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Legend of Zelda: Tainted Blade


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In my "Tainted Blade" project, Link lost to Ganondorf in Ocarina of Time, and, though he survives, Ganondorf's dark power corrupts the hero, making him appear almost no different than Dark Link, and introducing darkness into the hero's heart.

As a result of his corruption, his spirit went on a rampage, killing innocents and destroying everything in his path before the Sages used what was left of their power to seal him in the Light Temple to gain control of his power.

Three years after defeating Link, Ganondorf filled the land with monsters and daemons, planning to unite Hyrule with the little-known Daemonic Realm.

Tainted Link, now in control of his new, dark power, must repent for his sins, destroy daemons, and ultimately, Ganondorf.

My project is meant to be significantly darker than the original game.
There are great changes planned:

- You only play as Adult Link. (Link's appearance for this project requires certain textures I'll provide in the download package when I complete this.)

- Almost everyone Link ever knew and grew close to has died.

- The enemy "Dark Link" plays a major role as an NPC Link actually speaks to, and is visited several times in the Bottom of the Well where he gives Link advice, etc.. He is a physical manifestation of Link's sorrow, and though he is rude to Link, he is not an enemy.

- Ruto is alive and plays a major role. She forgives Link for everything he's done, knowing that it wasn't completely his fault. She serves as a kind, but sometimes "bratty" moral compass, helping Link save himself from going back to being a "monster."

- The Dampé race spot becomes a dungeon.

- Bottom of the Well is accessible as as adult. (That was the easy part, lol)

- The Kokiri are all dead. Link visits the forest several times for items he lost during the three years training in the Light Temple.

- Yes, even Saria is dead. Sorry, guys.

- Because of Link's past actions, people don't trust him or like him very much, until they see he has good in his heart. People will be afraid.

Key Locations:

- Temple of Light. After accomplishing certain tasks, you are sent back to Hyrule.

- Beneath the Graveyard. This is the place where you once raced Dampé, but now the only thing keeping you from freedom are the monsters that inhabit this dungeon. Get to the end, and you're in Kakariko Village, to see the people who hate and fear you.

- Kakariko Village. By helping these people, you can slowly gain back their trust, and, in return, they will offer you very useful items.

- Bottom of the Well. You visit the well where the man with the eye of truth was once imprisoned, in an attempt to come to terms with everything. After a brief clash with Dark Link, he becomes a friendly character who gives you some direction in a slightly humourous and sarcastic way. lol

- Kokiri Forest. Following Dark Link's advice, you visit Kokiri Forest, only to find it destroyed and devoid of life. Only the dead walk here...

- Zora's Domain. This is when you meet Ruto again. This time, with the death of her father, she is left to clean up the mess.

- The Sacred Forest Meadow. It still retains its former charm; it defies the power of time. Other than a few wolfos, not much has changed.

- The temples are re-vamped; Link visits them once again, to collect the Medallions.


Anyway, there is so much more, but this'll give you a good idea of what I'm working on for now. Posted Image

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Glad to see some great ideas for a mod. I don't have any skills with building dungeons from scrap, but I certainly know how to edit text and replace actors. So I can't offer much in the way of skills. Due to what you've posted, I assume you're pretty handy with most of the tools already. ^_^


It sounds like it would be a really cool mod to play  and an ambitious project, I hope you do well in it. I kind of like the dark route it could go, and the commentary that could be in it--I like anything that talks about the human condition and emotions. It's fascinating. If you need help with text or something like that, I'd be willing to help. I'm working on my own text overhaul of the game right now, but I always have free time for a little bit of help.

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Yeah, I need help with text. Everytime I mess with Scroll of Time, it usually messes something up. Good thing I'm a "copy-and-paste-fiend," lol.

One thing I did do with text, though, was change it so that "Megaton Hammer" said "Megaton Battleaxe" because Link's new heavy weapon is a battleaxe.


Brings me to the next thing: I've completed modifying his weaponry, such as swords and his battleaxe, of course, which is good. I changed Dark Link's Master Sword to be a perfect replica of Link's in terms of size, shape, contour, etc..


Now, all I need for a team is a person who makes dungeons from scratch, because I want to make one under Zora's Domain, where Nintendo was originally going to put one, but didn't...


Oh, well, these things will work themselves out in time, I'm sure.

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Your mod sounds really cool, but I'm just a newbie at the hacking thing so I probably couldn't help tackle this project. ^_^

but when you say "Dark Link's advice" do you mean he'll be like Midna from TP and come out of your shadow using your up C when you need to talk to him.

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Your mod sounds really cool, but I'm just a newbie at the hacking thing so I probably couldn't help tackle this project. ^_^

but when you say "Dark Link's advice" do you mean he'll be like Midna from TP and come out of your shadow using your up C when you need to talk to him.

Dark Link would live at the Bottom of the Well, and you visit him to give you direction about where to go, how to do things, and gives you stuff. He's a sarcastic guide that is a physical manifestation of your sorrow, guilt, and anger; he is like a Tulpa, like Ninja-Ninja from Afro Samurai. He is a being that was brought forth by thoughts and feelings too powerful to be contained within a human heart.


He talks smack, but he is ultimately there to help you in your quest for peace and ultimately, redemption.



By the way, what is your skillset? :)

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Posted Image Very early beta, back before I switched my render engine to OpenGL, so that ground looks like crap.

