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Possible MM Multiplayer?


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I was suggesting using Nemu just to find the right places to start writing the code but of course the final version of the hack would be a modified Link actor which you'd do in a text editor.

If you're serious about this hack then you should start reading up on MIPS assembly code so that you can understand exactly what spinout's hack does and how to implement something similar in MM.


what kind of MIPS is it? like r400i or what?

and are there any good sites i can go to, to find a tutorial on writitng with MIPS?

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All of those documents are related to ASM hacking, though I haven't checked the contents of it all that much. I just uploaded all the documents I had on assembly because many people requested this on Glitchkill, but it's up to the reader to use those documents to learn about the topics they cover.

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I would recommend trying to learn to program in one way or another, how all of this works will become much clearer. (tip: try C)

Studying opcodes will teach you less than learning to program. Learn what memory and variables are. Stepping with Nemu's disassembler and watching memory and variables is one of the most effective ways to learn about MIPS assembly specifically.
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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been studying up on opcodes and I'm not getting anything.. If any major hacker wants to take this into their own hands, please don't hesitate to do so.

(reason i'm quitting or postponing it is this is just too difficult for me being my first source code hack)


You did your best. Thank you for trying. :D
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That friend would be me. I've been dabbling in OoT hacking for several years, however only at this point in time have I started actually getting serious about it. I may not know nearly as much as any of you people know, but I am a quick learner as long as I really put myself out there (Which I quite literally just started doing).I do have a basic understanding on how Spinout's 4 player code works, and how to go about modifiying it for use in Majora's Mask. Please keep in mind that as this is being worked on I will be in the process of learning MIPS Assembly language and that I may have several questions to ask while the code is being created.

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That friend would be me. I've been dabbling in OoT hacking for several years, however only at this point in time have I started actually getting serious about it. I may not know nearly as much as any of you people know, but I am a quick learner as long as I really put myself out there (Which I quite literally just started doing).I do have a basic understanding on how Spinout's 4 player code works, and how to go about modifiying it for use in Majora's Mask. Please keep in mind that as this is being worked on I will be in the process of learning MIPS Assembly language and that I may have several questions to ask while the code is being created.


I hope you two succeed, as there is a severe lack of mods for MM in comparison to OoT.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.

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Happy to support you guys. :)


Now, how advanced do you guys plan to go with it? Just imagine:

One player is human, and the other takes on the form of a Zora to solve a Zora puzzle, to help both players advance. Hell, I can even imagine this being used cooperatively to quickly solve the puzzle at the Stone Tower entrance.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.

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For a reference, there's a pretty good repository of notes on MIPS Assembly on my site. Bear in mind it's written for advanced programmers, so it isn't easy for newbies to machine code to pick up. You can find it on my site in this directory. Note that if my website isn't loading right now, it's because my host hasn't renewed their domain which expired on the new year. It should be up within a few hours at the most.

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Happy to support you guys. :)


Now, how advanced do you guys plan to go with it? Just imagine:

One player is human, and the other takes on the form of a Zora to solve a Zora puzzle, to help both players advance. Hell, I can even imagine this being used cooperatively to quickly solve the puzzle at the Stone Tower entrance.


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.


Now THAT would be fun. :)

But i doubt we'd be able to pull that off.

Spinout told me that multiple link forms might not be able to coexist in-game. Guess we'll just need to figure out

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Now THAT would be fun.

But i doubt we'd be able to pull that off.

Spinout told me that multiple link forms might not be able to coexist in-game. Guess we'll just need to figure out


Ah, it's all fine, then. Do whatever you guys can. :)


This was sent from a magical space satellite in the Andromeda Galaxy. Hurr.

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@Rainbow Dash: That is a very good idea! However, at the moment, we'll probably just settle for getting the game to load 3 other links at once. Maybe after that we could give different forms a go.


@Naxylldrit: I actually tried visiting your site earlier today, whenever I click a link to it, it comes up as a real estate website... O.o


@SanguinettiMods: Is that so? If thats the case then I assume it'd be possible. Like Gazpacho said, we'll just have to try and figure out whether or not multiple forms of link can co-exist.


@Crownjo: I was thinking 2 links just to see if it works, if that goes smoothly then add 2 more.

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@Crownjo: We could do that, I guess.


@Rainbow Dash: >.> Website hosts these days, think they own the road XD


Thank you so much. When me and my bro played OOT the other two LInks kept falling and we died where we had to meet Zelda. We both were very sadface.
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