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The Tjalian

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Everything posted by The Tjalian

  1. Nope, as presumably the system gets downclocked to PSP-level speeds. Otherwise you'd start to get timing and framerate issues with official PSP games (potentially).
  2. The truth has been revealed!
  3. You really do love me, don't you? Go for it mate, you can do it!
  4. I have to say, I'd either love to see it either Open Sourced or handed over to another dedicated team. No sense in letting a great project go to waste! The benefit of Open Source would be that you can always contribute yourself if you ever find the time or the inspiration
  5. I haven't done this myself but I see no reason why it wouldn't work Technically you'll have to spend a buck to get the electrical tape if you don't have any, but that's just me being pedantic haha. If it doesn't work and you've done it correctly I should state you probably have a break somewhere else down the line.
  6. Entire thing is controlled by on screen controls
  7. To be fair, the ending of Ocarina itself ends in a paradox, haha. Anyway, if altered slightly it could just represent a local hyrulian knight rather then a direct rip from WW.
  8. Which is quite surprising, I have the European LA manual and there's enough finalised artwork there to cover a few pages at least, nevermind concept art.
  9. Right, okay. Bit of a shame some of the older guys have dropped off, but it's fantastic to see loads of others have come in. By the looks of things, the scene looks better then ever. Haha, sorry for making it a bit awkward! ' Thanks for welcoming me! Ah, JSA! Thanks dude
  10. I've seen spinout and JSA around here... didn't know Sakura was here! Haven't been introduced to Deathbasket yet (probably joined the scene after I left, I guess). Any word on others like Xu Yuan, Cooliscool, MNGE, Jason Rose, etc?
  11. Yeah... a bit misleading! However, good knowledge to know.
  12. The Tjalian

    Dragonzball P

    I'll admit, I laughed.
  13. Here's your complementary flame-retardant shield and armour, sir! But seriously, it now appears to have moved to a "it's done when it's done" type of thing, seen as Zeth now has bigger projects to take care of as well.
  14. Netplay for the original Pokemon games? Yes please, YES PLEASE!
  15. I even got Xu Yuan's mods running on my old HTC Desire using some Emulator or another, although I can't remember which one now, and this was a fair few months ago now (we're talking probably beginning of the year) so yeah. even on now what would be deemed lower end smartphones, they can at least run. Performance wasn't... silky smooth, shall we say, but yeah, it works.
  16. O Haha yeah, I got busy at work and other stuff. Life gets in the way a lot more compared to in the days of old! Thanks guys
  17. Gotta say Zeth... this has come a million miles since I last saw it a few years ago and it looks a million times better... dare I say even professional looking, at least in some areas? You and all of the contributors have done a fantastic job so far and I can't wait to see more updates!
  18. I have to say... I'll import it from Japan if I have to, but I'd REALLY prefer it if it came out in the US so I can import it from there instead!
  19. As a brand new 3DS owner... I'm glad they've managed to get these games up and running on the 3DS... I just hope they make them available to purchase soon!
  20. Hello all! bzzt! Okay... I can't keep up with the ancient robot act haha. I'm The Tjalian, an ancient relic from the days of Zelda's Secret Ocarina and the Zelda Coalition, the infamous hacking community. Been in the hacking game since around 2004, and enjoyed the stay for around about five years until all of the Website hacking BS started flooding in... and consequently left. The last time I was active in that scene, sakura and cendamos has just started releasing actor modifications (at the behavioural level) and custom maps consisted of a small box with no collision verts thrown in! So anyway, yeah, I kind of left the Zelda scene as I'm not really into social or internet drama and much prefer an easy life. However, I've kept a small eye on the Zelda hacking scene around 1 to 2 times a year and came across more stuff recently relating to some really amazing (well, amazing for an old timer like me) custom maps, ocarina song mods, waypoint hacking, custom models... stuff I didn't even dream of back in 2004! So, I got hold of an old friend under the name of xdaniel on Youtube, and had discussed the haps with Zelda hacking and what the deal is. He then linked me to this place, and said that while it's not entirely dedicated to Zelda hacking, there's a reasonably sized group of people who love to hack the game still. Wanting to jump back in the foray and see what's new in the scene, I decided to register here! I might not contribute straight away and just lurk for a bit (this place is rather huge... not entirely sure where to start!) because of work commitments, but I definitely would love to get back into the Zelda hacking scene again and hopefully find a community of likeminded individuals who love Zelda hacking too! For the odd person who might possibly visit Zelda Power, I'm known as The Teej over there. Well, hopefully I'll see you guys around! Bye! (I just realised IE10 -really- doesn't like this site, haha)
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