These are modified Renaissance Magic Armour Link Textures, made by Zeth: I just removed colour and turned up the contrast. Not all the textures work, however. They didn't to begin with.

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Your mod sounds really cool, but I'm just a newbie at the hacking thing so I probably couldn't help tackle this project. ^_^

but when you say "Dark Link's advice" do you mean he'll be like Midna from TP and come out of your shadow using your up C when you need to talk to him.

I still think that's a cool idea, though. I'd love to do that, but I'm not sure how to make it happen. I can do alot of stuff, but I'm not Raptor Jesus. :/

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Tainted Link walking through the Bottom of the Well. Notice the length and width of his Master Sword. It gained length and is now a more elegantly shaped weapon of mass destruction.


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A shot of the Megaton Battleaxe.


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Tainted Link swinging the Megaton Battleaxe.



Just early screenshots, guys, showcasing some of Link's portable armoury.

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Welcome to Lake "Hellia." You may notice the dark sky. Now all I have to do is make the happy overworld music go away...

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A shot of Lake Hellia with Link on top of a tree.

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You can't see them now, but there are several Stalfos who attack you here, as well as Iron Knuckles. 

I also removed the ice brick blocking Zora's Domain: it must be accessed to go to the dungeon beneath.

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If I can get some concept art, or just simple drawings, I would be glad to model the dungeons. I'm not good at coming up with the ideas myself because I have too much stuff running through my head. But heck, the reason I know about any of this stuff is cuz I was part of TBT as a modeler. (Yes, I know I didn't get much done, but then again, who did? :P) And I've gotten quite a bit better since then! 

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If I can get some concept art, or just simple drawings, I would be glad to model the dungeons. I'm not good at coming up with the ideas myself because I have too much stuff running through my head. But heck, the reason I know about any of this stuff is cuz I was part of TBT as a modeler. (Yes, I know I didn't get much done, but then again, who did? :P) And I've gotten quite a bit better since then! 

How's this for an idea?


Ice/Water Themed dungeon beneath Zora's Domain.

This would have to be the "tricky/hard/confusing dungeon," as all water-themed dungeons are as a rule. lmao

You can see where Nintendo was going to put something down there beneath the ice, but decided not to last second. I was going to do something with that area.


Temple of Time Secret Chambers.

By walking into a certain hidden wall in the Temple of Time, you enter secret chambers infested with undead who have existed down there for who knows how long. There, Link will find Light Arrows...


Just a couple of ideas for dungeons, at the moment.


I don't know if the Temple of Light mod is still out there or how to access it, but it will be a crucial part of my plan; this version will explore previously unexplored areas and ideas. I would like to make sure this new world around Link feels very empty of human/Hylian life (whichever, I don't care) to assist with the feeling of isolation associated with being a damned soul who has committed sins against humanity. Still, it is VERY important to make sure that the few people Link DOES meet have an impact. No dialogue will be wasted, and no useless dialogue.


We are talking about a storyline that deals with very human emotions.





Legend of Zelda: meet Edgar Allan Poe...

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Interesting concept and good ideas! I like the idea of using the hole in Zora's Domain. There's also a similar hole in Darunia's chamber.

The screenshots are nice, too.


I would love to help you, but I'm too busy with work, writing hack tutorials for a french website and doing some research.

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If you want to i could try and make a few sword models for ya if you want to. I´ve made one which is a  mix of the Caladbolg and the Brotherhood from FFX with a few of my own ideas in it. I don´t know how to upload images tho so i´d have to send you a pic, or the model, I don´t really care...



Well, I'd prefer it if you did care, just a little bit. :D


Anyways, lol, this is the Tainted Master Sword as it appears right now. I'd still like to see your ideas for a Tainted Master Sword. :D


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Real quick backpedal, that hole in Darunia's chamber was from the original way you would enter. Remember, the Ocarina didn't exist until pretty late in development. Apparently you would have to drop down from the ceiling into the room because you couldn't open the door with Zelda's Lullaby. (But I think it would be cool to maybe put that back in. I think it's stupid that everyone opens up to that song. 

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Real quick backpedal, that hole in Darunia's chamber was from the original way you would enter. Remember, the Ocarina didn't exist until pretty late in development. Apparently you would have to drop down from the ceiling into the room because you couldn't open the door with Zelda's Lullaby. (But I think it would be cool to maybe put that back in. I think it's stupid that everyone opens up to that song. 

I never knew about that. :) But this mod is just for Adult Link, so he won't have to worry about the Ocarina tune there. I'm still figuring out what happens to the Goron people in Hyrule, because this storyline takes place three years after the seven-year time skip, after Link loses to Ganondorf (though Link is still alive, of course), which leaves the Evil King to do whatever his Charmander desires. lol

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Well, I'd prefer it if you did care, just a little bit. :D


Anyways, lol, this is the Tainted Master Sword as it appears right now. I'd still like to see your ideas for a Tainted Master Sword. :D

Well since the Master Sword is a sword that can take on different forms, I thought giving it a darker looking style would be a nice idea (like Demise´s sword).




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How is it? (I know it still needs textures but I don`t have any xD)

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Well since the Master Sword is a sword that can take on different forms, I thought giving it a darker looking style would be a nice idea (like Demise´s sword).




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How is it? (I know it still needs textures but I don`t have any xD)

Haha! I am lovin' it! Ganonbitch is so screwed! ../

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