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Question about OoT 1.0 (Filesystem stuff)



I was wondering if there are any programs that support browsing through the 1.0 filesystem. I have a freshly decompressed 1.0 rom I decompressed in zdec, and I would love to be able to port the audiobank and such so I can get the chanting version of the fire temple music back into the debug rom. I know how to port this stuff, but I have no idea where to look. I am asking because I know the offsets are different for the 1.0 rom. Any help would be appreciated.

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Guest sakura

The problem is that the debug ROM is the only one with a table of file names, so OoT 1.0 is a little harder to hack. You can find audiobank at 0xD390 in a decompressed OoT 1.0 ROM though

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It's no problem. :P I was just confused. I just want to throw this out there because depending on how you read what I posted, it may seem like I was getting annoyed at someone. This is not true. I am a very calm person and I don't get mad easily. Just wanted to clear that up if you misread my intent. :) Thank you for the help on that. I really appreciate it. I'll make a patch for anyone who wants it when it is done. Now, do I need the audiotable as well?

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The size actually doesn't matter. While the file's location is noted in the file table, it's never actually used by the game iirc. You can just put it anywhere as long as you change 2 instructions somewhere that specify where the file is supposed to start (I don't remember where this is). You might run into problems if the samples within the file are arranged differently though since I think their addresses are all referenced from within the instrument sets. Unless you were to also move all the instrument sets then if one sample is in a different spot you could end up having most instruments sounding like static or something.


by the way, just to clarify (if I remember the correct names)

Audiotable - all sound samples

Audiobank - instrument/sound sets

Audioseq - music sequences

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It doesn't name all of the files, but a program I wrote a long time ago called z64dump3 would probably help a lot. It decompresses and extracts roms into a data directory;


the first 3 files are have the names:


Where dk/fk/gk stands for dungeon/field/gameplay keep; N is the index in the object table of the rom, and X is the start / end offset of the file. There are also 3 subdirectories for actors, objects, and scenes.


Inside the actors directory, there is a subdirectory for each actor type. They numbered in hexadecimal, but each folder should contain different types of actors. Each actor has the name format:


Where A is the index in the actor table, O is the index of it's corresponding object in the object table, and X is the start / end offset. Likewise, inside the objects folder is a list of objects with the name format:


So you should have no problem matching the actors to their objects.


Inside the scene folder is a bunch of directories, where each directory represents an index in the scene table. Inside each directory is a single .zscene file and a subdirectory containing all of it's corresponding maps.




Just drag and drop, works on any Zelda rom (OoT or MM). It only extracts the actors, objects, scenes, maps, and keeps; but it definitely saves a lot of time. You can download it here




Just some additional info, you might want to run it from the command line like:

z64dump3 myrom.z64 >> log.txt

As it prints the offsets of all the tables, so you can use them for reference later.

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