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Shadow Fire

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Since I'm being nice, I figured I'd show you guys an excerpt from a story I'm working on. This story will, upon completion, (assuming I can finish it, lol) be submitted for official publication. There's a lot of extra background information I need to put in before I can actually get most of it done, but this part is actually complete.


The story currently has no name yet, but I will get one figured out at a later date. Anyway, enjoy this snippet:


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“Ethan…” the reptile choked out softly. “But… why would you…?”


The human looked up at Sevoqi, his green eyes seeming to be shaking, golden-blond hair blowing in the gentle night breeze. A weak smile came to his lips and he shook his head.


“You…’re… my friend…” was the coughed reply. “Couldn’t… let you be… hurt…”


Sevoqi reached down, bringing his friend into his arms, his gaze quickly darting to the SERPENT agent who lay lifeless nearby, before glancing at Ethan once again.


“Ts’essk res zhokh hazi!” hissed the Seracian, pulling Ethan closer, narrowed yellow eyes burning into fading green. “You’re dying… because of me. You’ll never be able… to show me your home…”


The human’s smile widened slightly and he slowly reached a hand up to touch Sevoqi’s face, tears starting to form in his eyes.


“I have a confession…” Ethan said softly, fingers carefully brushing over his friend’s cheek, before he continued with his admission. “I… love you… I have for a… long time.”


Sevoqi’s eyes blinked in curiosity, before widening as his human friend weakly leaned his head up, warm lips pressing against the Seracian’s scaly maw. Shocked by the foreign action, he remained still, until Ethan pulled back ever so slightly. He watched as the human licked his lips for a moment, before giving a sad smile.


“A… kiss…” he explained. “A symbol of… affection… of love…”


Diverting his glance from his friend, the human coughed a few times, before looking back at Sevoqi.


“Do you think…” he wheezed. “…that I… will go to… Ser-kraxts?”


Yellow once again met green, and Sevoqi nodded, giving his own sad smile.


“Yes,” he murmured. “You will, Ethan Palmer…”


Ethan’s eyelids flickered, his smile slightly widening. In spite of his pain, he weakly continued to stroke the reptile’s face. Sevoqi knew Ethan’s time was almost up, so he gave the human a last moment of bliss, leaning his face down to capture his friend’s lips in a kiss. While still confused about the whole meaning behind human customs, he could feel the significance of this gesture. Eyes closing, he felt slight pressure being applied towards his mouth, figuring it to be a reciprocating custom.


‘This human act…’ he thought. ‘Is it supposed to bring such feelings of warmth?’


Feeling Ethan easing his pressure against his maw, the Seracian pulled away, opening his eyes.


“Is this…” he began. “…how humans bond?”


The young man never answered, a slight smile on his lips, eyes still closed. Sevoqi felt a strange moisture in his mouth, a strange taste on his maw. Reaching two fingers up, he dabbed them against his maw, before moving them away to look at them. His fingertips were stained red. Casting a glance at his friend, he finally noticed no movement at all. No flickering of the human’s eyes, no signs of breathing, no indication of life. It was at that moment, Sevoqi realised that his friend was no more. Cradling his best friend close, the Seracian, for the first time in his life, wept.

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