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Everything posted by TheGamerGal

  1. @AnimatixReels Yeah and I missed out on all my good shows. We got t.v back and it was like, "Here Is The Finale", and I was like "whaaa", and seen what happened before I got to watch previous episodes. Anyway, girls were playing games since they first came out with a game. Like Pac-Man, it was really made for girls to play because girls would think the ghosts were cute and that came out in what..the 80s? Games weren't really made for any gender, I mean that's like saying "Guys Can Cook?! WOW!"
  2. No, no. His mom does not allow this. She thinks Super Smash Bros is way too violent for young ones like you.
  3. Yes, beat it. Beat it good. He needs to learn to respect his parents.
  4. Yeah, we bro and sis. MidnaDude is also our brother.
  5. Well, bro, I live in the same household you do. So I would say all the above. Your smart, cool and talented, but at times your annoying, stupid and a prick. But you are one of the best. You are CURIOUS about something new. You are ANNOYING when you answer the question that was directed at me. You are SELFISH when you eat the rest of the cake or ice cream without telling me. You are STUPID when you just act stupid. You are WHO THE HECK IS THAT GUY when you act different. ( Better or Worse) You are LOYAL when you do as I ask. You are KIND when you help me with gaming hacks. You are SUPPORTIVE when I want to complete goals. You are COOL when you are just being cool. You are TALENTED when you make music beats. You are a PRICK when you keep asking the same question or keep calling my name, and when you correct me just to be like "I'm smarter than you".
  6. He doesn't really hate the 80s. He just always says that.
  7. Great story! Better than what I could write
  8. If I were Link, I wouldn't date neither of them. Malon calls him a fairy boy, Ruto bosses him around. You know what? This reminds me of high school, although I never actually went to a real high school,( cuz I was home schooled since 5th grade.) Zelda is the pretty blonde who is popular. Ruto is the rebellious girl who everyone is scared of. Saria is the sweet girl who everyone wants to be friends with. And Malon is kind of unknown, except when she brings the milk for everyone. She needs to make herself known. She has to let everyone know her talents.
  9. This one always cracks me up!
  10. I think Link just might like to be with Ruto cuz she would be naked all the time.
  11. No, Spiderman doesn't ditch all his girls, he kills them all. Hint hint: Gwen.
  12. You should become a biologist, Nero. You would be good at it.
  13. Karate Kid was one of the best movies of the 80s, so was Back To The Future, it was one of the best.
  14. Hollow body bass, provides much better sound. Gaming videos with commentary or no commentary?
  15. This is starting to turn into sex ed class.
  16. Look what happened to Link when he made the decision to marry Malon. She turned him to a farm boy. Although he probably does have nightmares about all the girls trying to get with him.
  17. Well, the both of them are kind of the same. They both have fat dads. And both of their dads are lazy.
  18. What about Nabooru? U being racist to the Gerudo? Nabooru is actually pretty nice for Link. Or maybe Mido? Oh wait, he is a guy. I forgot that he was a dude. (With those blush- applied cheeks of his. Maybe mascara too?) Maybe Navi? Anybody think Navi is good enough for Link?
  19. Actually, you are a whole lot of n00b.
  20. Yeah, haha, that's right. TOTALLY USELESS. She doesn't even give Link anything for his hard work. At least Malon will give you some cruddy milk.
  21. Ruto is better. Who cares if Ruto smells like fish. Malon smells like horse and farm crap. Besides Zoras are not exactly fish from the sea. Sooo.... we all can agree that Ruto is the best.
  22. Maybe Malon, although I do like Ruto's bossy attitude, Link just might get hungry one day and decide to have fish for lunch.
  23. Now that I have looked into this more, you can see that is does really does turn out 2 be fake. They pulled up the names of those kids/people and they all turn up to be actors from different places. You should see the video when they interviewed those people of the little girl they supposedly lost. The "dad" was laughing and said "Are we ready to do this?" and then he took a deep breath and started to act like he was crying. Why would you be laughing so hard at what someone said if you lost your daughter just two days before? When my grandpa passed away, I didn't smile or laugh for days, even if it was so hilarious. He must of moved on from his loss so fast then. When Obama posed with those kids from the school, someone spotted the kid that was supposed to be one of the victims. They asked if it was her, and they said, No that is her little sister. I mean it looked just like her. It made it even more fake like when they didn't release the death certificates. So they made a new law so they didn't have to show them to anyone. Why make a law just for that? Why not just show them? Now lots of people question a lot of things. Was anything they said happened really happen? Like 9/11 and London bombing 2005? I guess we will never know and the government can do what they want and will. They don't care if it hurts or affects others. They will lie to us and do whatever they feel like doing cause they are in control. Some people will still believe that the shooting happened but I like that it would be fake so that America didn't really lose 20 innocent children.
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