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Why don't ROM sites use Tor?


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Or something similar?


I never got why pretty much all of them are on the open internet with zero encryption or security rather than say, on some hidden service like most other questionably legal content.  It would certainly help their reliability in the long run.


Then again, why don't many fan projects operate on these networks either?  Seems strange, especially for mods of games like Chrono Trigger where the owners seem really keen to shut down any and all fan projects.

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The problem is visibility.


The way that the web works is that there are certain servers called domain name servers that keep track of all of the web pages on the internet. When you go to "google.com", your computer first checks a hosts file to see if it knows what the IP address for that site is. If not, it sends a request to a DNS that searches a database for that name and sends back the address.


With onion sites, there is no DNS. Instead, each domain name is a hash of its own address. As you would imagine, remembering 03af4de5ac426b63a4dd6e25bc42cde64.onion would be a lot harder than remembering awesomeromsite.com


While you could technically make your own DNS (in other words, creating your own web ), by making a database and unleashing a horde of spiders (also called webcrawlers) like google did, getting people to accept your DNS is not that easy. The point of tor is to remain anonymous, and you're asking them to go through a middle man


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