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Your Purpose In Life


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Some people seem to live their lives without much direction letting emotions, traditions, accidental occurrences, impulses, costumes, bad habits, lead their lives. While other people seem to have a purpose, values and morals that dictate what to do every day, have goals that motivate them toward a direction. You have to know where you want to be before you get there.


So, do you have a purpose in life, what is it? If otherwise, why not?

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Honestly, I think the purpose of life is merely for "the pursuit of happiness." However, the concept of happiness is different for many people. For people who do not do things which make them happy, they tend to lead very shallow depressing lives and question their existence.


Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Charoo. I do what I like, and I like what I do.

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If I have a purpose in life, I've no idea what it is.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


Then how do you know you are on the right path to getting what you want?


Honestly, I think the purpose of life is merely for "the pursuit of happiness." However, the concept of happiness is different for many people. For people who do not do things which make them happy, they tend to lead very shallow depressing lives and question their existence.


Chim Chimney Chim Chimney Chim Chim Charoo. I do what I like, and I like what I do.


And not only that, many people do not know the difference between pleasures and happiness, which are two different things. As you say, many people guiding light in life is happiness. However, this also might lead to self-absorption.

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I feel good, and not sad/angry with my life. I would call it happy.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


So you can be happy without an apparent purpose, very interesting.

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Well, I live in a great home, and am satisfied with what I have in life, so I guess that helps.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


Satisfaction doesn't mean happiness. Happiness, as research defines it, is not merely being content with life. Nevertheless, there is always individual differences, but

I doubt you are one.

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I'm sorry, but what are you trying to tell me in that last sentence?


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


If you have ever taken a general experimental class, you will know.

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Get this:

I'm not going out of my way to take a class I don't need when you can explain it.


-- Transmitted by an ancient satellite from across the cosmic web. Or my cellphone, if you prefer.


I am sure you will benefit from it, since you are a layman.

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If you have ever taken a general experimental class, you will know.


I am sure you will benefit from it, since you are a layman.


I'm going to assume that what you're talking about here, is general experimental psychology. I find it a bit ridiculous and insulting, that you're arguing with Blinx as to whether or not he's happy with life. If he says he is, well then that's about it isn't it? Who are you to tell him that he's not "actually" happy because he hasn't taken a psychology class? Talking down to him and calling him a layman comes off very poorly.

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My purpose in life is to make other people happy and myself in the process. There is nothing that thrills me more than putting a smile on someone else's face, even if doing so was of considerable cost to me. To those that are important to me, I would do anything to brighten their day. That is what my purpose is.

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I don't seem to have a purpose in life. I'm too plagued by apathy to make one for myself, but as long as I'm content with my life I don't have too many complaints.


Mauru, I hope you realize how pretentious and arrogant you sound saying the kinds of things you're saying to Blinx here. Is the name calling and all really necessary?

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I disagree with the first post: being directionless and having values and morals is not mutually exclusive. Both is true for me: I don't have much of a direction in life, I don't have a grand plan of things I will be doing, I don't have much planned out in general. However, I do have certain ideas of how things are supposed to be, or should rather be if they're not, which you'd probably call values or morals. And overall, I believe I don't have a defined purpose in life as such - I think epicebilninja put it pretty well right above here.

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I'm going to assume that what you're talking about here, is general experimental psychology. I find it a bit ridiculous and insulting, that you're arguing with Blinx as to whether or not he's happy with life. If he says he is, well then that's about it isn't it? Who are you to tell him that he's not "actually" happy because he hasn't taken a psychology class? Talking down to him and calling him a layman comes off very poorly.



I am just applying to what psychologist and researchers meant by happiness and trying it to fit his description



My purpose in life is to make other people happy and myself in the process. There is nothing that thrills me more than putting a smile on someone else's face, even if doing so was of considerable cost to me. To those that are important to me, I would do anything to brighten their day. That is what my purpose is.


How noble, people like you are rarely found these days.


I don't seem to have a purpose in life. I'm too plagued by apathy to make one for myself, but as long as I'm content with my life I don't have too many complaints.


Mauru, I hope you realize how pretentious and arrogant you sound saying the kinds of things you're saying to Blinx here. Is the name calling and all really necessary?


I am sorry, I will apologize to him personally.


with life, there is no specific purpose, bound to you by fate, the purpose that people serve is to live life, and make the best of every situation, thus creating a constantly changing path where you decide how to live your own life


the purpose of life, is life itself


Fate doesn't exist, we create our own paths.



I disagree with the first post: being directionless and having values and morals is not mutually exclusive. Both is true for me: I don't have much of a direction in life, I don't have a grand plan of things I will be doing, I don't have much planned out in general. However, I do have certain ideas of how things are supposed to be, or should rather be if they're not, which you'd probably call values or morals. And overall, I believe I don't have a defined purpose in life as such - I think epicebilninja put it pretty well right above here.


Research says otherwise.

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Well, screw research then. I am myself, I feel the way I feel, I have the opinion that I have. If that means I have a purpose in life or not, I don't care.



I am sorry if I offended you but you said you have certain ideas of how things are suppose to be. Maybe, you do have purpose.


There will be always people who do not fit what research says, is not a hard fact, set in stonce.

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