by far not the best looking place in the game.


Also, pro-tip:

When you keep on switching your opinions like you do in a debate, it's VERY HARD to take you seriously. In fact, I stopped taking you seriously a while ago; too much contradictions, which is what you do not do in a debate. You're a horrible, HORRIBLE debater.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.
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