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Posted ImageHey all, just wanted to stop by and say hello. I couldn't help but notice that you guys have an admin that goes by Crimson Wings. I assure you no intent of identity theft was in the works. If my name becomes a problem, I'll gladly oblige.


I'd also like to say thanks to the GCN team for all of your hard work so far on the Zelda URA mod. It looks really good so far and has certainly been in the works for some time. If I could have either quality or time efficiency, I'd go with quality, so no matter what anyone says, please take your sweet time and make sure this project is done perfectly to your specifications. After all, we've waited this long, what's another year if needed?


I've done mods myself for a few different games such as Halo PC and GTA SA as well as some custom maps for COD4. I've also modded some things in Pokemon Fire Red and Borderlands for personal use.........meaning I never released my mod you pervert, Posted Image!!! I have fair knowledge of how making a map works, VERY basic knowledge of 3DsMax ( if any at all ), fairly good with music/sound effects ( I mostly use FL Studio just for fun ), and unfortunately hardly any skills as far as scripting goes. If I can be of any help to the project just let me know, I'll see what I can do even if it's a small part. I DO know some people in our gaming community that are pretty good with scripting, so maybe I can get a hold of them for you.


I understand how strenuous modding can be, let alone one of such massive scale, especially since this is a ROM mod which in my opinion is fairly different than a PC game mod. Plus I hear you guys had to make some of your own tools, dang, I couldn't do that. Not to mention your seemingly infinite well of patience for some members of the Zelda community that just o' so love to trollololPosted Image. By the looks of it, you guys aren't just creating a mod, but basically creating a whole new game.


Posted ImageTo sum, I'd again like to thank the team for all of your hard work. May the tri-force be with you?Posted Image

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Welcome to the forum, Crimson. Don't worry, the name is hardly a problem--far as I know, Crimson Wings also goes by Kaze, so it should be fine.


Thanks for all your kind words for the URA Project, and we will definitely keep going full steam ahead without any sacrifices to quality. You're spot-on with our intent--we don't want just a game mod of the original, we want a brand new experience for the player. And, naturally, we won't let a few trolls get in the way of all our hard work; after all, they just jelly. :D


If you've any questions, please don't hesitate to ask any of our staff members, and enjoy your stay here.

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Questions? Don't get me started, I have TONS, LOL!!! I think I'll just do my best to stay patient and wait for a release. :P




Well I guess I DO have some questions that I'd really like to know.


•Roughly what percentage do you feel you guys have completed the mod?


•Will the Boomerang have an upgrade like the Hookshot or earlier games?


•Will the young Hero of Light at least have a metal shield like in Majora's Mask? Personally I like playing as young Link, but the Deku Shield killed it for me.


•Will the young Hero of Light have sword upgrades like is adult self will? ( I'd like to see that )


•Most importantly, will we have the option to play Right Handed? One of the biggest things that seriously annoyed me when playing Zelda is that Link is left handed..........but....I'm....right handed. It just throws me off.


And I have to say: At first I was really disappointed to find out that you guys were replacing Link with the Hero of Light from BS Zelda, then I started to really think about it and I might just be able to adapt. Although I will stick to the idea of the Young Hero of Light wearing a baseball cap. That's just so..........90's. Maybe swap that with no hat? Or perhaps spiky hair? IDK, I digress. Whatever you guys choose is fine, after all, it's about the gameplay.

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Our project page gives an estimates 54% level of completion, which I would say is fairly accurate. We still have quite a bit of content left to add, but we're definitely making progress.


We do not currently have any plans to upgrade the Boomerang. It hasn't been brought up officially, but I would like to see the Boomerang useable by Adult Link.


I'm actually not sure on that note, you'll have to send a PM to Zeth, the project leader, to get a more definite answer.


Again, not entirely sure.


It's unclear whether the BS Hero is left or right handed since he only appeared in the BS Zelda games which were sprite based and therefore very difficult to see small details like that. The young Hero of Light concept art depicts him as right handed (although the adult concept contradicts that), so it's possible he could be ambidextrous in the URA Project.


As stated above, the Hero of Light isn't a character we just made up out of nowhere, he's a real character in the canon of the Zelda universe and is able to wield the Master Sword just like Link, and the baseball cap is one of his defining features in the games, so we're being true to this as best as we can. True, today it might seem a bit cliche, but hopefully those not a fan of the cap will be able to overlook it in favor of the plot, gameplay, new challenges, and everything else we want to add.

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Cool, thank you for the info.


It doesn't REALLY matter to me that you guys are using the Hero of Light. It just caught me by surprise that's all. At the very least, I hope players have the option of right or left handed Hero of Light. Like I said before, it throws me off sometimes playing as Link because he's left handed. Cool beans though. I was WAAAAY off as far as how complete the mod is. I was under the impression that you guys were about 80%-95%.

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