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Hey everyone,


I just want to ask some questions for everyone... what's on everyone's mind lately? Are you bored, or doing other things? What's interesting you lately? I am curious as to how everyone is doing. Considering this forum has some people popping in their heads every now-and-then, I'm sure a lot of you are busy. Considering I have college, and the lack of sleep and being sick, I haven't been up-to-speed.


Personally, I will be planning on buying an ED64 for my next purchase, so I can continue my project.


I also want to know what everyone's thoughts are on that. Don't feel like you have to answer, but I have been going through a lot of life questions for myself personally, and I really want to know what everyone is up to lately.


Personally, I've been struggling this year. I did so well in my last year, this year I've been losing myself to lack of sleep. I'm slowly regaining it, but a few times I haven't been able to get good shut-eye. I either can't breathe, or just have aches. I still have good grades, but I can't help but being stressed...


One of my teachers is being a pain, and I can't seem to help but be annoyed by not being able to sleep.


I don't want to get personal, but a lot of stupid things have been happening....


While I was a good student last year, I feel like this year I'm being under-appreciated for my efforts. Also, while I was honest and on-time last year, because of circumstances this year, my teacher is being an anus by being rude to me. He favorites other students, and I find it a bit tedious. It's not just me, he picks the same people every time. As much as I try to keep my personal stuff off the forums, I feel like I need to discuss it. I have no idea what to do.


He spoke to me rudely one day for being in a good mood. I was starting to feel better that day, and he just says "this isn't joking time, it's time to get serious" as if I've been slacking off, or as if I'm a rude student. I'm quiet most of the time, I'm a rather reserved person. But lately I feel like I'm not being appreciated in that class while the other teachers like me just fine.


And that's what's been going on with me lately.. I could say more, but I don't want to turn this into a drama topic. I want to hear what's on your minds lately.

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Sure, I'll bite.


Finished watching Sword Art Online, been playing a little bit of Call of Duty: Black Ops II, and started on writing chapter 13 of my Zelda fanfic, though I am having a bit of trouble with the latter. At this stage, it's becoming harder and harder to figure out what to write, exactly.

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Ok in this moment im finishing my last words of tesis trying to get a work , also im learning in small steps about the modding thing, i have no problem with desing in 3d for nintengo 64 graphics but the rest its so hard for me , also im a star craft brood war player so if any is interesting to play let me now :D. by the way i havent introducing myself to all you , hello all finally i really like the GCN is just awesome.I got lots of ideas in my mind which i will put them in a mod in the near future. (sorry for my english is not very good)


And yes taking a break it is very good indeed , forget about everything do what you like.

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Ok in this moment im finishing my last words of tesis trying to get a work , also im learning in small steps about the modding thing, i have no problem with desing in 3d for nintengo 64 graphics but the rest its so hard for me , also im a star craft brood war player so if any is interesting to play let me now :D. by the way i havent introducing myself to all you , hello all finally i really like the GCN is just awesome.I got lots of ideas in my mind which i will put them in a mod in the near future. (sorry for my english is not very good)


And yes taking a break it is very good indeed , forget about everything do what you like.

Sounds awesome, nice to meet you.
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College has pretty much just been sucking up my life. I think I'm failing my Computer Science logic class because I got a 50 on the first test (the rude awakening that a Freshman like myself deserves). So yeah, that's been keeping me up with studying. Not to mention my Calculus class is frustrating me because I'm actually good at the subject but I could not for the life of me get the last two tests done in the allotted time period of 50 minutes. Aside from that, I have to maintain a long-distance relationship with my high school girlfriend so I'm usually visiting her on the weekends and skyping for over an hour everyday for the last 4 months. All-in-all I really don't have much time to do anything else but I visit and lurk here everyday.


Off-topic, I'm thinking of starting a topic where I post my logic/programming assignments in order to get insight on what to do. We get some pretty neat assignments in programming so I think it would be cool if I posted my source code too (maze solver, equation solver for any variable, manual computation of sine using Taylor series approximations, everything is done recursively, useful shit etc).

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College has pretty much just been sucking up my life. I think I'm failing my Computer Science logic class because I got a 50 on the first test (the rude awakening that a Freshman like myself deserves). So yeah, that's been keeping me up with studying. Not to mention my Calculus class is frustrating me because I'm actually good at the subject but I could not for the life of me get the last two tests done in the allotted time period of 50 minutes. Aside from that, I have to maintain a long-distance relationship with my high school girlfriend so I'm usually visiting her on the weekends and skyping for over an hour everyday for the last 4 months. All-in-all I really don't have much time to do anything else but I visit and lurk here everyday.


Off-topic, I'm thinking of starting a topic where I post my logic/programming assignments in order to get insight on what to do. We get some pretty neat assignments in programming so I think it would be cool if I posted my source code to (maze solver, equation solver for any variable, manual computation of sine using Taylor series approximations, everything is done recursively, useful shit etc).

I got some low marks in this third semester... although it's mostly from the lack of sleep, and me doing other things. However, because I'm so tired, I find it difficult to focus on my work. I also haven't been able to keep up with everything, so I left my book for English Lit to the side until I finish other things. I wouldn't be surprised if I failed my English class since I'm trying to keep my other courses on-time.

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Alright, what am I doing...


