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Origin of my name "Airikita"


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Hey all. I'm not sure if anyone was curious about my name, seeing it's not a usual name. It was inspired between the element of Air and Kitsune, though Airikita was never a fox. Though the name stuck, as Airikita is a fair wolf.


I have some old concept art of Airikita:



There is another, but I am adamant to show it. The other one is her ancient/goddess form. I've been hoping to put her into a game for a very long time, but I came to adopt the name, and skewed it on the web.


I have given her a new name, though I'd thought I'd share this little tidbit.


My drawings of her are old, and maybe was Pokemon-inspired, but I was more inspired by other means. I created other elemental spin-offs of her, but they were more of just quick concepts. She was more dog-like at first, primarily because of how I used to draw wolves.


I feel like I should leave this here to reveal who Airikita is, because she might be hidden for a long time if I don't find a use for her. Every time I write a story with her, people assumed she was too much like a Pokemon.


One point I submitted her to Pokemon Co. when the contest was taking place, when Marill was picked.

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The name still seems fitting though.

Nice drawing, needs color :D.

She has color in my other drawings, but the others are much older, and not as nice looking. This sketch is an old one, and I went digging through my photobucket to find it.


If you look at my avatar, her wings are the same colors, and her fur is the same golden color.

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