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Everything posted by Samurai

  1. You're a sharp one. The modes have just as much personality as people do. They also have an element.
  2. Classical Baroque music, like Vivaldi and Bach. My favourite peices to play are Speed of Light and Stratosphere by Stratovarius; Evil Eye by Yngwie Malmsteen.
  3. The ONLY way to get what you want is by being assertive and making your presence known, demanding the knowledge you seek. The most intelligent and wise people ask questions the most.
  4. I used to think it was something I did to make it corrupt the file. Up until now, I've just been very careful, haha, and I've made hundreds of copies. xD One thing it always does perfectly, however, is editing the graphics of characters and objects. There's probably nothing I'd rather use for that. I'll look into other programmes, thanks!
  5. Which drawbacks are you referring to? :/
  6. I use Utility of Time is by far, my most-utilised tool. You can do so much, such as alter graphics and collision of a map, change the look of characters/weapons/objects, and alter actor placement. Utility of Time by cooliscool (I don't know how you guys feel about him, though. I remember reading an argument between him and Soul of Deity on YouTube) is just an excellent tool all-around.
  7. Huh. Well, it was only a theory. Anyway, as I am also curious about this, how would I have an unarmed adult Link pick up the Master Sword as an item, rather than to travel through time?
  8. I also wanted to move the pedestal. I planned to have it situated in the Sacred Realm, so Link can get his new Master Sword, Raven, at the beginning. But as for stopping the time flow thing to make it JUST for gaining the sword and nothing else, I'm lost. However, I have theorised that the pedestal is built into the Temple of Time's collision (as opposed to being an actor) and that it possesses a certain collision flag (like climbable, hookshot-able, etc.) not accessible to utilities and tools such as Utility of Time. Perhaps by accessing the hexadecimal code, you can locate the code responsible for that specific collision flag. Best of luck.
  9. I just altered the collision and graphics to entirely remove the crawl spaces. That's exactly how I got adult Link in the Bottom of the Well. You can check out proof in the thread for my mod, Tainted Blade.
  10. Nintendo always put effort into "hollowing out" Link so that the player can "fill his Kokiri boots." They even said as much, saying that "Link's thoughts are the player's thoughts."
  11. 25. When you introduce yourself in the thread of the URA Project.
  12. I remember having a similar fear when I was a kid until one day, I convinced myself that I was fine because I had a SWORD and all he had was old, rotten flesh. SWORD FTW So I started actively seeking out ReDeads to show how un-afraid I was of them. My, how liberating it was!
  13. 1: He scores big time. 2: He scores; after talking to her, Link convinces her that she is beautiful and perfect in every way, even if she is shy and has low self-esteem. 3: He also scores; this is a very hot one, guys. Zelda will never admit she loves Link and even after she says, "I hate you, stupid" after every make-out session, we all know she's lying and has a soft side underneath all of that "bad girl" attitude. 4: Friendzone. Severe friendzone. A moment of silence for Link, our main man in the friendzone. Also, Ganondorf is right behind Link. 5: He scores, and she loves him; she's just high as hell and tripping balls. 6: He's been scoring for a long time; Zelda just thought it was only for pleasure.
  14. Hm. Both very valid points. I like your opinions. Maybe I just don't like Malon's approach, lol. She could have gotten the ranch back by murdering Ingo and fighting Ganondorf with a bloody pitchfork. xD
  15. Why didn't you say you had a mod? I had no idea! What's it called?
  16. Reproduction is over-rated. Besides, Malon and Link could never work: they are too similar. While Link is quiet and modest, Ruto is outspoken and haughty. Their personalities were made for each other. You bring up decent points. Still, as previously stated, Malon is a "dreamer," so she's the kind of lazy girl who waits for everything to be handed to her. Women like that are TROUBLE. Ruto follows her heart and "takes charge." She is not the kind of gal to sit around and wait for others to chew her food for her, (metaphorically speaking), despite being a princess. She would not leave Jabu-Jabu without retrieving the Zora's Sapphire, she indicated interest in Link numerous times, and she went to the Water Temple herself. She is self-reliant and confident: she puts all of her heart and soul into her every endeavour. Confidence is, without a doubt, the most beautiful and inspiring personality trait of all.
  17. Interesting and quirky. I would say your rich personality shines through in your text. I daresay you are a very "real" person and you speak well, articulating your thoughts and feelings effectively. Definately intelligent and quirky, like L. ;D
  18. Alot of my stuff is purely cosmetic, such as my Megaton Battleaxe mod, my Biggoron's Sword mod, and Master Sword mod. Usually involves refining the weapon to look cooler. My level mods, though, can be pretty intense. Your sword will be drawn about 87% of the time. xD How do I make a patch and how do I post it, though?
  19. Hmm... I will make an attempt to post screenshots when I find the time.
  20. I thought of that, and made sure to modify only the words the characters spoke, not the words within arrows like <this>. I just took a look at it about fifteen minutes ago. "Bad-ass" is an understatement. I look forward to seeing that tool reach completion.
  21. Hmm... I appreciate the constructive criticism. I actually appreciate such direct communications. I will keep this in mind in the future. Also, I suppose I will post some of my lesser mods for others to download and enjoy.
  22. The script is coming along nicely. I might post some of it with some concept art if I find the time.
  23. Maybe I like the fact I cannot get a Zora pregnant. We could enjoy lots of "activities" and I will not have to worry about paying child support two years down the road just because I enjoy zeh fisheh. xD
  24. DeathBasket's Text Tool was great, except when I modified one text message, it screwed up others I hadn't touched. I actually took a screenshot of this, where Sheik says, "I... Go to Kakariko Village!" Any ideas what this is about?
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