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English N64 DD found.


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Title says it all, apparently there was an English DD prototype found 


Here's the video!



EDIT: So, according to the video, he has a disk that cannot be read. He is searching for someone with the appropriate tools to dump the disk and hopefully English DD firmware so we can figure out what it is. I believe we have some people on here who have that ability? If so, I'm beyond curious about what's on there. The man in charge of the DD in North America says that it is one of three things. A prototype of Earthbound 64, a prototype of Zelda 64 DD, or some test code for the n64 DD as those are the only three things that were far enough in development at the time to be on an English disk. C'mon guys! This could be awesome!!!

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If the Partner hardware is all that's needed to run the disk, he shouldn't have too much trouble getting someone to hand him one.


Sometimes I feel like no one knows truly what they need because there have been a few of these elusive blue disks floating around the internet with no dumps yet. Surely people in the DD scene could collaborate and amoungst them acquire all the tools necessary to run it. I personally think they just don't know what they truly need to do it yet, but I am just a cynic!

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