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Thanks!  :D



Just finished writing the main shader used for rendering the game.





I actually imported Link using only the shading with primitive colors disabled, and then I'm applying the primitive color through the material in unity. Now, I'm gonna start focusing on getting animations working

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This was truly a pain in the ass, but I finally wrote a shader that can properly replicate the grass effect in the game










Fixed the trails and walls





I did come across one slight problem though. I can't figure out how to clamp textures on only 1 axis in Unity, and using the repeat wrapmode causes a thin line to appear above the walls when you look while standing close to one. I'm waiting for a response in the Unity answers right now, but that aside, this map is pretty much finished.





Just a nice view of death mountain from in Unity.







Fully imported Kokiri Forest. I messed around a little with the environment settings this time.





Also, you'll probably notice that the buttons and text in the hud appear less blocky in this pic. Well, while I was working on Hyrule Field, I realized that compression that Unity uses for textures is lossy. Considering that N64 textures are already really low-res, I've just been making it a point to disable compression for all textures.

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This was truly a pain in the ass, but I finally wrote a shader that can properly replicate the grass effect in the game










Fixed the trails and walls





I did come across one slight problem though. I can't figure out how to clamp textures on only 1 axis in Unity, and using the repeat wrapmode causes a thin line to appear above the walls when you look while standing close to one. I'm waiting for a response in the Unity answers right now, but that aside, this map is pretty much finished.





Just a nice view of death mountain from in Unity.







Fully imported Kokiri Forest. I messed around a little with the environment settings this time.





Also, you'll probably notice that the buttons and text in the hud appear less blocky in this pic. Well, while I was working on Hyrule Field, I realized that compression that Unity uses for textures is lossy. Considering that N64 textures are already really low-res, I've just been making it a point to disable compression for all textures.

One wonders with a project this promising looking, if there will be any future at all in Moding the ROM.

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Well, for portability reasons or being able to play on an actual N64. Zelda64 modding isn't exactly alive and kicking as it is. There's only like, 2 or 3 people left actually doing mods.

But, anyhow, after spending quite some time ripping my hair out dealing with lighting issues and memory leaks in blender, I'm just going to make an entirely new application called Z64Rip2 (the original Z64Rip was a tool I wrote a long time ago that shoddily extracted models as Valve SMD's. Though, it was written before matrices had been figured out, so the models didn't have proper joints and looked like total shit)

I've been spending a little time digging around in the N64SDK as well and learning some really interesting things, like how the color combiner can use the primitive color for specular hilights and that the setcombine instruction only allows certain arguments for certain fields.

Ca	 CM  T0  T1  PR  SH  EV  NO   1   0
Cb	 CM  T0  T1  PR  SH  EV  KC  K4   0
Cc	 CM  T0  T1  PR  SH  EV  KS CMA T0A T1A PRA SHA EVA  LF PLF  K5   0
Cd	 CM  T0  T1  PR  SH  EV   1   0

Aa	CMA T0A T1A PRA SHA EVA   1   0
Ab	CMA T0A T1A PRA SHA EVA   1   0
Ad	CMA T0A T1A PRA SHA EVA   1   0


CM		Combined
T0		Texture 0
T1		Texture 1
PR		Primitive Color
SH		Shade
EV		Environment Color
KC		Key Center
KS		Key Scale
CMA		Combined Alpha
T0A		Texture 0 Alpha
T1A		Texture 1 Alpha
PRA		Primitive Alpha
SHA		Shade Alpha
EVA		Environment Alpha
LF		LOD Fraction
PLF		Primitive LOD Fraction
NO		Noise
K4		Convert K4
K5		Convert K5
1		1.0
0		0.0

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  • 2 months later...

SoulofDeity! Have you seen my OoTHD Unity game on www.zelda64.net? Would you mind sharing any of the source for your project with me? Ive been working mostly on the graphical end of things, and have yet to do much of the scripting. Any help would be great. Ive even made a public quick prealpha demo available for download.

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