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Posts posted by giadrosich

  1. So...while working with exits, I've made a few notes on them that I decided to post up. Not very big, but might help someone.


    I've only really looked at Object Set 2 (Adult Link) in ZLE2 to change the Lost Woods exit to go straight into Kokiri Forest.


    Replace 04DE with 020D in object set 2 from Hyrule Field to Kokiri Forest.

    Replace 05E0 with 0185 in object set 2 from kokiri forest to hyrule field.


    From Hyrule Field
    0033 market
    00DB kakariko
    00EA zora river
    04DE lost woods
    0286 kokiri forest
    020d kokiri forest
    0185 Hyrule field

    Standing inside kokiri forest
    00EE kokiri forest
    00EE kokiri forest
    05E0 lost woods
    011E lost woods
    0272 Link's house
    00C1 kokiri shop
    00C9 know it all
    009C house of twins
    0433 mido's house
    0437 saria's house

    Inside lost woods bridge area
    0286 lost woods
    00FC sacred forest meadow
    011E lost woods
    01AD lost woods
    01B1 lost woods
    04C6 lost woods
    04E2 goron city
    01DD zora river
    0185 Hyrule field
    020d kokiri forest

  2. I'm just paranoid now. Like...if they didn't steal anything other than the phone, what did they DO?


    You can't see the phone from the outside of the car, it was being held in a compartment behind the drink holder. The GPS IS visible from the outside though.

  3. So my car was broken into today. I have a TomTom GPS, misc boxes filled with things from work, like a headset. Two boxes of clear plastic boxes that are meant to hold older games like N64, SNES, things of that sort.


    So I go out of the house to take my husband to work, and notice the contents of the glove compartment is on the front seat. So we quickly go through the list of stuff in the car, and find that only a pay-as-you-go cell phone that hasn't been used in a year and doesn't have minutes on it has been stolen.


    Everything else is still there except the cell phone.


    So now...I can't really report anything to the cops, because I didn't care about that cell phone, and I've already made sure they can't even activate it again, because it's literally been a year since I used the phone.


    So...I'm more confused now about why they DIDN'T steal anything else. I'm glad...but still.


    I mean...my CD's and stuff are in there too, but I guess they didn't like my taste in filk and celtic music. XD



  4. Sneak preview of the sort of detail I have in one of my house maps:




    And as a sort of insight into how the game might play, I plan to have this game be like older Zelda titles, where they sort of just dump you into the game with minimal explanation. Will require much more exploring and thinking on your own rather than where you go be dictated by cutscenes

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    Nintendo should not be doing this. Here's why:

    Too many Copyright claims/strikes on youtube can result in a banning of your account.

    These ads will remove all revenue from people who have this as their job, instead of the gaming networks now paying their LPers, they are now gonna have to give that to Nintendo.

    Peoples jobs will be hurt from this, as stated ^.

    Also, for the people who use facecam, (Like me,) that would be claiming ownership not only on the video of the game itself, but ownership over the person. That is just... what.

    Furthermore, Nintendo doesn't even own the rights to some of these games anymore, prime example being Zelda on the NES. Copyright has expired, so in that area they have no right to be doing this.

    I thought they had copyright for like...70 years on that stuff?


    Copyright only can last 15-20 years at a time.


    From Nintendo's website:


    Haven't the Copyrights for Old Games Expired?

    U.S. copyright laws state that copyrights owned by corporations are valid for 75 years from the date of first publication. Because video games have been around for less than three decades, the copyrights of all video games will not expire for many decades to come.

  6. Nintendo should not be doing this. Here's why:

    Too many Copyright claims/strikes on youtube can result in a banning of your account.

    These ads will remove all revenue from people who have this as their job, instead of the gaming networks now paying their LPers, they are now gonna have to give that to Nintendo.

    Peoples jobs will be hurt from this, as stated ^.

    Also, for the people who use facecam, (Like me,) that would be claiming ownership not only on the video of the game itself, but ownership over the person. That is just... what.

    Furthermore, Nintendo doesn't even own the rights to some of these games anymore, prime example being Zelda on the NES. Copyright has expired, so in that area they have no right to be doing this.

    I thought they had copyright for like...70 years on that stuff?

    • Like 2
  7. i'm sooo loking foward for it :D :D

    i can try to make some soundtracks for the game, if you want

    I appreciate the offer, but I've recruited my old team from Voyager for music. ;)


    As an update, I've imported a small, completed map successfully into the game! When I eventually get a few details fixed on it, I'll post up a picture of it. ^_^

  8. There was a recent announcement from Nintendo that they are going to be forcing adds on videos that content ID claim (music/visual) on Youtube, thus taking money from a partner, or a regular person who has adsense.


    http://www.destructoid.com/nintendo-is-claiming-ownership-of-let-s-play-videos-253793.phtml Read the article here.


    Now, legally, they have every right to do this. But what about ethically?

    Yes, it could be worse, they could shut down videos entirely and not let anything be posted. But by allowing the videos and taking the revenue, is this a correct ethical choice they should be doing?


    As a youtuber, I like to show off games that Nintendo makes, thus gaining more attention for that game. There's been increases for certain games when big LPer's showed it off. By them doing this, they take all the money from the work that people put into these videos to show their love for the company. Like I said, legally, there's no contest, but that's not the issue. Is it right ethically for them to do this?


    Is Nintendo being greedy? Or just not thinking?

  9. *thumbs up* I'll keep this in mind and do a video on how to do all this stuff, I didn't even really think about it. Glad I was able to help though, and if you have more questions, just ask. I'm big about asking questions. XD

  10. That's okay, I haven't made a tutorial on basic hex usage, and we all start somewhere. I guess I should go over basic functions of hex editors in a video.


    Anyway, to get to an offset, open up the rom in a hex editor like HxD, that's a good one to use and it's free.


    Hit CTRL+G to search for an offset. For example, when you see someone write "cutscene offset at 0xB20468" You search for it in the rom, then input the number B20468. This will bring you to the exact point to edit, in this case 3408 FFFx. Be sure to make a backup of your rom before making any changes, of course.

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