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Funny Skyward Sword review


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I just ran across this randomly and thought I'd share. I think it's kinda funny.




Don't get mad people, they like the game, it's just the over-the-top observations that got me cracking up.

I don't care what they say, they're obviously full of shit if they claim to be a Zelda fan yet spend 7 paragraphs blowing diarrhea from the mouth about voice acting, and constantly follow up to complain about it in each chapter.

Some criticism on my part about the article; only half the 'problems with Skyward Sword' were actual problems with Skyward Sword, two of which weren't even actual reasons to complain, but more or less him being nitpicky and looking for a reason (bs about grammar, camera angles). All the other chapters were about his hatred for the wii, or things that pertained to the series as a whole. Lemme give you chapter map:

[*]1.  Wii hatred - "I don't like the Wii"

[*]2. Series Hatred - "Seriously, why isn't there voice-acting?" [NOTE: You won't forget this one people, he revisits it a lot to insult you]

[*]3. SS Hatred (grammar nitpicky) - "The writing is pretty bad"

[*]4. SS Hatred - "Please, please, please stop talking to me"

[*]5. SS Hatred - "It gets really good about six hours in"

[*]6. Series Hatred - "Pick an art direction already"

[*]7. Series Hatred - "The same old lock-and-key dance"

[*]8. Wii Hatred - "I just don't care about the motion plus"

[*]9. SS Hatred (camera nitpicky) - "The default camera angle is too high"

[*]10. SS Hatred - I hate the stamina meter

The whole article is just nonsensical rambling from some FPS junkie, and I recommend everyone here avert your eyes if you value your sanity.

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I don't care what they say, they're obviously full of shit if they claim to be a Zelda fan yet spend 7 paragraphs blowing diarrhea from the mouth about voice acting, and constantly follow up to complain about it in each chapter.


When you read it as satire (which I'm pretty sure it is), it's actually really funny. I enjoyed it quite a bit.

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