Currently participating in some kinda job reintegration program, although the actual job-related stuff hasn't been very much lately. It's meant to show us one field of work every week, with us participants doing work related to that job. In reality, tho, the last few weeks have been ex. arts, which was very fun, I gotta say (did that painting of Akatsuki from Log Horizon I posted in the Official Drawing Thread before there), hiking (or officially "experiencing nature differently" or something like that), which honestly was not very fun at all as I'm not an outdoor-type of person, and this week is music, which is at least interesting (got to try the guitar today, which I liked, tho it's rough on your fingers if you're not used to it). The whole thing's, well, pretty hit-and-miss, in both the fields of work we do experience (ex. plumbing was... meh) and in what not-so-viable professions we have on "off weeks" like this one...


In terms of things less immediately related to finding work, I've been working on that Dreamcast game thingy I've been posting a bit of a constant work log in my "random stuff" thread over in Community Projects. As I mentioned there, it's supposed to become a partial DC port of the DS dungeon crawler RPG Etrian Odyssey, with at least the dungeon and battle stuff functional. If that's actually getting anywhere, I'll consider adding more stuff from the game, and potentially EO4 and anything else that might fit - say, subclassing in the style of Log Horizon's Elder Tale (many special subclass-only classes) instead of EO's subclassing (setting another, regular class as subclass). All that's still a long way away, but I'm making progress slowly but surely.


Besides, I'm totally behind on all the anime I want/wanted to watch except one - which I'll spare the mention of since I've already mentioned it twice in this post :P -, I've been taking some lesser used consoles of mine out of "storage" from time to time to play them (NES, Dreamcast, etc.; also thinking of hooking the DC up permanently again), and I'm planning to properly clean up and redecorate the living room soon-ish - want to get that painting up on one wall, want to get some posters and shelving for games up on another. There's an eBay seller from the UK who's got replica posters of ex. arcade flyers in A3 size IIRC, so not that big, and I think I want to get one of Dodonpachi Daioujou's (see there) and get that framed.


...and that's about all I can think of right now...

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Moved from Tennessee back to my hometown in GA, I'm glad I'm where all my friends are again.

I've been working Mon-Fri 40hrs a week. Being a welder is physically exhausting... and painful. Today I forgot to put on my saftey glasses (I rarely use them when I should be) and when I went to use a wire wheel on a dremel a wire broke off the wheel and flew straight into my eyeball. It was pretty gay, my eye isn't aggrivating me anymore, but now I've got a major headache..


Recently started dating someone, she's really sweet and nice, but we have conflicting life scheduels, and she doesn't like to talk, or text that much.. I like her, but I'm not sure how long our relationship will last.

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Working on getting into colleges and getting scholarships (been pretty successful in that department so far) so I can obtain a Bachelors Degree in Game Design, writing a full feature length novel, working hard in high school (AP Calculus thus far has been the most fun math I've ever taken!), maintaining relationships with my friends, Skyping with my newfound English friends, texting my Canadian friend, building electronics, and my own projects. I'm busy haha

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I finally got some projects done again, still backed up on one. I asked for an extension and got one (teacher was a bit reluctant/giving me issues even though I'm allowed extensions). His silly excuse was that I always finished my assignments on time, even after asking for an extension. The thing about last year, is that I was stressed and had some serious problems happening to me, so when I asked for the extensions back then, I wasn't expecting to finish them on time. But, when I did, I always got high marks.


I also have the class being rude to me lately, but I just started ignoring it. I started to point out their errors when there's something shown in class that they did (lecture presentations). One guy thought his input design (for a web project) was "the shit", and well, I pointed out flaws in it as everyone else did.


The cockiness of some of these jerks is ridiculous. Also, some of the guys are American, and lemme just say they really misrepresent USA, and black culture (the way they act/dress). Some of those guys are disrespecting me, but, again, I did my own thing.


I also plan on buying a bag of chocolates, give it to the class, and when my Web teacher asks for one I'll say "nope", because he did this bullshit throughout the year of giving chocolates to people who answer a question correctly, which is distracting/childish/immature, and he also was saying I don't get chocolates for answering the questions I did.


I find he's one of those "favouritist" teachers. It's like I was saying earlier about him picking the same students every time.


He also seems to ignore me when I raised my hand for chocolate-worthy questions, which pisses me off. Of course, it's not like I care for the chocolates, but it is really annoying. It's like it's Elementary school, which is stupid.

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Recently I found this online game called "PokeMMO". While there are some bugs in it, it seems to be the best MMORPG Pokemon game I have found yet. I've been using it in-between my assignment to take my mind off of stress. Seems to be helping, but can be a bit distracting.


It's not like I'm going to freak out over it either, I did a good half of it already.


I recommend checking it out if you want a Pokemon MMORPG to play, it's very well-made.

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I'm going through a major lack of inspiration/motivation, in all kind of senses.

That's all I get to say.



About the chocolates: what if when people answer questions wrong and the teacher won't give them chocolate, you take one from your bag and gives them one yourself instead? Should be funny to see the reaction.

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I'm going through a major lack of inspiration/motivation, in all kind of senses.

That's all I get to say.



About the chocolates: what if when people answer questions wrong and the teacher won't give them chocolate, you take one from your bag and gives them one yourself instead? Should be funny to see the reaction.

Or just throw chocolates like he does in class while he stands there, and he doesn't get one, lol. Like, he has his own chocolates.

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I am working really hard in college so I can go to university. I work externally as an ambassador and mentor alongside that. I am tired from staying awake late into the night. Personally I am ahead, but there is so many more modules on the music technology course this year.


However I am enjoying my music work, as it helps me focus.


I have stopped playing games, and I'm living a more healthy and refined life.


I feel 2014 will be a good year, for everyone on the GCN. :)

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