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Everything posted by DeathBasket

  1. Not true. Also, assembly hacking is pretty simple. CloudMax has been around hardly any time at all and has already done a load of cool stuff with assembly hacks. The problem is that people here who can program usually seem intimidated by low level programming and don't want to get into it for whatever reason. It really doesn't take long to document all the stuff in MM that's similar to OoT since it usually works the same way. The main problem with using MM as a base for a full blown hack is just that you need to do a ton of work to remove the time limit and everything related to it to make the game function anything like OoT. There's really little benefit in using MM over OoT imo, especially if you're planning on using the OoT debug ROM. You can't be serious...
  2. I did take a look at SF64 once but that was only for a day or so. Other than Zelda 64 I have only really been interested in SMW and SM64 hacks.
  3. Nemu64 with glide graphics plugin (framebuffer emulation enabled) and the default audio plugin's settings on most accurate. I find it's less laggy than Project64 and the sound is much nicer for the most part. The controller plugin can't be changed (Nemu's biggest flaw imo) so you might have trouble with that depending on your controller (I use a Gamecube controller with a USB adapter and the only button I can't map right is c-up). Am I satisfied with this setup? Well... it works. Start menu crashes only happen on OoT debug afaik and it's probably just because of inaccurate emulation. As for an obj importer for SketchUp, I know I used to have one but I don't know where I got it from. I don't really feel like googling...
  4. This is true. You can build an indoor map and only give it one set of environment colours. Someone should probably take a look at that in more detail though.
  5. You can rip instrument samples as wave files using N64 sound list tool. When you have a set of samples you can make a soundfont with them and then use that as a sound set to play back MIDI files with in certain programs. punk7890 has made a few soundfonts including one for OoT so you should check that out, it's somewhere on this forum. Edit: here https://www.the-gcn.com/topic/2503-ocarina-of-time-soundfont-update/
  6. I haven't played Zelda 1 or 2 but I beat ALttP very recently. The only thing that made it harder than SS for me was the amount of damage you can take all over the place in dungeons. It was kind of like hero mode because the difficulty is only really there when you're low on health or there's a lot of enemies.
  7. Guys, don't panic. As long as enemies don't bleed, it doesn't matter that there is a room with blood on the floor in the Shadow Temple, a room with blood on the walls beneath the well and some of the walls are made from skulls. Does anyone remember the reason this was allowed to stay in the game when Ganon's blood wasn't?
  8. I meant the art style, not the game. Zelda games were never realistic because, you know, magic and gods and stuff. Re: cursing - it's just my view. Cursing to insult someone is immature. Cursing for the sake of cursing is immature. Yes, they're just words, but I'd rather see other words in their place because seeing a proper and eloquent use of English these days seems pretty rare. I wouldn't want it to seem like it's only there to cater to the people who think cursing is 'cool' or 'hardcore'. The way I feel about this stems very much from real-life experiences which I don't want to go into. I just don't like it.
  9. Not to be mature, but to be realistic (still think most swearing is immature though and should be avoided). It really depends on the graphical style of the game though. I think TP would be the only game in the (3D) series that would benefit from blood effects because it was meant to look realistic and while the N64 games were too, I don't think the N64 would have handled it well. I think there are quite a few themes in the games already that make them feel mature (loss, responsibility, hopelessness etc.) so that side of it isn't an issue for me. Still, I would not say it was needed at all since I find the games more involving than any other series regardless. Also, I really hope Nintendo does not drop out of the console market because that would mean the end of console gaming for me. I'm not a fan of handheld gaming because I find it too uncomfortable and even if they released games for other systems I don't think it would be the same anymore. Oh well, I still have all my Nintendo consoles because they last forever and never stop working.
  10. "Hey, I could totally make a Zelda sim" "Well that was an interesting turn of events..."
  11. I would go as far as saying you can do anything you want with the tools we have now. What's really needed imo is a better map of the functions in the games to make programming for them easier. What would also be nice is an N64 emulator that's good enough for you to know whether or not your hacks will work on a console, since there is none that I know of right now and this is probably one of the major factors that made me lose interest in hacking.
