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ALBW (3DS) - Model Format discussion


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Join me in figuring out the model format for A Link Between Worlds! These were extracted from ActorCommon.szs, so they're the models used in many places, such as Link.


Here's what I know so far about the format, using Link's model (055.bch) as an example:






0x0: Magic word "BCH" (null-terminated.)

0x4: Unknown, is set to 2121E1A2 in every file.


0x8: Chunk 1 pointer. (44000000) Needs to be word-swapped.

0xC: Chunk 2 pointer. (643A0000) Needs to be word-swapped.

0x10: Chunk 3 pointer. (A03E0000) Needs to be word-swapped.

0x14: Chunk 4 pointer. (00780000)  Needs to be word-swapped.

0x18: Chunk 5 pointer. (00900300) Needs to be word-swapped.

0x1C: Chunk 6 pointer. (8C250400) Needs to be word-swapped.


0x20: Chunk 1 size. (203A0000) Needs to be word-swapped.

0x24: Chunk 2 size. (30040000) Needs to be word-swapped.

0x28: Chunk 3 size. (20390000) Needs to be word-swapped.


0x2C: Unknown. (28180300) Needs to be word-swapped.

0x30: Also unknown. (A4950000) Needs to be word-swapped.


You would think that these are the sizes for chunks 4 and 5, but adding them to the pointers results in them running past the start of the next chunk.


0x34: Chunk 6 size. Needs to be word-swapped. (CC0B0000)


0x38: Another unknown value (D0010000), but is as big as the half-word at 0x42 multiplied by 4. This applies to every file. Needs to be word-swapped.

0x3C: Reserved? Set to 00000000 in every file.

0x40: A half-word that needs to be byte-swapped. 0100 (0001 byte-swapped) in every file except 065.bch, where it is 0000.

0x42: The half-word that when multiplied by 4 equals the value at 0x38, and needs to be byte-swapped first of course. (7400)




Chunk 2 will be mentioned first because it's used by others. It's purely null-terminated strings that aren't aligned. Excerpt:






Chunk 1 contains the skeleton, I assume?


If you search for pointers relative to the start of Chunk 2 in your hex editor, such as 3D000000 (0000003D word-swapped) which goes to "Lclotch_jnt", you will find them.


I literally don't have any more of a clue as to the format of this chunk, as it's extremely convoluted, like the others!




Chunk 3 I know for certain loads indices and points to textures. Examples...


00EC0200 27020F00 08040000 28020F00


The above is at 0x54C0 (absolute.) Again, everything needs to be word-swapped.


The first word is a relative pointer into Chunk 4. The third word is the size of the indices data requested, so divide this by 2 if you wish for the amount of indices.

I don't know for certain what purpose words two and four serve.


80100000 9D000F00 0D000000 9E000F00


The above is at 0x67E0 (absolute.) Word-swapping needed.


I only know that the first word is a relative pointer into Chunk 4. This is for a texture. Each texture seems to be pointed to three times for some reason.


That's all that I know about Chunk 3 now. No determining how the data is pointed to for specific model parts yet.




Chunk 4 contains textures and indices. That's all I've got to say.




Chunk 5 is the vertices, normals, and texture coordinates. Nothing else about it for now.




Chunk 6 I have no idea about.




I hope that somebody can make use of these notes, which are incredibly lacking.  -_-

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I've learned more since I made the video, and now models won't be missing any parts. Download all of the models I was able to convert here:




And here:




They still lack textures, because I don't understand the texture format yet. But you can give them funky custom textures if you want to use them for anything.


Here's some previews of the characters only:


Link model comparison (gameplay versus cutscenes):




The cutscene model has two sets of hands; open and closed.


Princess model comparison (Hilda versus Zelda):





Ravio model comparison (hood down (most of the game) versus hood up):









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