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(help) Sidetracking


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Ahh, sidetracking, by biggest enemy. It's starting to become a major problem in my life. Every time I study for classes, I end up from studying on my pc, to online gaming on my pc. This is not a good habbit to be getting into for my first year in university. Does anybody have any stratagies to cope with this problem? I really need the help.

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Unless it's necessary for coursework, just unplug the computer. Most of the time, they take long enough to reboot that it's enough to convince me to just finish my homework instead of going through the login process again.


You might also consider trying to make coursework something you associate with a pleasant stimulus. For example, I listen to some of my favorite music to get into a groove of working through tough problems, and for extended sessions I like to burn incense. I also recommend taking a break every thirty minutes to an hour so you don't overwork yourself and suffer in productivity, but be strict about ending your break and don't be too generous--ten minutes is usually enough to feel mentally refreshed and get back in the game.

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