  12. Usually, yes. For Zelda though, the lowest note available (00) is an A so I guess that's why it's written that way.
  13. I agree. I don't understand the whole thing about not being able to show blood in games without them getting a high age rating. I mean, it's not like slashing something with a sword in real life would make it bleed or something, is it? What's the difference? People see blood pretty much every day. Should we make raw meat 18+ only too? It's a similar thing with nudity. "Sorry, you're not allowed to see this because it contains pictures of body parts that everyone has". The first three don't qualify as curse words for me anyway (I think those are exclusively American), the second sort of depend on the context and character. I would just object to the main villain(s) in a game that's meant to be taken seriously using this sort of language, not if it were something like Conker where it's just for lulz.
  14. I get what you mean with the leveling, but it's not for a Zelda game in my opinion. Harder enemies are introduced as you go along (SS did this well) and making older enemies harder wouldn't make a lot of sense. "Hey, I got the Master Sword, but since I'm a high level it's only as good as my wooden sword was anyway". I don't know, I just don't see how it could work effectively without taking away the believability of the game.
  15. What purpose would leveling up serve in a Zelda game? Becoming stronger or faster would make puzzles and enemies too easy. Needing to be certain levels to use certain equipment like in some games just makes absolutely no sense and makes me want to facepalm. As for learning new moves, that would be handled much better by doing it the way WW and TP did by having someone to teach you them. I don't know... for me this would not add to a game at all. I feel like it would take away from a villain's creative use of language, making them appear less intelligent and less of a formidable opponent. Or maybe I just feel that way because I barely meet anybody today who doesn't overuse curse words in every single sentence. It's such a shame for the English language. @ rest of the thread Yes, Nintendo games need to take a new direction. We need a (3D) Mario game that does something new, like SM64, SMS or SMG did at the time, rather than the same old NSMB rubbish that has been released and released again for the last few years. I'm not really sure what can be done with Zelda games though. If the typical storyline and structure they follow is kept then it's hard for any new games to really feel much different from the rest. SS was almost an amazing game, but the lack of a complete world to explore really killed it and it ended up feeling like a Mario game with three individual levels to visit. Some completely new ideas need to be put into the series, like what happened in MM, while keeping the same gameplay style. Aside from Mario and Zelda, what bobbo said is accurate:
  16. While I kind of agree with the sentiment, whoever wrote that sounds pretty damn butthurt. I lol'd.
  17. I felt like drawing something for my YouTube channel page lol Warning: big.
  18. I don't know, swords are built the way they are for a reason. I honestly can't stand seeing huge/extravagant looking swords in games that really wouldn't be viable as a weapon in real life. That's just me.
  19. Lately I've been doing some streaming over on http://www.twitch.tv/deathbasket which is pretty fun (I get to play games!). I don't really get any viewers though, so I'm wondering if anyone here would be interested in watching. At the moment I'm playing a few random games casually while I learn and practise for doing Majora's Mask any% runs soon (Gyorg is hard with three hearts lol), but I'm happy to try any game someone recommends if it's a Gamecube/Wii game I have, N64 game I can get on VC or an older game that emulates properly. I can also do Ocarina of Time any% or Wind Waker Master Sword runs if people wanted to see those (or something like this). If you would be interested in watching then let me know and I'll post times I'll be streaming here.
  20. From all I've seen, it's basically the original game with faster sailing, faster/less item cutscenes, no tingle tuner, different interface, much better lighting and a ton of bloom. Having said that, this is the only game at the moment that makes me want to get a Wii U.
  21. Oh, you. I'm happy to explain something if I can, but I don't want to have to do more than that. Sorry :/
  22. I'm done with hacking Zelda for now, and quite possibly forever. The only thing I still have plans to update is the Majora's Mask randomiser I was working on, I won't be doing anything else with any programs I've written or anything. For quite some time now I just haven't had fun with hacking like I used to, so I feel like it's time to move on to other things. Just to be clear, this doesn't mean I'm leaving the community but I won't be having anything to do with the hacking side of things. It's still nice to see what's happening, what tools are being developed and what projects people are working on, etc. This will probably mean I'll be less active since I was here mainly for the Zelda stuff, but who knows? I want to get back into things like music and drawing which I used to do a lot, so maybe I'll start posting more of that. Also, I'll be doing more gaming, speedrunning and streaming sometimes (internet permitting) because that's pretty fun.
  23. As I promised, you can download the stuff I have here: http://www.mediafire.com/?h4xm61zydia7gqn Also That was the introduction cutscene which I made a year or so ago.
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