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The Dlist Swapper


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Hello everyone I am going to be working on a program thoughout this year something that will change hacking for good.I call it the dlist swapper it will allow us to swap dlists even more so That will alow us to swap dlists on the fly Maybe even port from MM Anyway If anyone here would like to join me in creating this feel free to post it here.I have been studying all year for getting ready for this I think with this a model swap would be much simpler with a few clicks anyway i will come back from time to time giving progress.Until then later.(ported from maco64 most of the features are already there)(Runs on as many platforms as possible)

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ok im either getting new books in two days or within the this coming week so dont worry about waiting for it the first feature should be done really soon.then you can test it.viewing pieces becoming a part of an actor but i have to insert this feature with an assitant and until i get those studies i cant design the the rest. :P a friend of mine already already came up with a demo design but im probrably not using it though.Posted Image

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